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The three theological virtues

Wisdom Books (CL/VE book)
1. Psalms- songs in form of poetry
2. Job- about suffering
3. Proverbs- family/friends
4. Song of songs- about relationsip
5. Wisdom- Solomon as the spokesperson
6. Ecclesiastes- existence
7. Sirach- also a name who wrote the "Ecclesiaticus" from the root word "Ecclesia" meaning

Deuteronomy book that reminds us of the things a rules must not do.

King Solomon(CL/VE book)

-Son of King David
-Annointed by the Priest who named Zadok
-He wrote the wisdom books in a form of poetry and deals with philosophy
-A wise man because of his knowledgable on practical manners
-His wisdom came from God
-He built the the Temple of Jerusalem
-He sinned against God by worshipping other gods (idolatry) and died leaving the Israel in
- Judah is the only remnant tribe that endured for Solomon and his son to rule after Israel's

- Messengers of God
- Bring people into conversion ( bringing them back to God and repent for their sins)
1. ELIJAH (CL/VE book)
- tells us the God is a quiet God and silence is His language
-denounced the sin of the northern tribe especially to King Ahab and Queen Jezebel because of
worshipping other gods (baal)
-he went to the northern tribe to unite the Israel and bring back their desire to be one again with
the Lord our God which the leaders of the Northern tribe afraid of.
-challenged the 450 prophets of baal in the contest at the Mount Carmel
-Went to Mount Horeb and was able to hear in silence
- Queen Jezebel continued her sin, aside from worshipping baal, they showed social injustices to
the people like what happened in Naboth's vineyard.

2. AMOS(CL/VE book)
-tells us that God is a just God
-a fiery prophets who pointed out the sins of the Israelites
- he speaks about his concerns to the people especially the sick and the poor

3. HOSEA(CL/VE book)
-He tells us that God is a loving God
- A prophet who became a very faithful husband to his wife Gomer.
-His broken marriage is an image of our relationship with God

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