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Paget. FEEDBACK ‘Your score of 30 out of a possible 48 point total (each response was worth from 0 to 3 points) indicates high creativity. Let's review some of the techniques you use for further enhancing your creative capacity, as well as ‘your responses to the questions related to each technique, ‘Michelangelo, the great Renaissance artist and creative genius, best known for his Sistine Chapel celling frescoes and his colossal 18-foot marble sculpture David, is supposed to have said that he didn't create his ‘sculptures, He only uncovered what was already there, And that's exactly what creativity is: uncovering what is already there. ‘Although many excuse themselves for thelr lack of creativity by saying they don't have the genetic makeup to think creatively, most creativity experts agree that creativity is a skill that can be learned or rediscovered. And creativity, like any other skill, must be practiced and used on a regular basis. Lack of use results in lack of ability-or ereative atrophy. One approach to understanding the source of your creative thinking is to look at brain lateralization-the term. Used to describe how the human brain is split into two halves, with each having its own special abilities. The. accompanying table summarizes the basic underlying ideas of the brain lateralization studies conducted at the California institute of Technology by Nobel Prize winner the late Dr. Roger Sperry and his associates. Organizations place great importance on their employees possessing creative abilities. USA Today conducted a survey of top executives, asking them "which was more important: being creative or being smart. Fifty-nine percent voted for creativity." According to a Fortune magazine article, "workers burning with great ideas are {an organization's] hottest competitive resource.” From a personal perspective, creativity is an important tool to help you find the optimal solutions to the problems you face on a daily basis ~ whether at work, school, or in ‘your personal life. Therefore, you owe it to yourself to “uncover what's already there.” Here are common blocks that inhibit creative thinking-some of which are associated with an over-reliance on left-brainthinking-and will make it dificult fer you to discover and use your ereative potential: ‘Overly critical or negative attitudes Over-reliance on habits and routines-doing things because you've always done them that way Conformist attitudes-unwillingness to strike out in new directions, Lack of effort-it takes hard work to be creative Qver-reliance on authority-can't always wait for boss's permission to try something new + Selfdiscouragement-giving up too easily + Lack of confidence in your new ideas, Now that you know what can get in the way of your using your creative potential, let's focus on those traits that will enhance your creative thinking. You will also see how you ranked the statements that relate to the following techniques practiced by creative thinkers: Trait #1. Put aside critical, analytical, judicial thinking when you're working creatively. Left-brain thinking can stifle creativity by causing us to be overly critical and judgmental of new ideas. We can eliminate creative ideas too early because they don't logically fit an existing model. ‘Statements relating to avoiding critical attitudes when you're trying to be creative: {rely on my hunches and insights. Best ranking to indicate creativity: Always ‘Your ranking: Always {read books and magazine articles to stay on the “cutting edge" in my areas of interest. | am fascinated by the future. Best ranking to indicate creativity: Always ‘Your ranking: Always (continued on next page) Page 2 Trait #2 Go beyond your routine habits and attitudes; stay out of ruts. We're of ‘narrow focus and to stay within the confines of our own “comfort zon« oF comfort zones and are more often found when we look in new places. n inclined to approach life with a Creative Ideas are rarely found in ruts ‘Statements relating to avoiding ruts: { respond! to changes in my life creatively by using them to redefine my goals and revising plans to reach them, Best ranking to indicate creativity: Always ‘Your ranking: Sometimes Lam good at being alert to concepts I can borrow from one field to apply to another. Best ranking to indicate creativity: Always ‘Your ranking: Once in a while Trait #3 Have an inquiring mind and the desire to find new ideas. In a book review by Peter Coy (BusinessWeek, 20 February 1995) of the biography, Edison: Inventing the Century by Neil Baldwin, Coy wrote: “Edison had a restless mind that tended to cast all experience into the framework of problems in need of solving. He couldn't watch the waves during a sea voyage without wondering how to hamess thelr energy. And he was able to perceive fresh connections~as when he figured out that the gear from his failed iron ore separation project could be applied to his work in cement. ... What set him apart from his inventive peers was his lifelong interest in building systems, not just devices. Electric lighting Is the classic example. Not content with making. a bulb, Edison built an entire infrastructure. Edison Electric Light Co., a predecessor of GE, manufactured and installed everthing required to iluminate the nigt-from the bulbs to the huge coalfred generates known as iynamos. ‘Statements relating to a desire to find new ideas: Lam a curious person who Is interested in other people's opinions. Best ranking to indicate creativity: Always Your ranking: Once in a while | can reduce complex decisions to a few simple questions by seeing the "big picture. Best ranking to indicate creativity: Always ‘Your ranking: Sometimes. Trait #4 Never be satisfied with the way things are; assume that everything can be improved. ‘Statements relating to the desire to make things better: {look for opportunities to solve problems. Bost ranking to indicate creativity: Always ‘Your ranking: Never [like to examine assumptions, biases, or preconceived beliefs for loopholes and opportunities. Best ranking to indicate creativity: Always ‘Your ranking: Never Trait #5 Be open-minded to new ideas and ideas of others. Statements relating to being open-minded: (continued on next page) Page 3 Lam supportive of the creative ideas from my peers and subordinates and welcome from others. Best ranking to indicate creativity: Always ‘Your ranking: Sometimes. would describe myself as a trend spotter. | actively monitor changes in my environment to spot opportunities. early. Best ranking to indicate creativity: Always ‘Your ranking: Always Trait #6 ‘Appreciate the importance of creative effort. During Thomas Edison's lifetime, he held 1,093 patents. He set up an “invention factory" at Menlo Park, New Jersey, which is the forerunner of today's industrial research. laboratories. His nickname was "The Wizard of Menio Park." During his most creative years his goal was “a minor invention every 40 days anda big thing every six months or so.” Edison died in 4934 at the age of 85. ‘The Statue of Liberty's illuminated torch was extinguished in tribute-a fitting way to memorialize the life of one of America's greatest contributors to making the world a better place to live. ‘Statement relating to an appreciation of creative effort: ‘As an innovative networker, | have people with whom I share creative ideas for feedback and support. Best ranking to indicate creativity: Always ‘Your ranking: Sometimes Trait #7 Go the "extra mile." Remember that creativity is hard work. "Genius is 99 percent perspiration and 4 percent Inspiration." When Thomas Edison was intent on creating incandescent light, he went through more than, 9,000 experiments in an attempt to produce the bulb. The story Is told that one of his associates asked, "Why do you persist inthis folly? You hav flled more than 9,000 times." Edison's reply: "| haven't even failed once; ‘Statements relating to the hard work associated with creativity | think farther ahead than most people with whom I associate by thinking long-term and sharing my vision with others. Best ranking to indicate creativity: Always ‘Your ranking: Always | dig out research and information to support my ideas. Bost ranking to indicate creativity: Always ‘Your ranking: Sometimes it #8 Minimize the effects of peer pressure. Have courage of your convictions. Most great ideas were ridiculed before they were accepted. Statements relating to not being unduly concerned about the opinions of others: {am willing to develop and experiment with ideas of my own. Best ranking to indicate creativity: Always ‘Your ranking: Always {Lam good at promoting and gathering support for my ideas. Bost ranking to indicate creativity: Always ‘Your ranking: Once in a while (continued on next page) Page 4 {believe | am creative and have faith in my good ideas, Best ranking to indicate creativity: Always ‘Your ranking: Sometimes.

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