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On the Road
The following are a series of encounter outlines to bridge the gap between the end
of Death on the Reik and Power Behind the Throne. There exist already two
adventures intended to bridge this gap (The Grapes of Wrath and Carrion Up the
Reik). However, in the opinion of this author they fail either to develop existing
campaign themes and plotlines (The Grapes of Wrath) or introduce new threads that
go unresolved (Carrion Up the Reik).
The intentions behind the series of events below are to provide development of
campaign themes, to provide links into Power Behind the Throne and to maintain
momentum in the narrative. They are deliberately brief, as it the belief of this
author that a lengthy interlude at this stage causes the campaign to lose impetus.
It is assumed the adventurers travel from Castle Wittgenstein to Altdorf by boat
and after a brief sojourn in the capital take a coach to Middenheim.
On the Road
The following are a series of encounter outlines to bridge the gap between the end
of Death on the Reik and Power Behind the Throne. There exist already two
adventures intended to bridge this gap (The Grapes of Wrath and Carrion Up the
Reik). However, in the opinion of this author they fail either to develop existing
campaign themes and plotlines (The Grapes of Wrath) or introduce new threads that
go unresolved (Carrion Up the Reik).
The intentions behind the series of events below are to provide development of
campaign themes, to provide links into Power Behind the Throne and to maintain
momentum in the narrative. They are deliberately brief, as it the belief of this
author that a lengthy interlude at this stage causes the campaign to lose impetus.
It is assumed the adventurers travel from Castle Wittgenstein to Altdorf by boat
and after a brief sojourn in the capital take a coach to Middenheim.
On the Road
The following are a series of encounter outlines to bridge the gap between the end
of Death on the Reik and Power Behind the Throne. There exist already two
adventures intended to bridge this gap (The Grapes of Wrath and Carrion Up the
Reik). However, in the opinion of this author they fail either to develop existing
campaign themes and plotlines (The Grapes of Wrath) or introduce new threads that
go unresolved (Carrion Up the Reik).
The intentions behind the series of events below are to provide development of
campaign themes, to provide links into Power Behind the Throne and to maintain
momentum in the narrative. They are deliberately brief, as it the belief of this
author that a lengthy interlude at this stage causes the campaign to lose impetus.
It is assumed the adventurers travel from Castle Wittgenstein to Altdorf by boat
and after a brief sojourn in the capital take a coach to Middenheim.

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