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The prognosis of patients with congestive heart failure

(CHF) can be significantly improved with drug therapy
targeted at the renin-angiotensin and adrenergic ner-
vous system. β-adrenergic blocking drugs, once con-
traindicated in CHF, have now been shown to improve
survival in CHF.

Congestive heart failure (CHF) is a progressive dis-

Beta-Blockers ease afflicting millions of patients and has become
one of the most common cardiovascular diagnoses

for Congestive for admission to the hospital. Despite advances in

therapy, mortality due to CHF remains high. Recent
understandings of the pathophysiology of the dis-

Heart Failure ease has led to more aggressive medical treatments

that have significantly improved the survival of
patients with advanced heart failure.
Congestive heart failure can be defined as the
MATTHEW J. SORRENTINO, MD inability of the heart to meet the metabolic
Department of Medicine demands of the peripheral tissues without a signifi-
Section of Cardiology cant increase in left ventricular filling pressures.
University of Chicago, This may occur because of the loss of contractility
Pritzker School of Medicine of the myocardium as after a myocardial infarction
Chicago, Ill (systolic dysfunction) or secondary to increased fill-
ing pressures needed to adequately fill a stiffened
myocardium with preserved contractility as seen in
hypertensive heart disease (diastolic dysfunction).
When stroke volume begins to fall, compensatory
mechanisms, such as the release of aldosterone,
angiotensin II, and catecholamines, are stimulated
in an attempt to improve myocardial contractility,
restore stroke volume and preserve blood pressure
and perfusion to vital organs.
The stimulation of these compensatory mecha-
nisms, however, account for many of the symptoms
of CHF. The release of aldosterone leads to salt and
water retention eventually causing the congestive
symptoms of heart failure. The feedback of
angiotensin II and catecholamines on the heart mus-
cle cause further myocyte damage thereby worsen-
ing heart failure. In addition, these hormones may
stimulate ventricular arrhythmias increasing the
risk of sudden cardiac death.
The goal of treatment of CHF is to relieve conges-

Matthew J. Sorrentino, MD, University of Chicago, Pritzker School of Medicine,
Department of Medicine, Section of Cardiology, 5841 S. Maryland Ave., MC
6080, Chicago, IL 60637 USA
The author has stated that he does not have a significant financial interest or
other relationship with any product manufacturer or provider of services dis-
cussed in this article.
Submitted for publication: December 12, 2002. Accepted: January 28, 2003.

210 COMP THER. 2003; 29(4):210–214

tive symptoms, improve exercise tolerance and the NEUROHORMONAL ACTIVATION
quality of life, prevent further progression of heart In addition to the early production of angiotensin II,
failure and prolong life. Diuretics are used to elimi- an early change in CHF patients is the activation of
nate congestion. Digoxin can improve exercise time the sympathetic nervous system. Norepinephrine
and decrease hospitalizations for heart failure exac- levels are elevated in patients with heart failure and
erbations. Inhibition of the renin-angiotensin sys- are predictive of mortality.3 Chronic activation of
tem and catecholamines can further improve the sympathetic nervous system improves contrac-
symptoms, prevent ongoing cardiac decompensation tility of the myocardium and enhances cardiac out-
and prolong life. put and perfusion. There are deleterious effects of
chronic sympathetic activation as well. Elevated
ACE INHIBITORS catecholamine levels lead to increased heart rate,
The renin-angiotensin system is stimulated in heart increased systemic and pulmonary vascular resis-
failure when the fall in perfusion pressure to the tance, and decreased renal blood flow. This can lead
kidney from a low cardiac output stimulates the to worsening myocardial ischemia, myocyte necro-
juxtaglomerular cells of the kidney to release renin. sis and fibrosis, and arrhythmias. Catecholamines,
Renin begins the metabolic cascade that leads to the in addition to angiotensin II and aldosterone, are
synthesis of angiotensin II, a hormone that is a responsible for deleterious cardiac remodeling and a
potent vasoconstrictor thereby maintaining blood progressive decline in cardiac function.
pressure. In addition, feedback of angiotensin II on As it became clear that the progression of heart
the heart improves myocardial contractility, both failure is due to over activation of compensatory
directly and indirectly through the stimulation of mechanisms, treatments designed to blunt these
the release of norepinephrine, and works as a responses were studied. The ACE inhibitor trials
potent growth factor leading to left ventricular showed clear symptomatic and mortality benefit by
hypertrophy. The production of angiotensin II also inhibition of the production of angiotensin II. Inhi-
stimulates the release of the salt and water retaining bition of the sympathetic nervous system with β-
hormone aldosterone. These hormones are elevated adrenergic blocking drugs has now been shown to
early in CHF before the onset of symptoms. With give clear benefits as well.
time, however, feedback of these hormones on the
myocardium can increase cardiac fibrosis, worsen H O W β- A D R E N E R G I C B L O C K I N G D R U G S
myocardial function and increase the risk of cardiac WORK
arrhythmias and sudden death. Catecholamines mediate their actions through the
Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors action of adrenergic receptors. There are three
can improve cardiac performance by decreasing sys- adrenergic receptors present in cardiac tissue. The
temic vascular resistance (afterload reduction) and biologic responses mediated by these receptors are
decrease the effects of angiotensin II on the listed in Table 1. The major catecholamine stimulat-
myocardium. Clinical studies have shown that ACE ing the heart is norepinephrine released primarily
inhibitors improve the quality of life and mortality from local sympathetic nerve endings in the heart.4
in patients with systolic dysfunction. In the Cooper- Initially, norepinephrine will improve cardiac per-
ative North Scandinavian Enalapril Survival Study formance but over time will lead to progressive
(CONSENSUS),1 enalapril compared to placebo in heart failure by producing cardiac myocyte injury
NYHA Class IV CHF patients showed a significant
improvement in survival and the quality of life. The
Studies of Left Ventricular Dysfuction (SOLVD) TABLE 1
group2 extended these results to symptomatic and Biologic Responses Mediated by Adrenergic Receptors
asymptomatic heart failure patients with ejection in the Human Heart (Adapted from 5)
fractions less than 35%. These studies suggest that
the early treatment of systolic dysfunction even Biologic Response Adrenergic Receptor
before the onset of symptoms can improve the qual- Cardiac myocyte hrowth β1, β2, α1
ity of life by reducing hospitalizations, the onset of Positive inotropic
symptoms and lead to fewer deaths due to cardio- tesponse β1, β2, minimal α1
vascular disease. These studies and others have led Positive chronotropic
to the recommendation that ACE inhibitors are response β1, β2
drugs of first choice in patients with left ventricular Myocyte toxicity β1 predominantly, β2
dysfunction even in the absence of symptoms. Myocyte apoptosis β1

COMP THER. 2003; 29(4) 211

and cell death. In patients with CHF, chronic sym- two agents in heart failure showed an absolute 5.7%
pathetic stimulation causes the down regulation of benefit in survival with carvedilol although the
β1-adrenergic receptors. This may be an adaptive metoprolol dose used in this trial was substantially
change in the failing heart but substantial signaling lower than the dose used in previous trials.6
capacity remains to allow ongoing myocardial toxic-
ity from chronic overactivity of the sympathetic CLINICAL TRIALS
nervous system.5 The rationale behind β-adrenergic A Swedish group first reported in 1975 in an uncon-
blocking drug therapy is to enhance this endoge- trolled study that long-term β-adrenergic blockade
nous anti-adrenergic strategy by further inhibition improved symptoms in dilated cardiomyopathy
of the effects of the sympathetic nervous system. patients.7 Swedberg and collegues reported a series of
heart failure patients that had an improvement in
β- A D R E N E R G I C B L O C K I N G D R U G survival with β-adrenergic blocking drugs when com-
CLASSIFICATION pared with age-matched controls.8 This was followed
There are three classes of β-adrenergic blocking by a randomized multicenter trial that showed that
drugs commonly used clinically. Nonselective metoprolol improved exercise time, raised ejection
β-adrenergic blocking drugs, such as propranolol, fractions and lowered pulmonary capillary wedge
have equal affinities for blocking both β 1 - and pressures in patients with dilated cardiomyopathy
β2-adrenergic receptors. The cardioselective β-adren- compared to placebo.9 A small study performed in
ergic blocking drugs, such as metoprolol and biso- this country showed an improvement in exercise
prolol, selectively block β 1 adrenergic receptors capacity and functional class in dilated cardiomyopa-
compared with β2 adrenergic receptors. Metoprolol thy patients referred to a heart transplant center.10
is about 75-fold selective for β1- versus β2-adrenergic Despite these intriguing results, most experts felt that
receptors while bisoprolol is about 120-fold selec- β-adrenergic blocking drugs were contraindicated in
tive.5 The third class of agents are the α-β-adrenergic heart failure because of the observed worsening of
blocking drugs such as carvedilol. These agents are symptoms that would occasionally occur in patients
nonselective β-adrenergic blocking drugs as well as with left ventricular dysfunction.
α-adrenergic blocking drugs leading to further Three major mortality studies using β-adrenergic
peripheral vasodilatation. They are commonly used blocking drugs in heart failure have been completed
as effective antihypertensive agents. Both the selec- and have shown a striking mortality benefit when β-
tive β-adrenergic blocking drugs and the α-β-adren- adrenergic blocking drugs were added to standard
ergic blocking drugs have been studied in heart heart failure therapy (usually diuretics, digoxin, and
failure. There is still debate whether a strategy to ACE inhibitors),11 Table 2. Both selective β-adrener-
antagonize only the β1-adrenergic receptors respon- gic blocking drugs and α-β-adrenergic blocking
sible for cardiac toxicity with the selective β-adren- drugs have been used in these trials.
ergic blocking drugs will offer more advantage to The US Carvedilol trials were the first mortality
patients than a more global adrenergic blockade as trials to be completed. Carvedilol is a nonspecific α-
offered by the nonselective α-β-adrenergic blocking β-adrenergic blocking drug. The carvedilol program
drugs. The recently completed Carvedilol or Meto- consisted of four separate protocols in patients with
prolol European Trial (COMET) comparing these ejection fractions less than 35% entering the trials

Selected Mortality Trials with β-Adrenergic Blocking Drugs in Heart Failure11
No. of Class II/III/IV Ejection Mortality Medication/
Trial Pts. (% per group) Fraction Reduction Target Dose
US Carvedilol Heart Failure 1,094 53/44/3 23% 65% Carvedilol,
Study 25–50 mg b.i.d.

Cardiac Insufficiency 2,647 0/83/17 28% 34% Bisoprolol,

Bisoprolol Study-II 10 mg q.d.

Metoprolol CR/XL 3,991 41/55/4 28% 34% Metoprolol CR/XL

Randomized Intervention Trial 200 mg q.d.

212 COMP THER. 2003; 29(4)

based on a 6-minute exercise test dividing the group ergic blocking drugs? The Beta-Blocker Evaluation
into mild, moderate or severe heart failure.12 The of Survival Trial Investigators (BEST) studied bucin-
pooled data of all four studies showed a dramatic dolol, a nonselective β-adrenergic blocking drug, in
improvement in morbidity and mortality prompting patients with severe heart failure.16 The study was
the data monitoring committee to prematurely end stopped after two years because no significant dif-
the study. The overall mortality rate was 7.8% in the ferences were observed for the primary endpoint of
placebo group and 3.2% in the carvedilol group (65% all cause mortality although cardiovascular deaths
relative risk reduction) during an average follow-up were decreased with the β-adrenergic blocking
of 6.5 months. In addition, hospitalizations for heart drug. This result suggests that the mortality benefits
failure were reduced in the carvedilol group. of β-adrenergic blocking drugs cannot be considered
The initial US carvedilol trials did not evaluate a a class effect given the neutral results of this study.
large number of patients with advanced severe
heart failure. The Carvedilol Prospective Random- H O W T O U S E β- A D R E N E R G I C B L O C K I N G
ized Cumulative Survival (COPERNICUS) trial eval- DRUGS IN HEART FAILURE.
uated carvedilol in over 2000 patients with NYHA All patients with CHF are potential candidates for β-
Class IV heart failure and an ejection fraction less adrenergic blocking drug therapy. Table 3 lists the
than 25%.13 Cavedilol was started in the hospital at relative contraindications for β-adrenergic blocking
3.125 mg b.i.d. after patients were stabilized out of drug use. Care should be taken in patients who
the intensive care unit and off inotropic drugs for experience sudden worsening of their heart failure
four days. Patients in the carvedilol group had a symptoms. β-adrenergic blocking drugs should be
35% risk reduction in total mortality. This study held if patients are admitted to the hospital in pul-
showed that it was safe to start β-adrenergic block- monary edema until the congestion is relieved and
ing drugs in patients with severe heart failure once inotropic support is no longer required. Patients
they had been treated for pulmonary congestion. presenting with tachycardia and hypotension may
Treatment with β-adrenergic blocking drugs is rec- experience complications with β-adrenergic block-
ommended to begin in the hospital with slow titra- ing drug therapy. These individuals are hyperadren-
tion of the dose to full dose as an outpatient. ergic and require catecholamine stimulation to
There have been two major β-adrenergic blocking maintain an adequate cardiac output and blood
drug trials using selective β1-adrenergic receptor pressure. β-adrenergic blockade can lead to hemo-
antagonists. The Cardiac Insufficiency Bisoprolol dynamic collapse. In addition, asthma is a relative
Study II (CIBIS-II) studied the highly-selective β1- contraindication to β-adrenergic blocking drugs
adrenergic receptor antagonist bisoprolol in 2647 since these agents can worsen bronchospasm. β-
symptomatic NYHA Class III–IV CHF patients with adrenergic blocking drugs can be safely used in dia-
ejections fractions of 35% or less.14 The study was betics without undue concern that patients will be
stopped early with a significant 34% decrease in all unable to recognize hypoglycemic reactions.
cause mortality in patients taking the β-adrenergic The data from the β-adrenergic blocking drug tri-
blocking drug. als strongly support the use of these drugs in
The Metoprolol CR/XL Randomised Intervention patients with NYHA Class II, III and stabilized
Trial in Congestive Heart Failure (MERIT-HF) NYHA Class IV heart failure. A treatment benefit is
enrolled 3,991 patients with NYHA Class II–IV less certain in asymptomatic or NYHA Class I heart
heart failure and an ejection fraction of 40% or failure. Certain groups of patients do have a clear
less.15 Extended-release metoprolol was used at a
starting dose of 12.5 to 25 mg/d. The dose was dou- TABLE 3
bled every two weeks to a maximum dose of 200 Relative Contraindications to β-Adrenergic Blocking Drugs
mg/d. The mean daily dose of metoprolol achieved
at the end of the study was 159 mg/d with 64% of • Reactive Airway Disease sensitive to
patients receiving the target dose of 200 mg/d. Simi- β-adrenergic blocking drugs
lar to the CIBIS-II trial, there was a 34% risk reduc- • Bradycardia (heart rate < 50 bpm)
tion in total mortality in the metoprolol group. • Hypotension (systolic blood pressure
Are all β-adrenergic blocking drugs the same? < 90 mm Hg)
Carvedilol, an α-β-adrenergic blocking drug, and the • Second or third degree heart block
cardiac selective β-adrenergic blocking drugs have • Significant CHF exacerbation (pulmonary edema,
shown mortality reductions in patients with CHF. need for inotropic agents, tachycardia and
Could this experience be extrapolated to all β-adren- hypotension suggesting hyperadrenergic state)

COMP THER. 2003; 29(4) 213

β-Adrenergic Blocking Drug Starting and Target Doses
Medication Starting Dose Target Dose
Carvedilol 3.125 mg b.i.d. 25–50 mg b.i.d.

Bisoprolol 1.25 mg daily 10 mg daily

Metoprolol CR/XL 12.5–25 mg daily 200 mg daily

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214 COMP THER. 2003; 29(4)

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