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Ivan, as a philippine politics governance student

I learn a lot on this subject like knowing all the laws in the philippines

and whats happening in the courts like planning to implement laws

Historical development of the philippines politcs is the very interesting

For me because you may know all whats happening in the philippines

In the past and the all president terms I have so many learn on this

Lesson. Historical is the one why im interesting to learn on this subject

I know now the basic concept of power that power tends to corrupt

and power corrupts absoulutly and power does’nt corrupt power,

people corrupt power I know the power only need of government

that how they decision and made to how political actors interact with

one another but sometimes they are blind because of power they robs

the power. sometimes they corrupting which causes people to suffering

The only way to predict the future is to have the power to shape the

future that if we have unity we have development country that’s

What I learn on this subject as a student of philippinen politics gov.

To my teacher thank you to give us opportunity to learn this all

Lesson and to give us challenge to test our ability and constitutional

Study skillss

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