Words of Gratitude

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Words of Gratitude by: Queenie Ligarte

To our honorable guest speaker, Ma'am Joana Grace Lapore, members of the school board, our school
director, Mrs. Vyvyan Lazaro, teachers, members of the faculty, our beloved parents, friends, guests,
fellow graduates, students of Immanuel School of Davao, ladies and gentlemen, good morning.

When I was in grade 10 in my previous school, I am thinking where would I go if I will be in Senior High
knowing that it would be my ninth time as a transferee. It was my church mate who encouraged me to
study here in ISD for many good reasons. She stated things that will benefit me as a student and as a
believer of Christ if I will be in the school where she is teaching and yes, I chose ISD gladly. It actually
takes courage to show what really I can do even I'm just a transferee. At first, I am frightened to go out
of my shell as I thought they will judge me easily but I'm wrong. The people I met and have been with me
for two years are the ones who developed my character as a student and a child. They gave me a big part
of my experiences in life especially when I was mistaken and they accepted me with no doubt. Besides,
this made me to soar like an eagle.

To my parents, for Papa, I know you're in good hands now. Even though you're not the one escorting me,
God knows how grateful I am to be your daughter because it was you who made me realized that I should
go beyond my limits and I shouldn't be contented being a student without medals and awards. To my
Mother, Ma, thank you for supporting me since day one. I know that you can't provide all my needs and
wants but I didn't feel your shortcomings. You don't want us to depend on other’s help that's why you're
always finding ways just to give our necessities. I can't imagine our life without you.

To my sister, to my Mommy's and my cousins, thank you for extending your love and care for me. You
also all supported me financially just to finish my studies. It's indeed a great help.

To my lovely teachers here in ISD, Ma'am Kathy, thanks for bringing me here, it was the best school for
me. To all my subject teachers who taught me not just lessons in school but also in life, I'll make sure to
apply it when I go to college specially the word of God you imparted. I hope that just like Ma'am Madz,
you'll all continue to share your knowledge and talents in this school and I pray that God will bless all of

To my special friend, Orwin and to your Lola, thanks for helping me throughout the school year and for
being there when nobody else was. You motivated me to become diligent in my studies that's why I made
it to the top one. You're such a blessing for me.

To all my classmates and friends in ISD, thank you so much for making my Senior High a memorable one
and for cheering me up every time I have struggles in school. I will miss the bonds we shared together in
fourteen rooms of the school. Once there was a joke saying "Nagkadugay, nagka pareho na ug mga
nawng ang mga taga ISD" then we laughed and I realized that maybe it is because we treat each other as
a family and we consider this school as our second home. That's why parents, I can say that you choose a
good school for your children. Again, to all the students of Immanuel School of Davao, thank you, you
guys are the best.

Above all, to the Almighty Father who strengthened me and the reason behind all my success, He
deserves all the glory, honor, power, thanksgiving and praise. Joshua 1:9 said “Have I not commanded
you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be
with you wherever you go.” Now, as we will depart from this place and will move to different places, let us
bring every word of the Lord in our lips for it is the lamp for our feet and a light onto our paths. In
everything we will do, be the one what God wants you to be.

Finally, congratulations everyone, good morning once again.

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