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By: Praba Padma Arsyada / XI MIPA6 (27)


A picture of my animal

hdhdfdll Fast Facts about my animal

 Lives in shallow water

 Main color or colors varyous

 Sound it makes

 Size 2-3 inches

 Weight 50-70 grams
 Lifespan 2-3 years
 Food it eats worm and tiny fish
 Enemies big fish

Here’s why my animal would  Is your animal endangered? no

make a GREAT pet!

TWO fascinating facts about my animal

Betta Refers to 70 Fish Species

When most people think of bettas,

they're thinking of betta splendens, or
Siamese fighting fish. However, the
term betta actually refers to dozens of
different fish species.
Betta Refers to 70 Fish Species

When most people think of bettas,

they're thinking of betta splendens, or
Siamese fighting fish. However, the
term betta actually refers to dozens of
different fish species.

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