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No, gaining money above from unethical actions and ways has never been a purpose of any
businesses. Practices of child labor and slavery in the chocolate industry is a result of a blinded
ambition of a business to become cost-effective and by taking advantage of the deprived and
distress sense of our society. As their labor plays a key role in supplementing their families'
meagre income, these businesses took the opportunity upon it. ??? hindi ko ni sure

2. The despondency of the socio-economic of West Africa is esteemed to be epidemic. With the
widespread of intense poverty which even leads to families selling their own children and by
which human-trafficking even works. The chocolate industry, with their $60-billion rate,
should be able to perform a solution to the urge of the socio-economic development of West
Africa. In such ways like, to stop the spread of child labor, the abuses and the giving off of
work that are not suitable to be done by children or very hazardous work, they must review the
national laws regarding child labor, they must coordinate with the safety relations within the
government, or provide support to those children to school and compensating the cost with
their work after-all education has been the way out of these children from the market.

3. As a consumer of the products provided by the chocolate industry, we do have certain roles and
ability to address the injustices that happens within the industry especially the child slavery on
cocoa farms. One way that we could give is social awareness and keeping our eyes open with
this we could advocate the rights of these children and for the government to provide solutions
to the epidemy especially with providing proper education. We could also help and donate to
those charities that supports to provide aid to these children.

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