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MUHAMMAD HUSEIN ABDUL HALIM. Modification of Navigation System on

Assistant Harvesting Robot using Deep Learning. Supervised by SLAMET WIDODO.

Greenhouse farming is often a suitable field for applying the technologies of

automation, computing and robotics. The robots can perform some tasks that humans
cannot do due to the harsh conditions of greenhouses, such as environmental
monitoring and control, crop monitoring, supply and treatment, and pest and disease
detection. The prototype robot from the previous studies has some lack on the
movements of robot that are still difficult to turn and need color objects for do object
tracking. This has disadvantages because the color objects can be interference with
another objects of the same color which can affect the accuracy of object tracking.
Another method that can be used for detecting object is deep learning. Deep learning
is a subset of machine learning in artificial intelligence (AI) that has networks capable
of learning unsupervised from data that is unstructured or unlabeled.
This research aims to modificate the navigation system on assistant harvesting
robot using deep learning. The deep learning model to be used is Convolutional Neural
Network. This research will be carried out in several stages: 1) Problem identification,
2) Formulate the problem and solution, 3) Design analysis, 4) Build Prototype, 5) Test
and evaluate the prototipe. For an object localization problem the image used as an
input, which goes through a Convolutional Neural Network that results in a vector to
classify the object. To localize the object in the image, the neural network need a few
more output units that encompass a bounding box. The output is four more numbers,
which identify the x and y coordinates of the upper left corner and the height and width
of the box. The coordinates are the basis for determining the movement of the robot
according to the algorithm for the movement of the robot. Materials that will be used
in the research are camera, DC motor and driver, Python programming language with
openCV and Tensorflow. The expected result of this research is the prototype of
assistant robot that can load and deliver harvested products in a greenhouse using a
deep learning-based object tracking algorithm navigation system.

Key words: Assisting robot, deep learning, object tracking, harvesting, navigation

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