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Bhrigu amhita Original version by Maharishi Bhrigu ‘The Father of Hindu Astrology Abridged Version by Dr T.M. Rao B.Sc. (Horn), M.Se., D.Se. (Colombo) Astrologer Contents Preface 7 Introduction 9 Predictions of the Planets with Reference to Various Ascendants 19 CHAPTER- | : Aries 21 CHAPTER- 2 Taurus 42 CHAPTER- 3. Gemini 62 CHAPTER- 4 Cancer 82 CHAPTER- 5 Leo 104 CHAPTER- 6 Virgo 125 CHAPTER- 7 Libra 146 CHAPTER- 8 Scorpio 167 CHAPTER- 9 — Sagittarius 189 Cxarren—10 Capricom 210 CuaPTeR -11 Aquarius 231 Carrer -—12 Pisces 253 Basic Terminology and Case Studies 275 Some Basics (Terminology) of the Planets 277 A Few Case Studies 282 Conclusion 309 References 310 Preface Ashe term samhita connotes ‘compilation’, it cannot be expected to be an original work. Its business is to condense many Shastras. It, therefore, includes details of many subjects found in varied works. The samhita in astrological parlance is nothing but an encyclopaedia of astrological and other aspects ofhuman interest. It is also mundane astrology with many scientific topics and other subjects in which human beings have an abiding faith, Hence, the samhita can rightly be termed a work of social science, for social science has reference to and explanation of almost all the aspects of social life and those that have a human appeal. Varamihira expresses his indebtedness to ancient sages like Kapila, Garga, Kasyapa, Atri, Bhrigu etc; for according to him, a country that does not possess a good astrologer is damned. A good astrologer must be an all-rounder. Though there is no dearth of books available on predictive astrology in this world, which are grand in their own way, most of them are neither easy to the satisfaction of general public nor comprehensive enough to satisfy the experts. So keeping this in view, Bhrigu Samhita has been invoked. The primary view of this book is that because the mystery of whole human life is hidden in the nine planets of a horoscope, it will not be possible to discover the events of the whole life of the native till the effects of every planet is not clearly known without which the complicated science of astrology cannot be simplified. It is with this foundation that every ascendant is described in the book. The book gives very valuable hints on how to find out the character of a native, his moral inclination, and his fortunes and misfortunes in various walks of life. It also provides useful information with regard to longevity and prosperity of the native, his parents, brothers 8 ¢ Bhrigu Samhita and children. This will enable any amateur or professional astrologer to predict with accuracy the future of the native and to form an opinion as to how a planet is disposed in a particular nativity. In the course of writing this book, several publications were referred to and I have endeavoured to present in this book the essential principles culled out from various standard and published works. The author is highly grateful to Pustak Mahal, New Delhi, who showed their keen interest in publishing this book. — TM. Rao Introduction Sage Bhrigu — The Father of Hindu Astrology Astrology is a Vedanga, that is, one of the limbs of the Vedas. Vedas were studied by the ancient sages and rishis, out of whom Saptarishis were the most famous. Bhrigu was one of the Saptarishis. He is Manasaputra (wish-born-son) of Lord Brahma, who simply wished him into existence, to assist the processes of creation. He was married to Khyati, the daughter of Daksha. He had two sons from her — Dhata and Vidhata. Goddess Laxmi, the consort of Vishnu, is considered to be his daughter. He had one more son, Shukra, who was better known than Bhrigu himself. The sage Chyavana was also believed to be his son. The Bhrigus, also known as Bhargavas, were a clan of sages descending from the ancient fire-priest Bhrigu. They instituted the ritual of offering the juice ofthe Soma plant to the old duties. Some of them were also warriors in addition to being priests. The Bhrigus are intimately linked with the composition of Atharva Veda. Bhrigu Samhita Bhrigu is credited as the father of Hindu astrology, and the first astrological treatise Bhrigu Samhita is attributed to his authorship. This treatise is said to contain over 5 million horoscopes, in which he wrote down the fate of every being in the Universe. According to the popular tradition, only about a hundredth of these horoscopes have survived to this age. The Bhrigu Samhita is an astrological classic written by Maharshi Bhrigu during the Vedic period, although the available evidence 10 ¢ Bhrigu Samhita suggests that it was compiled over a period of time by the various students of Bhrigu. It is a confirmed fact that Saint Bhrigu was the first compiler of predictive astrology, which came to be known as the Fifth Veda of Treta Yug, which is an ancient age marking the beginning of the Hindu Culture, He compiled about 5 lakhs horoscopes with the help of Lord Ganesha and recorded details and events of the persons along with their ages. This formed the database for further research and study. The study culminated in the birth of the science (Shastra) of determining the quality of time (Hora), known as the Brihat Prasara Hora Shastra. These horoscopes were based upon the planetary positions of the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Dragon's Head (Rahu) and Dragon's Tail (Ketu). After that, Maharshi Bhrigu gave his predictions on different types of horoscopes compiled by him with the help of Lord Ganesha in a brief and concise manner. During the foreign invasions in India, Brahmin community was dispersed all over India. The invaders also captured these prime assets of Brahmins. For them, it was a miraculous form of telling the fortune of a person and so some parts of the Bhrigu Samhita were taken away by them to the foreign countries, The most unfortunate and destructive happening was the destruction of Nalanda University library. It is really unfortunate that some people having a cheap and fraudulent form of Bhrigu Samhita claim to have the original Shastra in their possession. If an original Bhrigu Samhita's leaf containing the horoscope of an individual is obtained, we will find that it not only reveals the consulting day, time and date of the individual, but also the remedial measures. Some thousands of leaflet horoscopes from the original Bhrigu Samhita are believed to be available with one pundit in Hoshiyarpur, in Punjab. It is also very unfortunate that dozens of pundits in India claim to have the original Bhrigu Samhita with them, Introduction «© 1 Uniqueness of Bhrigu Samhita Many of the books available on predictive astrology are neither easy enough to be understood by the general public nor fully satisfactory for the pundits. Therefore the primary view kept in this book is that because the mystery of the whole human life is hidden in the nine planets of a horoscope, it will not be possible to discuss the events of the whole life of the native till the effects of every planet is not clearly known. Without it, the complicated science of astrology cannot be simplified, It is with this understanding in the book that every ascendant has been treated with the placement of the planets in each of the 12 houses in a zodiacal diagram. Ist House: (Ascendant) Physique, will-power, fame, figure and physical complex IInd House: Finance, family, speech, treasure and bondage Tllrd House: Brothers and sisters, energy, physical work and courage TVth House: Mother, motherly relations, land and buildings, peace and happiness Vth House: Education, children, speech and knowledge Vith House: Enemies, diseases, diligence, occultism, maternal grandfather, defeats and victories Vilth House: Wife, diurnal occupation, father-in-law and his family, sexual pleasures VilIth House: Wealth, age, daily routine, old and serious things helping in life, career and troubles TXth House: Destiny, Dharma, devotion, Divine power and fame Xth House: Father, government and society, occupation, splendour, sovereignty XIth House: Wealth, income and gains, fulfilment of necessities Xilth House: Expenditure, contact of foreign places, loss 12. ¢ = =Bhrigu Samhita Casting of Horoscopes < x

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