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Social Studies 7 (128 classes/8 a week)

General Learning Outcomes - Canada: Origins, Histories and Movement of People

7.1 Toward Confederation - Students will demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of the
distinct roles of, and the relationships among, the Aboriginal, French and British
peoples in forging the foundations of Canadian Confederation.

● Chapter 1- Aboriginal Societies (culture) (spending more time on this chapter as Mecca
Glen is surrounded by a reservation with high Aboriginal population. The community and
school prioritizes removing the divide between these groups)
○ Pluralistic Society Compare & Contrast Boards
■ Paragraph writing
○ Poster about a First Nation’s group including beliefs and creation story
○ Renaming Local Map with Traditional names
■ Focus on the strong Blackfoot Nation in Mascawacis
○ Chapter 1 Project - Stereotypes/Cultural understandings (pg29)
● ½ of Chapter 2- The French in North America (Imperialism)
○ Explorer Diary Entry or Letter form King
○ Biography on one French Explorer

● ½ of Chapter 2
○ Tableaux & Reflection
● Chapter 3- The British in North America (Mercantilism)
○ 13 colonies comparison
○ Cod Fishery/The Bay Owner/British Life creative project (letter, paper, song,
poster, etc)
○ Compare & Contrast Cultural Diversity (group creative project)

● Chapter 4- Competition for Trade (Cultures in Contact)
○ Fur Trade Partnerships Video
○ Paper Mache Canoe
○ Poem or Song on Life in the Fur Trade
● ½ of Chapter 5- War and Peace (Conquest and Consequences)
○ Facts Opinion Bias Activity
○ Cultural Identity Flag
○ Timeline of events
■ One event turned into a newspaper article

● ½ of Chapter 5
○ Turning Points Creative Project
● Intro Chapter 6
○ Loyalists Challenges in diagram
○ Hero Tribute (song, poem, symbol, etc.)

** Teachers resource for the “Voices & Visions: A Story of Canada” provides assessment and
activity ideas along with lesson plans and more resources to look at

● Daily Current Event to begin classes on Tuesday and Thursday - students can be held
responsible for providing a portion of these
● Create vocabulary duotangs
● World and Canada Map
○ Develop along the way
■ Explorers
■ Trade routes
■ Traditional territories
■ Etc.
● Large amounts of class discussions
○ Small class size allows for large group conversations and explorations

** With creation of unit plans I may need to condense and combine some of my
activity/assessment ideas along with making some cross curricular with Language Arts
Health 6/7 (15 classes)

GLO: Students will make responsible and informed choices to maintain health and to promote
safety for self and others.

Personal Health Unit (8-10 classes/September - November)

● W–6.1 evaluate the need for balance and variety in daily activities that promote personal
health; e.g., physical activity, relaxation, learning, sleep, reflection
● W–6.2 determine the health risks associated with the sharing of personal care items; e.g.,
articles of clothing, food/drinks, brushes, lip gloss
● W–6.4 examine how health habits/behaviours influence body image and feelings of
● W–6.5 analyze personal eating behaviours—food and fluids—in a variety of settings;
e.g., home, school, restaurants
● W–6.8 analyze how laws, regulations and rules contribute to health and safety practices
● W–7.1 compare personal health choices to standards for health; e.g., physical activity,
nutrition, relaxation, sleep, reflection
● W–7.2 examine personal grooming/cleanliness and evaluate the impact of
grooming/cosmetic advertisements on personal grooming habits/choices
● W–7.4 analyze the messages and approaches used by the media to promote certain body
images and lifestyle choices
● W–7.5 relate the factors that influence individual food choices to nutritional needs of
adolescents; e.g., finances, media, peer pressure, hunger, body image, activity
● W–7.6 analyze social factors that may influence avoidance and/or use of particular
● W–7.10 identify and examine potential sources of physical/emotional/ social support
● W–7.11 identify characteristics of resiliency; e.g., problem solving skills, positive
self-esteem, social bonding
● W–6.7 identify and communicate values and beliefs that affect healthy choices
● R–6.8 analyze the influence of groups, cliques and alliances on self and others; e.g., at
home, in school, in the community
● R–7.8 analyze the potential effects of belonging to a group, team, gang

1. Track their Habits
2. AHS & Food Guide Investigate
3. Personal Grooming Poster with an action plan for future
4. Magazine/Media Advertisement Investigation Project
5. Healthy Advertisement Creation
6. Personal Risk Armour poster

Safety and Responsibility Unit (4-6 Classes/ November - December)

● W–6.9 evaluate the impact of personal behaviour on the safety of self and others
● W–6.10 demonstrate responsibility for, and skills related to, the safety of self and others;
e.g., baby-sitting, staying home alone, demonstrating Heimlich manoeuvre/ abdominal
thrust techniques
● W–7.7 analyze the definition, effects and possible consequences of various forms of
● W–7.8 analyze and appreciate differing personal perspectives on safety; e.g., physical,
emotional, social safety
● W–7.9 identify basic workplace safety procedures
● W–7.10 identify and examine potential sources of physical/emotional/ social support

1. Types of Harassment Flipbook
2. Safety skill presentation
3. Resiliency & Support System
Goal: Encourage balance, self-reflection and awareness of outside pressures to appearance and
personal health habits to create students that value personal wellness/health.

Personal Health Unit

● Examining their own habits (word vomit writing & a take home tracker for a week)
■ Habits to investigate:
● Physical activity
● Nutrition (eating)
● Relaxation
● Learning
● Sleep
● Reflection
● Showering/deodorant etc.
● Sharing personal care items (food brushes lip chap etc)
○ Positive and negative
○ How does your social circle or setting impact these?
■ Does your age impact it? Do you have different needs or different things
available to you?
○ How do you make these decisions?
■ Values and beliefs
● Examine the standards for health
○ Food guide
● Develop an action plan for how to improve on their personal health using the standards
compared with their reality
■ How will this improve their health?
■ How do their habits affect their self-worth?
● Magazine ads (if old magazines are available) or ads they find online (2 lessons)
○ examine personal grooming/cleanliness, and evaluate the impact of
grooming/cosmetic advertisements on personal grooming habits/choices
○ analyze the messages and approaches used by the media to promote certain body
images and lifestyle choices
○ What approaches do they use? How can you utilize this in your own ads?
○ Glue 3-5 ads and their specific message, techniques they used
● Recreate an ad that accurately advertises what an adolescent should be trying to attain
(personal habits, body image, grooming habits) (2-3 lessons)
○ Poster/print ad
● Risk Lesson (1-2 lessons)
○ Brainstorm some ideas of what makes a person at risk, develop a body outline
write the risks inside and the things that protect them from risk on the
○ Adapt to class’ specific needs
○ Influence of group

Goal: Provide students with the knowledge of health and safety regulations, types of harassment,
workplace safety, and skills to keep themselves and others safe
Physical Education 6/7 (80 classes/5 a week)

A. Students will acquire skills through a variety of developmentally appropriate movement
activities; dance, games, types of gymnastics, individual activities and activities in an
alternative environment; e.g., aquatics and outdoor pursuits.
B. Students will acquire skills through a variety of developmentally appropriate movement
activities; dance, games, types of gymnastics, individual activities and activities in an
alternative environment; e.g., aquatics and outdoor pursuits.
C. Students will interact positively with others

September - Kickball/ Soccer
October - Dance(outdoor) /Basketball
November - Finish Basketball/ Floor Hockey
December - Create a Game

Unit Outline:
● Intro to unit
○ Free play
● Set goal & plan to achieve
○ Students personally get to set goals
○ Two things they could do to help achieve their goal
● Activities
○ Specific to each sport
○ Use the goals & plans to help with planning
● Assessment of growth/review goal

Weekly Outline:
● Group games Monday
○ Capture the Flag
○ Dodgeball
○ Swampball
○ for more
● Unit Activities Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
● Free Fridays/ Fitness Fridays (stations)
Language Arts 6 (160 classes/ 10 a week)
* Class is divided for Language Arts with Mr.Zandberg teaching the Grade 7 group

Every morning - freewriting 10 minutes with a minimum of 2 prompts on the board (personal,
current event, story prompt) or 10 minutes of free reading a reading level appropriate novel.
Followed by a “Daily Language Review”

General Learning Outcomes:

1. Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to explore thoughts, ideas,
feelings and experiences.
2. Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to comprehend and respond
personally and critically to oral, print and other media texts
3. Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to manage ideas and
4. Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to enhance the clarity and
artistry of communication
5. Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to respect, support and
collaborate with others.

September -
● Sentence structure/ paragraph writing
● Vocabulary/ Literary techniques
● Reading - decoding
● Writing - Story writing
○ Short stories with prompts (visual or word)
● Research - finding information/ credibility
November -
● Writing - for a specific audience and purpose
○ Challenge writing (provided an audience and purpose)
○ Investigate other writing for purpose and audience
● Types of media - newspapers, magazines, video
○ Analysis and recreation of info about a personal interest
December -
● Novel Study - Bridge to Terabithia
○ Group Novel Study with different jobs then share with group (each person rotates
through each job)
○ Job ideas:
■ Vocabulary research
■ Meaning of the chapter & summary
■ Looking forward/ What happens next
■ Personal connection
■ Artist (visual represent)
■ Literary techniques uses
● Mini lessons relevant to story and related back to the novel throughout
● final project for the Bridge to Terabithia
○ creative project aka poster, story, song to book scene, sculpture, diorama etc.

**Throughout the semester I will incorporate a lot of small and large opportunities for
writing and presentation of writing to allow students to become more comfortable with
themselves as writers and presenters.

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