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Angelina Caraballo

JOMC 249
October 7, 2019
Social Media Insight

Social media is very prevalent in today’s generations. I’ve had a social media account
since 2011, that’s about 9 years. I started off with Twitter, then moved into Snapchat and
Instagram. When I was younger, social media wasn’t really a big deal in my life. I would barely
postor see what others were doing. It wasn’t until I went into the 9th grade when I started to
post more and view what others were posting. During the four years of being in high school a
series of things in my life happened, to make me feel like social media was only negative and
was not benefitting me in anyway. So during the summers of my junior and senior year, I
deactivated my platforms and took time to really get to know myself. Also, during this time this
made me realize the power of social media and how we use it.
Now, I consume content from social media at least three to four hours a day. That’s
about 21 to 28 hours a week. Whether the content is just for entertainment, persuasiveness or
informative. With social media, it often has a negative cogitation that comes with it but I
believe it is all in who you follow and also the content that you put out for others to see. How
do you want the world to see you? I try to be as intentional as possible when posting on my
social media platforms because I have a good amount of people following me so I know I can at
least impact one person’s day or life, even. Instagram is my main social media platform, I use
this platform to post positive or relatable content on my Instastory. Simply because I know how
I am, I don’t go on Instagram to read long paragraphs so a quick Pinterest post will suffice. My
interpersonal experiences are almost always positive. I’ve gained many acquaintances and even
some friends from my posts. My peers direct message me saying how much they love my post
or how they are very relatable or even how it helped them. With me just simply posting and
reposting content that I believe is relatable and what people need to see, I am helping
individuals. I am also very intentional on who I follow on social media. I am a true believer that
the things that we see daily has an effect on how we may view ourselves or how our day may

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