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FRHD 3040: Lecture 4:

Child Socialization Strategies and Techniques:

Sources of Parent Information/Advice:

- Intergenerational transmission
- Friends
- Religion
- Government
- Parent training
- Parent education
- Popular media, newspapers, magazines
- Child development research
Parenting Models:
- Demanding parents
- Critical parents
- Over functioning parents
- Disengaged parents
- Ineffective parents
- Abusive parents
Discipline: Conceptualization and Benefits:
- Equifinality and link to a program of discipline
- No abusive corporal punishment
- Children’s feelings and motivation
- Promote thinking, reasoning and making choices regarding actions
- Value individual differences
- Use discipline to help children develop and internal structure
- Nurturing atmosphere
Discipline: Reasons for Strategies Used:
- Exercise of parental freedom
- Fulfillment of parental responsibility
- Fulfilment of social responsibility
- Maintenance of parental control
- Understanding of children
Parent Education Prevention Vs. Intervention:
- Intervention:
o Parent training programs aimed at higher risk families
 Positive Parenting Program (Triple P)
- Prevention
o Aimed at nonclinical families
 Parent Effectiveness Training (PET)
Relationship-Based Parenting Programs:
- Democratic approaches to parenting
o Encouragement
o Setting appropriate limits
o Practicing mutual respect for family members
o Collective decision making
- Impact of the family system in shaping the child’s emerging pattern of behaviour
o Life script or plan

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