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Activity 1

1. Rigid Beliefs:

It has been seen that more often than not the people from the East are rigid in their ideologies and
beliefs. For them the truth is what has been there for thousands of years and not to be challenged
irrespective of its fading validity in modern times. However, things are looked from a rational.

2. Attitude:

When it comes to attitude, the West could be thought of as analytical and detailed. The focus on the
problem at hand and arrive at an outcome based of the pros and cons of that particular problem. The
East, however, is known for its holistic view. The preference of the latter is to come to a well-rounded
and all-inclusive solution which applies across the table.

3. Forthrightness:

The West is known for its openness and the ease with which several topics are discussed across
generations. Discussing something as basic and important as child birth or sex is still a taboo in the East
while that is done with much candour in the West. The lack of openness and conservative outlook is in
fact one of the hurdles in making sex education a must in the East while the same proceeds almost
without any hindrance in the West.

4. Status of female:

In the east women are still regarded as those who would sacrifice professional life and career in favour
of rearing children (yes, just like cattle) and taking care of the family. This is one of the psyches of the
East that is not prevalent in the West. A female in the west is free to decide her priorities and something
as basic as when to marry or even bear children. The same luxury or right has to be fought for and often
not granted to the women in the East.
5. Independence:

The idea of independence in its true context exists only in the western culture. In the east,
independence comes with “ifs” and “buts” or laden with various other conditions. No individual can be
truly independent in the east where the bond with the family precedes anything related to the self.
Something as basic as children moving out of the parents’ house after a certain age which is very much
common and sanctioned in the western culture is seen as blasphemous to family in the east.

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