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Lecturer :
Dr. Dra. Anak Agung Istri Ngurah Marhaeni, SE., M.S.

Class :
EKI 400 A1*

by :



Praise and gratitude compiler pray before God Almighty because it is thanks to his grace that
we were able to compile this paper well and on time. In this paper, we discuss Data Analysis
Method created through the results of group discussions.
In the preparation of this paper, of course, many authors get donations from various parties.
Therefore, on this occasion the authors would like to thank those who have helped the authors
in completing this paper, both directly and indirectly. The author hopes that this paper can be
useful, especially for authors and readers in general.

Bukit Jimbaran, 17 November 2019



FOREWORD.......................................................................................................................................... i
CONTENT LIST ................................................................................................................................... ii
BAB I ...................................................................................................................................................... 1
INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Preliminary ............................................................................................................................ 1
1.2 Formulation Problem ........................................................................................................... 1
1.3 Writing Purpose .................................................................................................................... 2
1.4 Writing Benefits .................................................................................................................... 2
BAB II .................................................................................................................................................... 3
PEMBAHASAN .................................................................................................................................... 3
2.1 Various Kinds Of Data Analysis Method ................................................................................ 3
2.2 The Choice of Data Analysis Method .................................................................................. 4
2.3 The Selection of Statistical Methods According to Measurement Scale .......................... 5
2.4 Interpretation of Data Analaysis Method Results.............................................................. 6
BAB III................................................................................................................................................... 9
CLOSING .............................................................................................................................................. 9
3.1 Conclusion ............................................................................................................................. 9
REFERENCES .................................................................................................................................... 10



1.1 Preliminary
Data analysis is an important part of a study. The hardest work the researcher does after
the data has been collected (both qualitative and quantitative data), is data analysis. Data
analysis is a very important part of research, because of this analysis will be obtained findings,
both substantive and formal findings. In addition, data analysis is very difficult because there
are no standardized guidelines, no linear processing, and no systematic rules. In essence the
analysis data is an activity to organize, sort, group, give code or mark, and categorize it so that
a finding is obtained based on the focus or problem to be answered. Through a series of
activities, data that is usually scattered and overlapping can be simplified to finally be easily

Data analysis is intended first of all to organize data. A lot of data was collected and
consisted of field notes and researcher comments, pictures, photos, documents, in the form of
reports, biographies, articles, and so on. The job of data analysis in this case is to organize,
sort, group, provide code, and categorize it. The organization and management of the data aims
to find work themes and hypotheses which will eventually become substantive theories.

The data analysis method relates to the calculation to answer the problem formulation
and testing the proposed hypothesis. Which form of hypothesis is proposed, will determine
which statistical method is used. So, since making the design, then this data analysis method
has been determined. If the researcher does not make a hypothesis, then the formulation of the
research problem needs to be answered. But if so, then it is difficult to make generalizations,
so that the conclusions produced can only apply to the sample used, it cannot apply to the

1.2 Formulation Problem

Based on the background above, the problem formulation that will be discussed in this paper
1. What is the meaning of Various Kinds of Data Analysis Method?
2. What is the meaning of The choice of Data Analysis Method?
3. What is the steps of The Selection of Statistical Methods According to Measurement
4. What is the meaning of Interpretation of Data Analysis Results?

1.3 Writing Purpose

This paper is made to discuss more deeply about Data Analysis Method. In addition, this paper
was made to share the results of our group discussions regarding Data Analysis Method.

1.4 Writing Benefits

1. Academically: this paper is expected to increase knowledge about Data Analysis Method.
2. Practically: this paper is expected to provide a deeper understanding of the concept of Data
Analysis Method.



2.1 Various Kinds Of Data Analysis Method

2.1.1 Definition
Susan Stainback (in Sugiyono, 2006: 88) argues that "Data analysis is critical to the
qualitative research process. It is to recognition, study, and understanding of interrelationship and
concept in your data that hypotheses and assertions can be developed and evaluated. " In addition,
Spradley (in Sugiyono, 2006: 89) states that analysis in any type of research, is a way of thinking
critically. It relates to systematic testing of something to determine parts, relationships between
parts, and their relationship to the whole. Analysis is to look for patterns. Next Sugiyono defines
the notion of data analysis as the process of systematically searching and compiling data obtained
from interviews, field notes and documentation, by organizing data into categories, describing into
units, synthesizing, compiling into patterns, choosing which which are important and which ones
will be learned, and make conclusions so that they are easily understood by themselves and others.

The job of data analysis in this case is to organize, sort, group, provide codes, and categorize
them. Therefore, data analysis is an important part because analyzing a data can be given meaning
and meaning that is useful for research problems. In the process of data analysis, it starts by
examining all available data from various sources, namely from interviews, observations that have
been written in field notes, personal documents, official documents, and so on. To be able to
formulate a problem, researchers must understand the data analysis methods and be able to
interpret the results of the data analysis.

2.1.2 Kinds of Data Analysis Method

There are two methods that are generally used to analyze data, namely:

1. Qualitative data analysis, this method is used in qualitative research. In this method,
statistical analysis is not used, but it reads tables, graphs, or figures that are available then makes
a description and interpretation.

2. Quantitative data analysis, a method used in research with a quantitative approach. In this
approach, use statistical tools. If the approach uses statistical tools, it means that data analysis is
carried out according to statistical basics. There are two types of statistical tools used, namely:
Descriptive Statistics and Inferential Statistics.

If by analyzing quantitative data a regular picture of an event is obtained, this statistic is called
"Descriptive Statistics", for example measurements of central values (mean, median, mode),
deviation, index number calculation, correlation size, and trend. However, if the analysis provides
a way to draw conclusions about the characteristics of a particular population, based on the results
of the analysis of a series of samples taken in the population is called "Inferential Statistics". When
viewed from the number of variables analyzed, there are three types of data analysis, including:

1. Unvariat Analysis, an analysis using one variable.

2. Bivariate Analysis, is an analysis that uses two variables.

3. Multivariate Analysis, is an analysis that uses three or more variables.

2.2 The Choice of Data Analysis Method

When using statistical tools, the requirements that must be met are the statistical test
equipment that the researcher will use must be in accordance with what is needed. The main
consideration in choosing a statistical test tool is determined by the question for what the
research was conducted and determined by the level / scale, distribution and distribution of
data. The second consideration in choosing this statistical test tool is the extent of statistical
knowledge possessed and the availability of sources in relation to the calculation and
interpretation of data.
The research method with a qualitative approach is different from the quantitative
approach, in a qualitative approach attention is focused on the general principles underlying
the manifestations and symptom units that exist in human life or existing patterns. The
analysis carried out is a social and cultural phenomenon by using the culture of the community
concerned to obtain an applicable pattern, and the pattern is analyzed with an objective theory.
Research with this qualitative approach is able to uncover the symptoms that exist in the
community systematically able to reveal the actual events so that it will be difficult to deny
the truth. When choosing the analytical method to be used, the researcher must consider:
1. Compatibility / suitability of the method.
2. Reliability / toughness.
3. Sensitivity.
4. Speed / ease.
5. Practical / flexible.
6. Security.
Other factors that are considered in choosing an analytical method are:
1. Is the analysis done for 1 sample, rarely or often with the same sample.
2. What reagents must be available.
3. How long will it take.
4. What type of sample matrix is analyzed.
5. What level of accuracy is expected.
6. Are there any pests.
7. Are there specific agencies or regulatory requirements, action limits, or reporting limits.
8. Are required procedures that are capable of selecting, detecting, and identifying for
9. What are the costs that researchers must pay.
The steps to choose the analysis method used, namely:
1. Establish research objectives.
2. Choose the type of data analysis method.
3. Knowing the possible use of the method.
4. Choose the type of attribute method used.
If you are using a self-developed method, you must meet the following criteria:
1. Is a planned activity
2. Assigned to personnel who meet the requirements
3. Equipped with adequate laboratory resources.

2.3 The Selection of Statistical Methods According to Measurement Scale

The selection of statistical tools in quantitative research is very dependent on the measurement
scale of the variables used. In the later analysis, do you use parametric statistics or non-parametric
statistics. When in quantitative analysis where the scale of the variable size is nominal or ordinal
generally use non-parametric statistics. If the variable size scale used is interval or ratio then the
statistics used are parametric statistics. However, for interval or ratio scales, we can also use non-
parametric statistical tools, but there is a lot of loss of information possessed by the data with
interval and ratio scales.

The use of parametric and non-parametric statistics to analyze data specifically tests the proposed
hypothesis. Examples of parametric statistics include product moment correlation, partial
correlation, multiple correlation, regression, analysis of variance and so on. Examples of non-
parametric statistics are Chi squared, Mann Whitney, Mc Memar, Cochran, Contingency
coefficient, Spearman Rank correlation, Kruskal Wallis, and so on.

According to Sugiono (2003:147), descriptive hypotheses to be tested with parametric statistics

are allegations of values in one sample compared to standards, while descriptive hypotheses to be
tested with non-parametric statistics are allegations of significant differences in values between
groups in one sample . The comparative hypothesis is a presumption that there are significant
differences in the values of 2 or more groups. The associative hypothesis is a presumption that
there is a significant relationship between two or more variables.

The choice of statistical method is also influenced by the type of measurement scale used (nominal
scale, ordinal scale, interval scale, ratio scale). The type of measurement scale is considered by
researchers to determine the choice of parametric and non-parametric methods in inferential
statistics. If a study uses interval and ratio scales with relatively large sample sizes (n>30)
parametric statistics is an appropriate data analysis method, assuming that the population
distribution of data is normal. If the researcher does not use the assumption of normality, the use
of non-parametric statistics is an appropriate method of analysis.

2.4 Interpretation of Data Analaysis Method Results

For interpretations based on descriptive statistics especially cross tabulations there are
provisions or rules that need attention. If it is assumed that there is one variable that acts as an
influence variable and the other as an affected variable, the direction of calculation for cross
tabulation is always calculated in the direction of the effect variable. In interpreting the cross
tabulation by comparing the percent numbers in the table cell in the direction of the effect variable.

Interpretation of research results is carried out to look for meaning and broader implications
of research results. Interpretation of the results of the analysis can be done in two ways, namely as

1) Interpretation is limited because researchers only interpret the data and relationships that
exist in the study.

2) The researcher tries to find a wider definition of the results he has obtained from the

When analyzing research data, the researcher automatically makes an interpretation where
the analysis and interpretation carried out are very closely related because both are done almost

When researchers try to find a broader understanding of the results that have been obtained
from the analysis. This is done by the researcher by comparing the results of the analysis with the
conclusions of other researchers and by reconnecting his interpretation with the theory. This stage
is very important to do, but often not done by social researchers.

For example a study using correlation techniques to find the relationship between two
variables. After calculating the obtained correlation coefficient results are quite high (r=0.85) with
a significance level of 0.001, this stage is called analysis. The analysis process is then continued
by interpreting the correlation coefficients obtained. In the process of interpretation there are a
series of questions that must be answered by a researcher, as follows:

1) What is the correlation coefficient of 0.85?

2) What is the wider meaning of the invention when compared with the results of previous

The significance of the correlation coefficient of 0.85 is because the value is high and
significant it can be said that a high correlation can be concluded that a high relationship between
one variable with another variable does not occur by chance but systematically. Then it can be said
that the hypothesis is supported by observation or reality, thus this result can be said to support the
theory consistently.



3.1 Conclusion

The job of data analysis in this case is to organize, sort, group, provide codes, and
categorize them. Therefore, data analysis is an important part because analyzing a data can be
given meaning and meaning that is useful for research problems. In the process of data analysis,
it starts by examining all available data from various sources, namely from interviews,
observations that have been written in field notes, personal documents, official documents, and
so on. There are two methods that are generally used to analyze data, namely: 1. Qualitative
data analysis, this method is used in qualitative research. 2. Quantitative data analysis, a
method used in research with a quantitative approach.

The selection of statistical tools in quantitative research is very dependent on the

measurement scale of the variables used. In the later analysis, do you use parametric statistics
or non-parametric statistics. When in quantitative analysis where the scale of the variable size
is nominal or ordinal generally use non-parametric statistics. If the variable size scale used is
interval or ratio then the statistics used are parametric statistics.

For interpretations based on descriptive statistics especially cross tabulations there are
provisions or rules that need attention. If it is assumed that there is one variable that acts as an
influence variable and the other as an affected variable, the direction of calculation for cross
tabulation is always calculated in the direction of the effect variable. In interpreting the cross
tabulation by comparing the percent numbers in the table cell in the direction of the effect


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