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OUTCOMES (what is the activity and (teaching cues, (how is the space set up? Where is (provi
(from previous page, how does it run?) questions or diagrams the teacher? Where are the de
what is the outcome that indicate how students?) actual
being addressed in the outcomes will be time)
activity?) achieved-what is the
teacher doing, saying,
showing, asking to
help achieve this?)

● Apply effective Brainstorm What are the first 12.0

qualities of a leadership things that come to 0-12.
leader to mind when you 10
I contribute to an Students will watch think of this type of
outdoor the video and this will leader? 8
N environment be used to introduce mins
● Represent an the leadership styles.
T approachable Can you think of a
figure who The leadership styles time where
R inspires others to slide will share a someone has acted
participation description of each as a leader in an
O ● Understand the style. This will be important situation
safety and duty explained to the in your life? E.g. a
of care students in a concise sport grand final
responsibilities of manner.
E a leader What do you think
V ● Communicate In table groups, each are the more crucial
E well and consider group will receive a characteristic of
O outside opinions leadership style. They being a leader?
P and ideas will complete a Y chart
M on the leadership style
E allocated to them. If you were a team
They will brainstorm member with this
and write down what type of leader, how
C their leadership style would feel, how
looks like, feels like would it sound, what
S and sounds like. would it look like?
U Each group will share
their ideas with the

If groups are
struggling, use the
questions to guide
their thinking. Keep
the leadership style
slide on the board to
help the students with
their brainstorming.
Involve everyone in The Amazing Race - Guide
challenges students and 12.1
Explain how to play give them 0-
Brainstorm ideas as the amazing race hints along 12.3
a team and using the slides. The the way if they 0
communicate class will be split into are struggling.
collectively teams of 4 or 5. When Using the 20
everyone is ready, the hot-cold minut
Complete all the first clues will be given strategy will es
challenges and with for them to take on the work well.
reasonable effort leadership and - Question their
progress through the use of
Demonstrate initiative race. leadership if
to express ideas and they are
assign roles Clues struggling with
the group
First clue: Grid dynamics.
reference. - Observe the
progression of
Teams will receive a the students
map of the sturt and the way
campus. They will they use the
follow this grid leadership
reference to find their styles to
next clue. contribute to
the class
Cooking Time discussions
after the race.
When arrived at the
gym, the teams will
receive a task card.
This will explain the
task and how to use the
materials. Students will
complete with little
guidance from teachers.
Questions can be
answered without giving
away too much.

Guess the riddle.

The riddle will be

spoken to teams that
complete the cooking

The riddle is ‘I'm going

on a picnic and i'm
bringing ice-cream’.

The word pattern are

foods most commonly
found in the freezer.

First group to
complete the race will
win and receive a
Reflect on the race Reflection on race Ensure all groups
and how they are on track and 12.3
implemented the Students will sit answering the 0-12.
leadership styles back in the questions on the 40
classroom with their board.
Reflect on the groups. They will 10
success of the group discuss these Guide students with minut
and if any questions and reflect questions if they es
improvements could upon their haven't quite
be made to leadership in The reflected well +
strengthen the Amazing Race. enough. Time
leadership. for
1. What leadership - What feed
style was leadership back
implemented styles worked
during the race? best with the
Hello I was showing group
Was this style
my mum google docs dynamics?
ahah yeah it is - Did the style
Hey its looking good have to
2. What did your change as the
group do well activities in
throughout the the race
race? What changed?
contributed to - Do you think
the success of you used one
the activities? specific style
or a mix of all
3. What leadership
skills could your
group improve
on? What would
you do
differently next

The groups will share

their responses with
the class.

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