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Destiny Stanaway

TEL 111/12:15

Professor Johnston


My name is Destiny Stanaway. I am eighteen years old and grew up in a small

town where my graduating class was ninety-three people. I really enjoy being active and

was on the cheer team in high school. I hope to eventually get a coaching job for a high

school cheer team. As of right now, I am trying to figure out who I am as a person and

what I believe. I am working on being a healthier person and am trying to form good

habits of eating, working out, studying, and being organized.

I want to become an educator because I believe that I can influence the students

to be better people. I want to teach sharing, creativity, equality, and kindness. I want to

be someone the students can go to if they need help. If parents have concerns, I won’t

turn them away like one of my teachers did. I enjoy being around children. Watching

children light up when they learn something new is the best thing to see. That moment

brings so much joy into my heart.

Spending time with children makes me happy. The bad days and the children

who do not listen will not affect the joy I get from being around them all day. I enjoy

being around children because they make me feel youthful. When I see them laughing

and enjoying their time, it brings me back to when I was a child. I enjoy being around

children because they teach me how to enjoy my life and be a curious person.
The education system is extremely outdated. I believe that we need to update

our ways and find better ways to teach instead of just lectures and tests. Everyone

learns better using different methods. I suppose we bring all of the different ways to

teach to the classroom. The system has been and continues to improve, but there is still

a long way to go. We should focus more on life skills and mental health than on test


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