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well i think both Nurse Somera and Dr. Favis are responsible
Anastacia Clemente's
death. First in line, Dr. Favis flaw in this case was that he ordered
the wrong medication. And as
testified by student nurse Montinola, he aggravated his error
by confirming his wrong order after
being asked by Ms. Somera. Though Ms. Somera followed her
nursing responsibilities by the book,
she still lacked something. Obviously the order was
questionable, she should have atleast
commented to Dr. Favis something like I've never seen cocaine
used as an anesthetic in the OR
before. Is this a new addition doc? to gain the
physician's attention and to wake him up from
whatever he was so busy thinking about that he articulated the
wrong medication name. Plus, she
should not have carried the orders unless they were written in the
chart. That way she could have
her proof and defense.
For me, the court's decision was unfair. In the first place, it was
Dr. Favis who gave the order.
If you were to stick to the rules and leave out the fact that the
order was only verbal, the nurse had
done her job of receiving the order and confirming it. Thus the
main culprit is the surgeon. The court
should have sentenced both persons, with more weight to the
surgeon. What’s frustrating about this
case is the fact that it was not mainly Ms. Somera’s fault, she had
much lesser salary, she had just
started her career, but she gets all the blame while the surgeon
goes free and absolved.

HOW CAN I AVOID such a negligence?

With this, several lessons were learned to avoid such mistake.
One, there should always be a
written order and as a nurse we have to be aware of everything
and be conscious and to focus on the job at hand and
leave all preoccupations behind.and to be
knowledgeable about drugs, practices and procedures, always
clarify (and even challenge, if
appropriate) a questionable order.

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