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Ellis 1

Jennifer Ellis

Dr. Joni Flowers

EDU 280

31 January 2019

Assignment 2

Multicultural education is an important part of teaching. I

have been tasked with creating two activities that incorporate

multicultural education into the lessons. The topics I selected

are cultural differences and social values. I have created these

activities for a hypothetical fifth grade class during Black

History Month.

Our first activity will be based on social values. For the

first part of the activity, I will have a list of influential

African-Americans. Without any prior knowledge taught by me, I

will have the students each selected someone from the list. The

list will range from educators, inventors, athletes, etc. Once

selected, I will give them all a handout with basic information

about that their person. It will now be the student’s job to

research their person and write a report about them.

The second part of this activity will include a

presentation. I will have the students create a presentation

board highlighting their persons accolades and achievements. The

students will receive extra points if the dress like their

character or bring in a prop. This activity will allow the

Ellis 2

students to learn about many influential African-Americans while

having fun and learning from their peers.

Our next activity will be focused on cultural differences.

We will read a few books regarding children growing up during

the Civil War era. We will discuss the different ways white

children were treated as opposed to black children. We will then

follow up the lesson with an art project.

African-American children did not have the luxury of having

toys like those of white children. They would make dolls out of

anything they could find. I will show the students a doll that a

white child would own compared to a corn husk doll that a black

child would own. As a class, we will make dolls out of corn husk

like the enslaved children did. Once our dolls are complete, we

will compare them to the toys they have today.

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