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Maras Restaurant

 Tea  Tomato
 Coffee  Mushroom
 Orange juice  Tuna
 Pineaple juice
 Water

SALADS:  Chocolate
 Tomato salad  Strawberry
 Potato salad Ice cream:
 Green salad
 Banana
 Chocolate
 strawberry
A: Welcome to Maras restaurant. Can I take your order?
M: I’d like some pasta with tomato sauce.
A: So sorry I’m afraid we haven’t got any pasta.
M: So I prefer a cake.
A: What flavor would you like? We have chocolate and strawberry.
M: Chocolate, please.
A: And would you like a drink with that?
M: I’d like a glass of orange juice.
A: Anything else?
M: No, thanks.
A: There you go.
M: It’s very sour. How many oranges did you use?
A: Two oranges. Is it ok?
M: Yes, no problem. How much is that?
A: It’s 7 dollars.
M: Here’s 10 dollars.
A: And here’s 3 dollars change.
M: Thank you.

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