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It is not possible that years from now humanlike robot are living with us. We don’t know

what we are capable of creating specially that technology is constantly evolving. Human wants

and needs are limitless so we keep on finding and making things to meet it. The movie will give

you a glimpse of what the future look like. It’s just amazing that it was done in 2001 that they

somehow foresee what will happen years from now.

The movie “Artificial Intelligence” has a theme about the desire to be real and to be loved.

David is the first robotic child that is created and is program to grow to his environment. That is

evident throughout the movie like when the ability to bond with his brother, to love his mother

and be happy to join a meal with his family. He was able to feel things that makes him more

human than the rest. The urge to be real started when his mother abandon him when she felt

afraid for the safety of her family. After that he started his quest to find the blue fairy that will

make him a real-life boy. It leads him to places he’d never expected, have met different people

and robots and somehow feel things that only human feels. It led me to question myself, if

emotions like love and fear makes us human, is it possible to say that when a robot also feel it

are, they now real? The movie was able to give us valuable lessons in life. That it is not

impossible for an artificial being to also experience love. I like what Gigolo Joe said that human

made them too smart, too quick and too many that they are the one suffering for the mistake

human made. The story also show case the negative feelings humans have. One of them is

frustration, when David found out that he wasn’t special and unique when he discovers that they

are many “David” being build. He felt depressed and sad that he jumped from the building and

lead him to found the blue fairy, prayed for 2 thousand years to find out that it wasn’t true then

the alien came and made his wishes come to life.


David only wants to be with his mother and at the end it came true. Whether the story will

come to reality or not we must be responsible of our actions because it will surely affect our


As the movie reveals, humans build machines such as robots for a convenience of life

but eventually throw them away when it becomes old and rusty. Also, in the movie they destroy

those ‘mecha’ because they think they are trying to replace human being but eventually we are

the reason why robots are build, we are the real monsters. We continue to develop latest

inventions but forget the main reason of building those thing. We just think of being superior and

being powerful. We become overpowered by jealousy and try to use robots for our own sake

but, when we think we become inferior we destroy them (like what the ‘flesh fair are doing in the

movie). Building those machines or inventions for example is those mecha in the movie, human

being created them and must be responsible of them but eventually when something happens

we blame human invention when in fact we are the one creating them.

This movie was a good eye opener how hard world is yet love is more powerful weapon

that even artificial intelligence needed it. That all not just human are deserve of love, they were

not just a tools, machinery, inventions or of a super toy but they were more than that. That love

can transform anything and anyone. It is more than just a fairy tale of Pinocchio who become a

real boy in the story, it is how we respect every uniqueness of everything in this world and that

it is not only the orga (humans) were the special but everything (even the mechas). This movie

also signifies how fear, curiosity, confusion and friendship are so important not just for us

humans but to those artificial being as well. We also, should remember that every time we

cherish and respect our things, they reciprocate. They give us more than what they should give


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