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Pivotal tc Server Developer Edition

Version: 3.2.2.RELEASE
Build Date: 20161101201002

You have downloaded the tc Server Developer Edition. This edition of tc Server is
made up of the following features:

* The tc Runtime application server.

* Supporting utilities for creating and starting tc Runtime instances.
* Templates for creating specific types of tc Runtime server instances, such
as SSL- or cluster-enabled.
* Spring Insight, an application that provides you with real-time visibility
into the behavior and performance of
your applications.

How Do I Get Started?

To begin using tc Server, a server instance must be created. This can be done
using the script on
Unix and tc-runtime.bat on Windows. First, identify and create an "instance
directory" for your instances. Then, for Unix based OSes,
the following can be run to setup a basic instance that is capable of handling both

* create --template bio --template bio-ssl --instance-

directory <instance-directory> example-instance

This will create a directory in the specified instance directory called example-
instance. Not specifying the --instance-directory
property will create the instance in the current working directory, this is not
recommended. The README.txt in that
directory will explain specific details about the instance. To start this
instance, use

* -n <instance-directory> example-instance start

Once the instance has started, the instance will be available at

http://localhost:8080 or https://localhost:8443.

There is also a createInstance script in the "quickstart" directory that will walk
you through the process of creating a new instance as shown above.

tc Server has many other templates available to customize the instance creation
See the "Getting Started with tc Server" Guide for conceptual information about tc
Server and its different editions
(including this Developer Edition), as well as installation and usage instructions.

See the "Using Spring Insight" guide for specific information about Spring Insight.

* tc Server Documentation:

Additional Information
See the following links for additional information about the tc Server Standard

* Product Information:

* General tc Server Documentation:
* tc Server Discussion Forum:
* Spring Insight Discussion Forum:

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