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PUCK 1929

Th e Roar in g Tw en t ies Edit ion

Eugen ics,
The sit
Dolor Scop
Amet es
Flap p ers, an d
t he Harlem
Ren aissan ce
all exp lored
Sed Diam
in side!
1 | Pu ck M agazi n e

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod

Tableof Contents
tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At
vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no
sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et
dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo

Social Conflicts
By Brian n a Garcia
Eugen ics: Perf ect in g t he I m p erf ect ..........................2
Quiz: Are you m ore urb an or rural?..........................5

By Cat e Waggon er
Scop es p ut un der t he m icroSCOPE...........................7
Scop es an d Van zet t i Got Cross(w ord)ed
w it h t he Law .....................................................................9

Society and Culture

By Brooke Pet erm an
An ob ject ive op in ion of f lap p er cult ure..................11
Crosley Ad........................................................................14

Arts and Entertainment

By St ep han ie Von Rosen b erg
Harlem Recon n aissan ce.............................................16
The Harlem Rein carn at ion .........................................18
Movie Review : The Phan t om of t he Op era............19
2 | Pu ck M agazi n e

Eu gen i cs: Perf ect i n g

t h e I m p erf ect

Written by Brianna Garcia

No need to worry about meeting incompetent

people on your first date. With eugenics, only
the best of the best will be available

Eugen ics, w hat a b reat h Accordin g t o a recen t

of f resh air. Eugen ics is p am p hlet w rit t en b y Dr.
very sim ilar t o w om en in Marrow , eugen ics is ?t he
t hat as t hey st roll b y t heir scien ce w hich has f or it s
scen t an d b eaut y f ill you en d t he search f or
up w it h adm irat ion an d kn ow ledge relat in g t o t he
w on der. As m ost t en d t o rep roduct ion , t he
do, I w on der ab out a lot p reservat ion , an d t he
of t hin gs. I w on der if I ?ll am eliorat ion of t he
ever have en ough m on ey hum an race? (Morrow ). I
t o t ake m y son t o a un derst an d t hat m ost of
Yan kees gam e, or if m y m y readers (in cludin g
w if e w ill ever st op m yself ) have n ot
show in g her calves in "[Eugenics ] is the study of at t en ded m edical school
p ub lic, or m ore the agencies under social like Dr. Marrow , f or
control , that improve or
im p ort an t ly, if t hose exam p le w hat in
impair the racial qualities
im p erf ect b um s dow n t he Garf ield' s b eird does
of future generations
st reet w ill st op exist in g either physically or ?am eliorat ion ? m ean ?
on e day. An d t han ks t o mentally." Does he have a doct orat e
eugen ics, m y p rayers or som et hin g? Tran slat ed
-Sir Francis Galton
have b een an sw ered! I f in t o n orm al p eop le
you have b een cam p in g w ords, eugen ics is
out un der a rock or keep in g t he good,
sim p ly have n o desire f or rem ovin g t he b ad. Not t o
hop e f illed hap p in ess, b e con f used w it h
t hen you m ight n ot b e hygien ics, w hich I kn ow is
f am iliar w it h eugen ics. im p ort an t t o a lot of you.
ladies out t here.

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