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Presentation Package

Affordable Home Design for Mr. Vega

Civil Engineering & Architecture Fall 2019

Brianna Feltch
Project Overview 3

Universal Design 4

Sustainable Design 5

Green Design 6

Site Location 7

Client Survey 8

Bubble Diagram 9

Sketches 10

Final Sketch 12

First Floor Plan 13

Electrical Plan 14

Plumbing Plan 15

Rendered Camera Shots 16

House on Site 19

A6 Elevations 20

A7 Elevations 21

A1 First Floor Plan 22

A8 Sectioned Wall 23

A15 Schedules 24

A16 Presentation Floor Plan 25

A17 Total Square Footage 26

Worksheet 2.3.8 A1

Worksheet 2.3.11 A3

House Considerations A5

Take a ways A6

Thank you A8

Residential Codes A9
Project Overview
Owning a home is a goal for the majority of people.
However, not everyone can afford it. Affordable houses are built
for the low income people looking for their home.
Students were tasked with designing an affordable home
for a teacher at South Western High School. The students were
restricted to Habitat for Humanity, Residential Plumbing and
Electrical Codes. These codes are the minimum requirements
for a home. They ensure that the structure is safe to inhabit and
protects the health of the occupants.
Universal Design

Everyone wants to be able to move through their homes

easily and without exhaustion. Today, there exists several acts to
ensure the inclusion of all people. Such as the Fair Housing
Agreement, Architectural Barriers Act and the American’s with
Disabilities Act of 1990. Universal design is creating an intuitive
environment that is accessible for all people without having to
adapt or change anything.

Features of universal design include:

● 36” door widths

● 5’ diameter to spin around in a wheelchair
● Switches 48” from the ground
● Bars in bathtubs and beside toilets
Sustainable Design
It is building to meet the needs of the present without
compromising the ability of future generations to meet the
ability of their own. When designing and building a home it is
important to find ways to reduce the harmful effects on the
The goal is to preserve and enhance these features:

● Human
● Environmental
● Social
● Financial
● Manufactured

By using sustainable design, it allows for building with the least

amount of negative impacts, ensuring future generations can do
the same.
Green Design

Green design is organizing, planning, designing, and

constructing operations around the end-of-life recycling of the
structure. Examples consist of recycling bricks from a torn down
building to use for a new building or the placement of the
building. By selecting a smart placement of the building on a
plot in relation to the solar orientation can save energy.
In green design there exists a triple bottom threat. This is
the assessment of potential effects and determining the best
practices for people, profit and the planet.
Ways to utilize green design involve taking advantage of
solar energy and landscaping. Such as putting in skylights and
orienting the structure to optimize the amount of sunlight. As
well as use environmental barriers, such as bushes or trees,
rather than building a fence.
In my house, I incorporated green design by adding
skylights and orienting my home so that the front faces west.
Given that the sun mainly comes in from the south, the majority
of the sunlight will shine into the kitchen and living room. I
placed trees around the property to act as natural barriers. As
well I used a eco-friendly water heater.
Site Location
The home is placed in Noblesville, Indiana. North of the
building is Maple Ave and to the west is 10th Street, both of
which are main roads, the streets to the east and south are both
alleys. The structures around the house consist of other
residential homes, township buildings and a gas station.
The image below is information of the location. It is for
Indianapolis as that is the closest city near Noblesville, Indiana.

Affordable Home Design for Mr. Vega

Civil Engineering & Architecture Fall 2019

Brianna Feltch
House Considerations

The placement and orientation of the home on the plot took

a serious consideration. I first began by looking at the direction
of the prevailing winds and the solar orientation. The winds
move northward, while the sun moves east to west with the
majority of the sunlight coming in from the south. I looked to
see where the main roads are. To the north and west of the plot
there are two main roads. With these things in mind, I decided to
have the front of the home facing west. This allows for the most
sunlight to come into the kitchen and living room. As well as
ensure that the prevailing winds will hit the kitchen, allowing for
the bedrooms to get the least amount of noise coming from it.
While this means two of the bedrooms are now facing a main
street, Maple Ave, I placed the house as further away in an
attempt to lessen the sound from the road.
When placing the house I also looked at the sidewalk and
driveway. I placed the house to be close to a corner so the
sidewalk and driveway didn’t have to be so long. I also didn’t
want the drive way to come off of the main roads as it would
make it harder to get back out. I made sure that the driveway
leads right up to the door at the kitchen, making it easier to carry
groceries into the home.
Take a ways

Going into the project, I had no experience designing a

home, I didn’t realize how much goes into it. It isn’t just
figuring out a layout, but finding out how this environment
affects the home and visa versa. The project has provided me
with knowledge of codes, rainwater runoff and placement of the
While I knew building codes were important, I had never
previously given them any thought. Nor did I know any of the
codes. All of this changed on the home. In order to build a safe
home, I had to be familiar with all the code requirements. This
will be helpful for me since I am planning on majoring in
architecture in college.
Just like the codes, I had never thought of how a home
could affect the rainwater. Driving by new developments I
would see retention ponds but I never understood why they were
there. But now I know that it is for the storm water runoff. I also
now know how to calculate the pre- and post-development
I had always thought that the direction that a house faced
dependent on where the road was. But when deciding where to
place my house on the plot, I had to take more things into
consideration. I had to learn more about the solar orientation, the
prevailing winds and where the main roads are. I know now that
the road location is not the only thing house orientation and
placement depends upon.
From this project I was also able to learn the importance of
time management. Designing and placing the house all occurred
within the Autodesk program, Revit. Managing my time was
extremely important as I am a rather slow worker did not have it
on a computer at home. In order to ensure that I kept on pace to
finish in time, I ended up coming in early and staying late. I
think I could have done a better job at managing my time and
will use my experience from this project to adjust this for the
This project also gave me a new experience: working with
a client. While I worked alongside people for projects, I had
never previously designed something like this for a client. I
enjoyed working with Mr. Vega to find a design that he liked
and wanted for his home.
Overall, this project provided me with many good
experiences that will help me in the future. I truly enjoyed
working on it.
Thank You

I would like to say thank you to Mr. Vega, who allowed me

to design this home for him.
You took time out of your busy schedule to meet with me
several times over the past couple weeks, something that I truly
appreciated. I enjoyed working with you and building your
house. Thank you for giving me the opportunity and trusting me
to design your house.

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