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Philosophy of Education

The purpose of education is to guide students academically through concepts and their

applications, as well as emotionally through their development. As a teacher, my role is to be

this guide, offering my knowledge and support whenever it is impactful. During a lesson, I

am helping my class discover the material by discussing and reasoning our way to the

objective rather than simply stating and practicing it. Students should aim to gain

understanding in their academics, as well as develop traits of innovation and discipline that

allow them to apply this understanding creatively in the future. During a lesson, they view

their role as an explorer on a quest, participating actively in any discussions and applying

their newfound knowledge and skills in future lessons and in life. Parents should provide an

example of what this application and these traits look like, as well as guide their student

emotionally, socially, and if possible, academically. After a lesson, the parent is supporting

the student, helping them through any emotional or social problems and reinforcing academic

ideas during homework or studying if possible. The student’s community plays a

supplemental role, providing resources, opportunities for the pursuit of interests, and

encouraging personal growth. After a lesson (or during if applicable), students are able to go

to various locations in their community for further exploration of a concept, or the

opportunity to participate in sports and activities that encourage socializing and forming a

stronger identity, as well as trying new activities that help the student grow.

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