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Activity #3

Chapter 3 - The Challenge to Cultural Relativism

MIRANDA, Kim Joyce


I am with my family and we visited our other relatives in Mangatarem. It was my

first time meeting them. They were not that very poor but you can say that they were
economically challenge based on their houses and environment. However, they tried
their best to satisty us through giving us water, softdrinks and foods.

Filipinos are known for being hospitable. Filipinos accept visitors with warm welcome
and making efforts for the visitors to become comfortable. They offer their house without
hesitation. They even offer those unused glass and plates which your mother won't let you to
use it. Filipinos are very accommodating when it comes to their visitors. Hospitality is one of the
great characteristics of Filipinos which everyone must possess.

The strengths of this are you can see how generous and kind the Filipinos are. On the
other side, the weakness of this is sometimes Filipinos choose to be in debt just to
accommodate their visitors. As I witnessed, they borrowed money from their neighbors or in
the sari sari store just to have foods for the visitors. Also, you might be abuse for being

I think this problem was rooted to our character because of we are trying our very
best in making efforts for our visitors. For me, why not we just give what we can do in
accommodating as long as it is enough for the visitor to be satisfied. I believe that being
kind is more than enough and it is everyone can afford to give.

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