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Eva, Jazzmin Ivy B.

Sir Batarra
BSMT – 2D August 20, 2019
 The Nucleus
- The main office of a school is like the nucleus. All of the school’s activities are
directed in the office, just like the nucleus controls the cell’s activities.
 Chromosomes
- The principals and office staff within the office are like the chromosomes
within the nucleus. They hold the operating plans for the entire school.
 The Cell Wall
- The fences around the school are like the cell wall.
- The fences are outside of the school, and only allow certain things to pass
through openings.
 The Cell Membrane
- The outside doors of the school are like the membrane of the cell. The doors
serve as gatekeepers for the school, just like the membrane does for the cell.
 The Cytoplasm
- Cytoplasm holds things in the cell and allows transport.
- In a similar way, the school hallways make up a lot of the school, and people
are transported through them.
 The Mitochondria
- In the cell, the mitochondria is the “power-plant”.
- In the school, the furnace/power room does this, providing energy and heat to
the entire school.
 Vacuoles
- The storage rooms in a school are like the vacuoles of cells. Cells store water
& nutrients (important for cell function);while, schools store important items
 Chloroplasts
- Classrooms are learning factories of schools (a main role of a school!).
- They are like chloroplasts, which are food factories (a main role of plant
 Ribosomes
- Ribosomes make proteins using instructions from the nucleus, just like the
Bistro creates food (proteins) for students to eat.
 The E.R.
- The E.R. transports proteins around the cell.
- The trays in the lunchroom are used to transport the food around.
 The Golgi Apparatus
- Just like the Golgi apparatus packages and ships proteins out of a cell buses
pack up students and carry them out of the school yard.
 Lysosomes
- Custodians clean the school and remove unwanted material (garbage).
- This is like the lysosomes, which patrol and clean (destroy harmful things) in
the cell.

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