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Anicle 27 Organizations and the System Concept 271

idealize, rationalize. distort, omit, or even the factors assumed in the design may be lack-
conceal some essential aspects of the function- ing or so distorted in operational practice as to be
27 The first problem in understanding an orga- ing of the organization. Nor is there always
agreement about the mission of the organization
meaningless, while unforeseen embellish-ments
dominate the organizational structure. Moreover,
nization or a social system is its location and
among its leaders and members. The university it is not always possible to ferret out the designer
Organizations and the identification. How do we know that we are
dealing with an organization? What are its president may describe the purpose of his insti- of the organization or to discover the intricacies
tution as one of turning out national leaders; the of the design which he carried in his head. The
System Concept boundaries? What behavior belongs to the
organization and what behavior lies outside it? academic dean sees it as imparting the cultural attempt by Merton to deal with the latent
Who are the individuals whose actions are to be heritage of the past, the academic vice-president function of the organization in contrast with its
studied and what segments of their behavior are as enabling students to move toward self- manifest function is one way of dealing with this
Daniel Katz and Robert L. Kahn actualization and development, the graduate problem. I The study of unanticipated
to be included?
The fact that popular names exist to label dean as creating new knowledge, the dean of consequences as well as antici-pated
The aims of social science with respect to men as training youngsters in technical and consequences of organizational function-ing is a
social organizations is both a help and a hin-
human organizations are like those of any other professional skills which will enable them to similar way of handling the matter. Again,
drance. These popular labels represent the
science with respect to the events and phe- earn their living, and the editor of the student however, we are back to the purposes of the
socially accepted stereotypes about organiza-
nomena of its domain. The social scientist newspaper as inculcating the conservative values creator or leader, dealing with unantici-pated
tions and do not specify their role structure, their
wishes to understand human organizations. to which will preserve the status quo of an consequences on the assumption that we can
psychological nature, or their boundaries. On the
describe what is essential in their form, aspects, outmoded capitalistic society. discover the consequences anticipated by him
other hand, these names help in locating the area
and functions. He wishes to explain their cycles The fallacy here is one of equating the pur-poses and can lump all other outcomes together as a
of behavior in which we are interested.
of growth and decline. to predict their effects and or goals of organizations with the purposes and kind of error variance.
Moreover, the fact that people both within and
effectiveness. Perhaps he wishes as well to test goals of individual members. The organiza-tion as a It would be much better theoretically, how-
without an organization accept stereotypes about
and apply such knowledge by intro-ducing system has an output, a product or an outcome, but ever, to start with concepts which do not call for
its nature and functioning is one determinant of
purposeful changes into organizations-by making this is not necessarily identical with the individual identifying the purposes of the designers and then
its character.
them, for example, more benign, more purposes of group members. Though the founders correcting for them when they do not seem to be
The second key characteristic of the common
responsive to human needs. of the organization and its key members do think in fulfilled. The theoretical concepts should begin with
sense approach to understanding an organiza-
Such efforts are not solely the prerogative of teleological terms about organization objectives, we the input, output, and functioning of the
tion is to regard it simply as the epitome of the
social science, however; common sense should not accept such practical thinking, useful as organization as a system and not with the rational
purposes of its designer, its leaders, or its key
approaches to understanding and altering organi- it may be, in place of a theoretical set of constructs purposes of its leaders. We may want to utilize such
members. The teleology of this approach is again
zations are ancient and perpetual. They tend. on for purposes of scientific analysis. Social science. purposive notions to lead us to sources of data or as
both a help and a hindrance. Since human
the whole, to rely heavily on two assumptions: too frequently in the past, has been misled by such subjects of special study, but not as our basic
purpose is deliberately built into organizations
that the location and nature of an organization and is specifically recorded in the social com- short-cuts and has equated popular phenomenology theoretical constructs for understanding
are given by its name; and that an organization is pact, the bylaws, or other formal protocol of the with scientific explanation. organizations.
possessed of built-in goals-because such goals undertaking. it would be inefficient not to utilize Our theoretical model for the understanding
were implanted by its founders, decreed by its these sources of information. In the early In fact, the classic body of theory and think- of organizations is that of an energic input-output
present leaders, or because they emerged development of a group, many processes are ing about organizations has assumed a teleology system in which the energic return from the
mysteriously as the purposes of the organiza- generated which have little to do with its rational of this sort as the easiest way of identifying output reactivates the system. Social organi-
tional system itself. These assumptions scarcely purpose, but over time there is a cumulative organizational structures and their functions. zations are flagrantly open systems in that the
provide an adequate basis for the study of recognition of the devices for ordering group life From this point of view an organization is a input of energies and the conversion of output
organizations and at times can be misleading and and a deliberate u,.Se of these devices. social device for efficiently accomplishing into further energic input consist of transactions
even fallacious. We propose, however, to make through group means some stated purpose; it is between the organization and its environment.
Apart from formal protocol, the primary
use of the information to which they point. mission of an organization as perceived by its the equivalent of the blueprint for the design of All social systems, including organizations,
leaders furnishes a highly informative set of the machine which is to be created for some consist of the patterned activities of a number of
clues for the researcher seeking to study organi- practical objective. The essential difficulty with individuals. Moreover, these patterned activi-ties
SOURCE: Daniel Katz and Robert L. Kahn. The this purposive or design approach is that an are complementary or interdependent with
Social Psychology of Organizations. 14-29. Copy- zational functioning. Nevertheless, the stated
purposes of an organization as given by its by- organization characteristically includes more and respect to some common output or outcome;
right © 1966 John Wiley & Sons. Inc. Reprinted by
laws or in the reports of its leaders can be , less than is indicated by the design of its founder they are repeated, relatively enduring, and
permission of John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Foot-notes
misleading. Such statements of objectives may or the purpose of its leader. Some of bounded in space and time. If the activity pattern

272 Chapter V Systems, COlllillgency, aruJ Populalion Ecology Organization Jheory Anicle 27 Organizations and the System Concept 273

like entelechy. In the former case they ignored it can import energy from the world around it.
occurs only once or at unpredictable intervals, mutual edification and enjoyment. Organizations
we could not speak of an organization. The the environmental forces affecting the organiza- Thus the operation of entropy is counteracted by
thus differ on this important dimension of the
stability or recurrence of activities can be exam- source of energy renewal, with the great majority tion and in the latter case they fell back upon the importation of energy and the living system
ined in relation to the energic input into the utilizing both intrinsic and extrinsic sources in some magical purposiveness to account for is characterized by negative rather than positive
system, the transformation of energies within the varying degree. Most large-scale organizations organizational functioning. Biological theorists, entropy.
system, and the resulting product or energic are not as self-contained as small voluntary however, have rescued us from this trap by
output. In a factory the raw materials and the groups and are very dependent upon the social pointing out that the concept of the open system
human labor are the energic input, the patterned effects of their output for energy renewal. means that we neither have to follow the laws of
activities of production the transformation of Our two basic criteria for identifying social traditional physics, nor in deserting them do we Common Characteristics of
energy, and the finished product the output. To systems and determining their functions are have to abandon science. The laws of Newtonian Open Systems
maintain this patterned activity requires a con- (I) tracing the pattern of energy exchange or physics are correct generalizations but they are
tinued renewal of the inflow of energy. This is limited to closed systems. They do not apply in Though the various types of open systems
activity of people as it results in some output and
guaranteed in social systems by the energic the same fashion to open systems which maintain have common characteristics by virtue of being
(2) ascertaining how the output is translated into
return from the product or outcome. Thus the themselves through constant commerce with open systems, they differ in other characteristics.
energy which reactivates the pattern. We shall
outcome of the cycle of activities furnishes new their environment, i.e., a con-tinuous inflow and If this were not the case, we would be able to
refer to organizational functions or objec-tives
energy for the initiation of a renewed cycle. The outflow of energy through permeable boundaries. obtain all our basic knowledge about social
not as the conscious purposes of group leaders
company which produces automobiles sells them organizations through the study of a single cell.
or group members but as the outcomes which
and by doing so obtains the means of securing One example of the operation of closed ver-sus The following nine characteristics seem to
are the energic source for a maintenance of the
new raw materials, compensating its labor force, same type of output. open systems can be seen in the concept of define all open systems.
and continuing the activity pattern. This model of an energic input-output system entropy and the second law of thermodynamics.
In many organizations outcomes are con- According to the second law of thermodynam-ics 1. Importation of Energy
is taken from the open system theory as promul-
verted into money and new energy is furnished a system moves toward equilibrium; it tends to Open systems import some form of energy
gated by von BertaJanffy.2 Theorists have
through this mechanism. Money is a convenient pointed out the applicability of the system run down, that is, its differentiated structures tend from the external environment. The cell receives
way of handling energy units both on the out-put concepts of the natural sciences to the problems to move toward dissolution as the elements oxygen from the blood stream; the body similarly
and input sides, and buying and selling represent of social science. It is important, therefore, to composing them become arranged in random takes in oxygen from the air and food from the
one set of social rules for regulating the examine in more detail the constructs of system disorder. For example, suppose that a bar of iron external world. The personality is dependent upon
exchange of money. Indeed, these rules are so theory and the characteristics of open systems. has been heated by the application of a blowtorch the external world for stimu-lation. Studies of
effective and so widespread that there is some System theory is basically concerned with on one side. The arrangement of all the fast sensory deprivation show that when a person is
danger of mistaking the business of buying and problems of relationships, of structure, and of (heated) molecules on one side and all the slow placed in a darkened soundproof room, where he
selling for the defining cycles of organization. It interdependence rather than with the constant molecules on the other is an unstable state, and has a minimal amount of visual and auditory
is a commonplace executive observation that attributes of objects. In general approach it over time the distribution of mole-cules becomes stimulation, he develops hallucinations and other
businesses exist to make money, and the in effect random, with the result-ant cooling of signs of mental stress. 3 Deprivation of social
resembles field theory except that its dynamics
observation is usually allowed to go one side and heating of the other, so that all stimula-tion also can lead to mental
deal with temporal as well as spatial patterns.
unchallenged. It is, however, a very limited Older formulations of system constructs dealt surfaces of the iron approach the same disorganization. 4 Kohler's studies of the figural
statement about the purposes of business. with the closed systems of the physical sciences, temperature. A similar process of heat exchange after-effects of continued stimulation show the
Some human organizations do not depend on in which relatively self-contained structures will also be going on between the iron bar and its dependence of perception upon its energic
the cycle of selling and buying to maintain could be treated successfully as if they were environment, so that the bar will gradually support from the external world. S Animals
themselves. Universities and public agencies independent of external forces. But living sys- approach the temperature of the room in which it deprived of visual experience from birth for a
depend rather on bequests and legislative appro- tems, whether biological organisms or social is located, and in so doing will elevate some-what prolonged period never fully recover their visual
priations, and in so-called voluntary organiza- organizations, are acutely dependent upon their the previous temperature of the room. More capacities. 6 In other words, the functioning
tions the output reenergizes the activity of external environment and so must be conceived technically, entropy increases toward a maximum personality is heavily dependent upon the
organization members in a more direct fashion. of as open systems. and equilibrium occurs as the physical system continuous inflow of stimulation from the
Member activities and accomplishments are attains the state of the most probable distribution external environment. Similarly, social
Before the advent of open-system thinking,
rewarding in themselves and tend therefore to be of its elements. In social systems, organizations must also draw renewed supplies of
social scientists tended to take one of two
continued, without the mediation of the out-side approaches in dealing with social structures; they however, structures tend to become more elabo- energy from other insti-tutions, or people, or the
environment. A society of bird watchers can tended either (I) to regard them as closed systems rated rather than less differentiated. The rich material environ-ment. No social structure is self-
wander into the hills and engage in the to which the laws of physics applied or may grow richer and the poor may grow poorer. sufficient or self-contained.
rewarding activities of identifying birds for their The open system does not run down, because
(2) to endow them with some vitalistic concept
274 Chapter V Systems. Contingency. and Population Ecology Organization Theory /lnlCie ,"I urgamZUlwns ana me ~yslem Llmcepl ,"/J

2. The Through-Put which return upon themselves to complete and organization move toward disorganization or death. infonnation about the effects of their operation to
Open systems transfonn the energy available renew a cycle of activities. 7 It is events rather than Complex physical systems move toward simple some central mechanism or subsystem which acts
to them. The body converts starch and sugar into things which are structured, so that social structure random distribution of their elements and biological on such information to keep the system on target.
heat and action. The personality converts is a dynamic rather than a static con-cept. Activities organisms also run down and perish. The open The thermostat which controls the temperature of
chemical and electrical fonns of stimulation into are structured so that they comprise a unity in their system, however, by importing more energy from its the room is a simple example of a regulatory device
sensory qualities, and infonnation into thought completion or closure. environment than it expends, can store energy and which operates on the basis of negative feedback.
patterns. The organization creates a new prod- A simple linear stimulus-response exchange can acquire negative entropy. There is then a general The automated power plant would furnish more
uct, or processes materials, or trains people, or trend in an open system to maximize its ratio of complex examples. Miller emphasizes the critical
between two people would not constitute social
provides a service. These activities entail some imported to expended energy, to survive and even nature of negative feedback in his proposition:
structure. To create structure, the responses of A
reorganization of input. Some work gets done in during periods of crisis to live on borrowed time. "Jilhen a system's negative feedback discontinues.
would have to elicit B's reactions in such a
the system. Prisoners in concentration camps on a starva-tion its steady state vanishes, and at the same time its
manner that the responses of the latter would
diet will carefully conserve any form of energy boundary disappears and the system terminates. "9 If
stimulate A to further responses. Of course the
3. The Output chain of events may involve many people, but
expenditure to make the limited food intake go as there is no corrective device to get the system back
Open systems export some products into the far as possible. 8 Social organiza-tions will seek to on its course. it will expend too much energy or it
their behavior can be characterized as showing
environment, whether it be the invention of an improve their survival position and to acquire in will ingest too much energic input and no longer
structure only when there is some closure to the
inquiring mind or a bridge constructed by an their reserves a comfortable margin of operation. continue as a system.
chain by a return to its point of origin with the
engineering finn. Even the biological organism probability that the chain of events will then be
exports physiological products such as carbon repeated. The repetition of the cycle does not The reception of input~ into a system is selec-
dioxide from the lungs which helps to maintain have to involve the same set of phenotypical The entropic process asserts itself in all tive. Not all energic inputs are capable of being
plants in the immediate environment. happenings. It may expand to include more biological systems as well as in closed physical absorbed into every system. The digestive sys-tem
subevents of exactly the same kind or it may systems. The energy replenishment of the of living creatures assimilates only those inputs to
4. Systems as Cycles of Events involve similar activities directed toward the biolog-ical organism is not of a qualitative which it is adapted. Similarly, systems can react
The pattern of activities of the energy same outcomes. In the individual organism the character which can maintain indefinitely the only to those infonnation signals to which they are
exchange has a cyclic character. The product eye may move in such a way as to have the point complex organizational structure of living tissue. attuned. The general tenn for the selective
exported into the environment furnishes the of light fall upon the center of the retina. As the Social systems, however. are not anchored in the mechanisms of a system by which incoming
sources of energy for the repetition of the cycle point of light moves, the movements of the eye same physical constancies as biological materials are rejected or accepted and translated for
of activities. The energy reinforcing the cycle of may also change but to complete the same cycle organisms and so are capable of almost the structure is coding. Through the coding process.
activities can derive from some exchange of the of activity, i.e., to focus upon the point of light. indefinite arrest-ing of the entropic process. the "blooming. buzzing confusion" of the world is
product in the external world or from the activity Nevertheless the number of organizations which simplified into a few meaningful and simplified
itself. In the fonner instance, the industrial con- go out of exis-tence every year is large. categories for a given system. The nature of the
A single cycle of events of a self-closing
cern utilizes raw materials and human labor to character gives us a simple fonn of structure. But functions performed by the system determines its
tum out a product which is marketed, and the such single cycles can also combine to give a
6. Information Input, Negative Feedback, coding mechanisms, which in turn perpetuate this
monetary return is used to obtain more raw larger structure of events or an event system. An
and the Coding Process type of functioning.
materials and labor to perpetuate the cycle of event system may consist of a circle of smaller The inputs into living systems consist not
activities. In the latter instance, the voluntary cycles or hoops, each one of which makes only of energic materials which become trans-
organization can provide expressive satisfactions contact with several others. Cycles may also be fonned or altered in the work that gets done. 7. The Steady State and
to its members so that the energy renewal comes tangential to one another from other types of Inputs are also infonnative in character and fur- Dynamic Homeostasis
directly from the organizational activity itself. subsystems. The basic method for the nish signals to the structure about the environ- The importation of energy to arrest entropy
The problem of structure, or the relatedness of identification of social structures is to follow the ment and about its own functioning in relation to operates to maintain some constancy in energy
parts, can be observed directly in some physical energic chain of events from the input of energy the environment. Just as we recognize the exchange, so that open systems which survive
arrangement of things where the larger unit is through its transfonnation to the point of closure distinction between cues and drives in individual are characterized by a steady state. A steady
physically bounded and its subparts are also of the cycle. psychology, so must we take account of infor- state is not motionless or a true equilibrium.
bounded within the larger structure. But how do mation and energic inputs for all living systems. There is a continuous inflow of energy from
we deal with social structures, where physical 5. Negative Entropy The simplest type of infonnation input found the external environment and a continuous
boundaries in this sense do not exist? It was the in all systems is negative feedback. Infonna-tion export of the products of the system. but the
To survive, open systems must move to
genius of F. H. Allport which con-tributed the arrest the entropic process; they must acquire feedback of a negative kind enables the system character of the system. the ratio of the energy
answer, namely that the structure is to be found in negative entropy. The entropic process is a to correct its deviations from course. The exchanges and the relations between parts,
an interrelated set of events universal law of nature in which all fonns of working parts of the machine feed back remains the same. The catabolic and anabolic
276 Chapter V Systems, Contingency, and Population Ecology Organization Theory Anicle 27 Organizations and the System Concept 277

processes of tissue breakdown and restoration more complex and more comprehensive multiplication of the same type of cycles or and well-differentiated systems of beliefs and
within the body preserve a steady state so that the equilibrium is established. 12 subsystems-a change in quantity rather than in feelings. Social organizations move toward the
organism from time to time is not the iden-tical quality. Animal and plant species grow by multiplication and elaboration of roles with
organism it was but a highly similar orga-nism. Though the tendency toward a steady state in multiplication. A social system adds more units greater specialization of function. In the United
The steady state is seen in clear form in the its simplest form is homeostatic, as in the of the same essential type as it already has. Haire States today medical specialists now outnumber
homeostatic processes for the regulation of body preservation of a constant body temperature, the has studied the ratio between the sizes of the general practitioners.
temperature; external conditions of humidity and basic principle is the preservation of the different subsystems in growing business One type of differentiated growth in systems
temperature may vary, but the temperature of the character ofthe system. The equilibrium which organizations. IS He found that though the is what von Bertalanffy terms progressive
body remains the same. The endocrine glands are complex systems approach is often that of a number of people increased in both the produc- mechanization. It finds expression in the way in
a regulatory mechanism for preserving an quasi-stationary equilibrium, to use Lewin's tion subsystem and the subsystem concerned which a system achieves a steady state. The
evenness of physiological functioning. The concept. 13 An adjustment in one direction is with the external world, the ratio of the two early method is a process which involves an
general principle here is that of Le Chfltelier who countered by a movement in the opposite direc- groups remained constant. Qualitative change interaction of various dynamic forces, whereas
maintains that any internal or external factor tion and both movements are approximate rather does occur, however, in two ways. In the first the later development entails the use of a regula-
making for disruption of the system is countered than precise in their compensatory nature. Thus a place, quantitative growth calls for supportive tory feedback mechanism. He writes:
by forces which restore the system as closely as temporal chart of activity will show a series of subsystems of a specialized character not neces-
possible to its previous state. 10 Krech and ups and downs rather than a smooth curve. sary when the system was smaller. In the second It can be shown that the primary regulations
Crutchfield similarly hold, with respect to In preserving the character of the system, place, there is a point where quantitative changes in organic systems, that is, those which are
psychological organization, that cognitive moreover, the structure will tend to import more produce a qualitative difference in the function- most fundamental and primitive in embryo-
structures will react to influences in such a way energy than is required for its output, as we have ing of a system. A small college which triples its nic development as well as in evolution, are
as to absorb them with minimal change to already noted in discussing negative entropy. To size is no longer the same institution in terms of of such nature of dynamic interaction ....
existing cognitive integration. II insure survival, systems will operate to acquire the relation between its administration and Superimposed are those regulations which we
The homeostatic principle does not apply some margin of safety beyond the immediate faculty, relations among the various academic may call secondary, and which are con-
literally to the functioning of all complex living level of existence. The body will store fat, the departments, or the nature of its instruction. trolled by fixed arrangements, especially of
systems, in that in counteracting entropy they social organization will build up reserves, the In time, living systems exhibit a growth or the feedback type. This state of affairs is a
move toward growth and expansion. This appar- society will increase its tech-nological and expansion dynamic in which they maximize their consequence of a general principle of orga-
ent contradiction can be resolved, however, if we cultural base. Miller has formu-lated the basic character. They react to change or they nization which may be called progressive
recognize the complexity of the subsystems and proposition that the rate of growth of a system- anticipate change through growth which mechanization. At first, systems-biological,
their interaction in anticipating changes Within certain ranges-is exponential if it exists in assimilates the new energic inputs to the nature neurological, psychological or social-are
necessary for the maintenance of an overall a medium which makes available unrestricted of their structure. In terms of Lewin's quasi- governed by dynamic interaction of their
steady state. Stagner has pointed out that the amounts of energy for input. 14 stationary equilibrium the ups and downs of the components; later on, fixed arrangements and
initial disturbance of a given tissue constancy In adapting to their environment, systems will adjustive process do not always result in a return conditions of constraint are established which
within the biological organism will result in attempt to cope with external forces by ingesting to the old level. Under certain circum-stances a render the system and its parts more efficient,
mobilization of energy to restore the balance, but them or acquiring control over them. The solidification or freezing occurs during one of but also gradually diminish and eventually
that recurrent upsets will lead to actions to physical boundedness of the single orga-nism the adjustive cycles. A new base line level is thus abolish its equipotentiality. 16
anticipate the disturbance: means that such attempts at control over the established and successive move-ments fluctuate
environment affect the behavioral system rather around this plateau which may be either above or 9. Equifinality
We eat before we experience intense hunger than the biological system of the individ-ual. below the previous plateau of operation. Open systems are further characterized by the
pangs .... energy mobilization for fore- Social systems will move, however, towards principle of equifinality, a principle sug-gested
stalling tactics must be explained in terms of incorporating within their boundaries the exter- 8. Differentiation by von Bertalanffy in 1940. 17 Accord-ing to this
a cortical tension which reflects the visceral- nal resources essential to survival. Again the Open systems move in the direction of differ- principle, a system can reach the same final state
proprioceptive pattern of the original result is an expansion of the original system. entiation and elaboration. Diffuse global patterns from differing initial conditions and by a variety
biological disequilibration. . . . Dynamic Thus, the steady state which at the simple are replaced by more specialized functions. The of paths. The well-known biological experiments
homeostasis involves the maintenance of level is one of homeostasis over time, at more sense organs and the nervous system evolved as on the sea urchin show that a normal creature of
tissue constancies by establishing a constant complex levels becomes one of preserving the highly differentiated structures from the primitive that species can develop from a complete ovum,
physical environment-by reducing the vari- character of the system through growth and nervous tissues. The growth of the personality from each half of a divided ovum, or from the
ability and disturbing effects of external expansion. The basic type of system does not proceeds from primitive, crude organizations of fusion product of two whole ova. As open
stimulation. Thus the organism does not change directly as a consequence of expan-sion. mental functions to hierarchically structured systems move toward regulatory mechanisms to
simply restore the prior equilibrium. Anew, The most common type of growth is a control
278 Chapter V Systems, Contingency, and Population Ecology Organization Theory Anlcle LI urgamzarlOns ana me ~yslem LAmeep' .lol"

their operations, the amount of equifinality may which is not functionally required may produce market research departments when they are so identify the purpose of an organization in terms
be reduced. a host of new organizational problems. dependent upon the market. The prediction can of the goals of its founders and leaders.
One error which stems from this kind of be hazarded that organizations in our society will The open-system approach. on the other
misconception is the failure to recognize the increasingly move toward the improve-ments of hand, begins by identifying and mapping the
equifinality of the open system, namely that the facilities for research in assessing repeated cycles of input, transformation. out-put.
there are more ways than one of producing a environmental forces. The reason is that we are and renewed input which comprise the
Some Consequences of given outcome. In a closed physical system the in the process of correcting our misconception of organizational pattern. This approach to orga-
Viewing Organizations as same initial conditions must lead to the same the organization as a closed system. nizations represents the adaptation of work in
Open Systems final result. In open systems this is not true even Emery and Trist have pointed out how current biology and in the physical sciences by von
at the biological level. It is much less true at the theorizing on organizations still reflects the older Bertalanffy and others.
In the following chapter we shall inquire into social level. Yet in practice we insist that there is closed system conceptions. They write: Organizations as a special class of open
the specific implications of considering organi- one best way of assembling a gun for all recruits, systems have properties of their own, but they
zations as open systems and into the ways in one best way for the baseball player to hurl the In the realm of social theory, however, there share other properties in common with all open
which social organizations differ from other ball in from the outfield and that we standardize has been something of a tendency to continue systems. These include the importation of energy
types of living systems. At this point, however, and teach these best methods. Now it is true thinking in terms of a "closed" system, that is, from the environment, the through-put or
we should call attention to some of the miscon- under certain conditions that there is one best to regard the enterprise as sufficiently transformation of the imported energy into some
ceptions which arise both in theory and practice way, but these conditions must first be independent to allow most of its problems to product form which is characteristic of the
when social organizations are regarded as closed established. The general principle, which be analyzed with reference to its internal system, the exporting of that product into the
rather than open systems. characterizes all open systems, is that there does structure and without reference to its exter- environment, and the reenergizing of the system
The major misconception is the failure to not have to be a single method for achieving an nal environment. . . . In practice the system from sources in the environment.
recognize fully that the organization is continu- objective. theorists in social science . . . did "tend to Open systems also share the characteristics of
ally dependent upon inputs from the environ- A second error lies in the notion that irregu- focus on the statics of social structure and to negative entropy, feedback. homeostasis,
ment and that the inflow of materials and human larities in the functioning of a system due to neglect the study of structural change." In an differentiation, and equifinality. The law of
energy is not a constant. The fact that organiza- environmental influences are error variances and attempt to overcome this bias, Merton negative entropy states that systems survive and
tions have built-in protective devices to maintain should be treated accordingly. According to this suggested that "the concept of strain, stress maintain their characteristic internal order only
stability and that they are notoriously difficult to conception, they should be controlled out of and tension on the structural level, provides so long as they import from the environment
change in the direction of some reformer's studies of organizations. From the organiza-tion's an analytical approach to the study of dynam- more energy than they expend in the process of
desires should not obscure the realities of the own operations they should be excluded as ics and change." This concept has been transformation and exportation. The feed-back
dynamic interrelationships of any social struc- irrelevant and should be guarded against. The widely accepted by system theorists but while principle has to do with information input, which
ture with its social and natural environment. The decisions of officers to omit a consideration of it draws attention to sources of imbalance is a special kind of energic importation, a kind of
very efforts of the organization to maintain a external factors or to guard against such influ- within an organization it does not concep- signal to the system about environ-mental
constant external environment produce changes ences in a defensive fashion, as if they would go tually reflect the mutual permeation of an conditions and about the functioning of the
in organizational structure. The reaction to away if ignored, is an instance of this type of organization and its environment that is the system in relation to its environment. The
changed inputs to mute their possible revolu- thinking. So is the now outmoded "public be cause of such imbalance. It still retains the feedback of such information enables the system
tionary implications also results in changes. damned" attitude of businessmen toward the limiting perspectives of "closed system" to correct for its own malfunctioning or for
The typical models in organizational theoriz- clientele upon whose support they depend. Open theorizing. In the administrative field the changes in the environment, and thus to main-
ing concentrate upon principles of internal func- system theory, on the other hand, would main- same limitations may be seen in the other- tain a steady state or homeostasis. This is a
tioning as if these problems were independent of tain that environmental influences are not wise invaluable contributions of Barnard and dynamic rather than a static balance, however.
changes in the environment and as if they did not sources of error variance but are integrally related writers. 18 Open systems are not at rest but tend toward
affect the maintenance inputs of motivation and related to the functioning of a social system, and differentiation and elaboration. both because of
morale. Moves toward tighter integration and that we cannot understand a system without a subsystem dynamics and because of the relation-
coordination are made to insure stability, when constant study of the forces that impinge upon it. ship between growth and survival. Finally, open
flexibility may be the more important Thinking of the organization as a closed Summary systems are characterized by the principle of
requirement. Moreover, coordination and control system, moreover, results in a failure to develop equifinality. which asserts that systems can reach
become ends in themselves rather than means to the intelligence or feedback function of obtain- The open-system approach to organizations is the same final state from different initial condi-
an end. They are not seen in full perspective as ing adequate information about the changes in contrasted with common-sense approaches, tions and by different paths of development.
adjusting the system to its environment but as environmental forces. It is remarkable how weak which tend to accept popular names and stereo- Traditional organizational theories have
desirable goals within a closed system. In fact, many industrial companies are in their types as basic organizational properties and to tended to view the human organization as a
however, every attempt at coordination
280 Chapter V Systems, Contingency, and Population Ecology Organization Theory

closed system. This tendency has led to a disre- 7. Allport, F. H. 1962. A structuronomic concep-

gard of differing organizational environments tion of behavior: individual and collective. I.
and the nature of organizational dependency on Structural theory and the master problem of social system" models of organizations, and these
psychology. loumal of Abnormal and Social labels are indeed descriptive of the results.
environment. It has led also to an overconcen-
P;ychology, 64, 3-30. To Gouldner's important distinction we wish
tration on principles of internal organizational
functioning, with consequent failure to develop
8. Cohen, E. 1954. Human behavior in the concen-
tration camp. London: Jonathan Cape.
Organizations to add the notion that the rational model results
from a closed-system strategy for studying
and understand the processes of feedback which
are essential to survival.
9. Miller, J. G. 1955. Toward a general theory for
the behavioral sciences. American P;ychologist,
in Action organizations, and that the natural-system model
flows from an open-system strategy.
10, 513-531; quote from p. 529.
10. See Bradley, D. F., & M. Calvin. 1956.
James D. Thompson
Behavior: imbalance in a network of chemical
Notes transformations. General Systems. Yearbook of
the Society for the Advancement of General Strategies for Closed-System Strategy
I. Merton, R. K. 1957. Social theory and social System Theory, I, 56-65. Studying Organizations
structure, rev. ed. New York: Free Press. II. Krech, D., & R. Crutchfield. 1948. Theory and The search for certainty. If we wish to
problems of social psychology. New York: Complex organizations-manufacturing predict accurately the state a system will be in
2. von Bertalanffy, L. 1956. General system McGraw-Hill. firms, hospitals, schools, armies, community presently, it helps immensely to be dealing with a
theory. General Systems. Yearbook of the 12. Stagner, R. 1951. Homeostasis as a unifying con- agencies-are ubiquitous in modern socie-ties, determinate system. As Ashby observes, fix-ing
Society for the Advancement of General cept in personality theory. Psychological Review, but our understanding of them is limited the present circumstances of a determinate
System Theory, 1, 1-10. 58, 5-17; quote from p. 5.
and segmented. system will determine the state it moves to next,
3. Solomon, P., etal. (Eds.) 1961. Sensorydepri- 13. Lewin, K. 1947. Frontiers in group dynamics.
The fact that impressive and sometimes and since such a system cannot go to two states
vation. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard Univer-sity Human Relations, 1, 5-41. 3
Press. 14. Miller, op cit.
frightening consequences flow from organiza- at once, the transformation will be unique.
tions suggests that some individuals have had Fixing the present circumstances requires,
4. Spitz, R. A. 1945. Hospitalism: an inquiry into 15. Haire, M. 1959. Biological models and empirical
histories of the growth of organizations. In considerable insight into these social instru- of course, that the variables and relationships
the genesis of psychiatric conditions in early
childhood. Psychoanalytic Study of the Child, M. Haire (Ed.), Modem organization theory, ments. But insight and private experiences may involved by few enough for us to comprehend
1,53-74. New York: Wiley, 272-306. generate private understandings without produc- and that we have control over or can reliably
5. Kohler, W., & H. Wallach. 1944. Figural after-
16. von Bertalanffy. 1956, op cit, p. 6. ing a public body of knowledge adequate for the predict all of the variables and relations. In
effects: an investigation of visual processes. Pro-
17. von Bertalanffy, L. 1940. Der organismus als preparation of a next generation of adminis- other words, it requires that the system be
physikalisches system betrachtet. Naturwissen- trators, for designing new styles of organizations closed or, if closure is not complete, that the
ceedings of the American Philosophical Society:
schajten, 28, 521 ff. for new purposes, for controlling organizations, outside forces acting on it be predictable.
88,269-357. Also, Kohler, W., & D. Emery. 1947.
18. Emery, F. E., & E. L. Trist. 1960. Now if we have responsibility for the future
Figural after-effects in the third dimension of or for appreciation of distinctive aspects of
Sociotechnical systems. In Management sciences
visual space. American lournal of Psychology, modern societies. states or performances of some system, we are
models and techniques. Vol. 2, London:
60, 159-201. What we know or think we know about com- likely to opt for a closed system. Bartlett's
Pergamon Press; quote from p. 84.
6. Melzack. R., & W. Thompson. 1956. Effects of plex organizations is housed in a variety of fields research on mental processes, comparing
early experience on social behavior. Canadian or disciplines, and communication among them "adventurous thinking" with "thinking in
loumal of Psychology, 10, 82-90. more nearly resembles a trickle than a torrent. 1 closed systems," suggests that there are strong
Although each of the several schools has its human tendencies to reduce various forms of
unique terminology and special heroes, Gouldner knowledge to the closed-system variety, to rid
was able to discern two fundamental models them of all ultimate uncertainty. 4 If such
underlying most of the literature. 2 He labeled tendencies appear in puzzle-solving as well as in
these the "rational" and "natural- everyday situations, we would especially expect
them to be emphasized when responsi-bility and
high stakes are added. Since much of the
SOURCE: James D. Thompson, Organizations in literature about organizations has been generated
Action, 3-24. Copyright © 1967 by McGraw-Hill, as a by-product of the search for improved
Inc. Used with permission of McGraw-Hili Book efficiency or performance, it is not
Company. References converted to footnotes.


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