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Bracketing Assessment Directions

Step 1:
● Students will be found and interesting composition keeping in mind the elements
we talked about in class such as leading line, value, and texture.

Step 2:
● Once students have found an interesting composition then they will take a correct
exposure based off of what the light meter in the camera.

Step 3:
● Next students will change the f-stop value on the camera until the light meter
reads one stop below prefect.

Step 4:
● Next students will change the f-stop value on the camera until the light meter
reads one stop above perfect.

Step 5:
● Students will digitally turn in the final images.

Step 6:
● Prepare for class presentation being sure to cover the elements student used to
create their interesting images. Along with the setting they used in order to create
the image themselves. It is very important for students to show that they have an
understanding of the vocabulary words. Also students should practice their
presentation in order to make sure they do not use filler words.

Step 7:
● Students will do a class presentation of work.

* Reminder: that the Quizlet vocabulary test can be turned in at anytime during this
project, however, the test must be turned in by the day student presents or student will
not receive credit for the test.*

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