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Cushman/ Smith 1

Cassidy Cushman & Connor Smith


Due Date: 24 September 2019

24 September 2019

Beauty and the Beast

Belle a quiet girl from a not so quiet village, Her quaint little neighborhood has been

ravaged by a mysterious beast for years. Killing all of there livestock and trashing the streets

with bloody carcasses. The townspeople have grown paranoid and have started to suspect that

the Beast might grow tired of the farm animals and turn onto the people themselves. Due to the

mass hysteria and anger at the unknown creature, Gaston, the town huntsman, has devised a call

to action. He wants to find the “Monster” as he so often refers to this killing machine if its an

animal or if it somehow is a human hold them responsible for there actions with a trial. But has

had no luck for many years so, Belle using her vast knowledge of the land and hunting skills

from her father and tracking skills from her various books at home. She has decided to track this

thing down herself and put an end to this madness for good.

Belle was all too familiar with this type of animal, after all, it killed her own mother.

When Belle was about ten years old she went to bed on what seemed like a normal night. Until

the next morning, she woke up to the sounds of her father screaming in terror at the sight of her

mother lifeless in his arms. That memory has been permanently etched into Belles's mind she

relives it often because somehow no matter how far she tried to run away from the beast it

somehow followed her. So the little ten-year-old inside of her has had enough. So every night
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around town belle had set traps to catch the Beast and has had no luck. She went to the woods to

track down possibly a cave of some kind where it could hide like the coward she knew it was.

Using her sheer knowledge and experience in hunting she finally cornered the beast’s hideout

after weeks of searching. As she stares into the cold dark abyss of a ravine she had identified as

the beasts resting place, She feels a sense of finality in her journey for safety of her village is all

but assured. Descending through the ravine, Belle felt a rush of exhilaration flow through her

body, her hands shook in anticipation as she grew ever nearer to the Beasts mossy overgrown


As she entered the Beasts lair the air thickened with the smell of death and decay. The floor

was strewn with small bones from rodents and birds. As Belle continued through the cave, the

bones on the floor grew from rat bones to cats, goats, cows, deer, and then bears. Flies and

maggots swarmed half-consumed carcasses, the smell was enough to make Belle wretch where

she stood. As Belle stood up on weak knees she noticed a separate room further in, beyond the

carnage. Walked in the room, her bloody boots were met by a purple velvet carpet that blanketed

the entirety of the room. Belle then discovered something she would see again……….

The room was filled with wooden chairs and tables all covered in a thick layer of dust. Broken

mirrors and ripped paintings lined the walls in no discernable order. But at the opposite end of

the room was something that caught Belle's eye. It was an old crib, and inside was a music box

sitting on a pillow as if it were alive and sleeping. There was an odd familiarity about the music

box as if it were a part of her that had been hidden from herself. As she reached for the music

box a loud humming pierced her ears and her vision became blurry as shades of red flew all

around her. Louder and louder the humming was becoming unbearable until suddenly it stopped,

and Belle was holding the music box. Belle opened it and saw a rose with a single petal,
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hovering inside. The rose petal snapped and fell to the ground, as did Belle. The humming began

once more, louder than before, and the room fell into darkness. Belle roared a terrible screech,

and the hunt was on.

It was revealed that Belle herself was the Beast she had been hunting her whole life and it all

came together. She was devasted yet she never felt more herself, when she wasn’t the beast she

always felt something missing in her life. Something she longed for and so desperately craved

but she couldn’t track down what it was exactly until now. She hunts with complete focus killing

everything in sight in a swift manner. As the first light of day creeps upon the hungry beasts face

she starts to shrink back into the good village girl that left for the woods a few weeks ago. As she

snaps out of it and turns human once more. The fierce hunter forgot everything and picked

herself up and started to journey home for more supplies. Disoriented and confused she decided

to come up with a new plan on how to catch this beast that has been terrorizing her hometown.

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