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1. Increase focus and productivity with the 50/10 rule.

One simple way to improve yourself is to increase your productivity and make the most of your
time. How can you do that in 10 minutes? First, you need to be completely focused on your work
for 50 minutes give your complete and undivided attention for that full amount of time. But
here’s the key when the 50 minutes are over, give yourself a 10-minute break.

So, how do you fill that 10-minute break? Do whatever you want -- but be ready to go again
when time’s up. And if you really want to be productive, pick something else on this list and try
doing that during your break -- just think of it as making that 10 minutes count twice!

2. Practice gratitude.

Take 10 minutes to give yourself a mental boost by reminding yourself of all you have to be
grateful for. Practicing gratitude is not only good for your soul; it’s been scientifically proven to
help motivate you and improve your physical and psychological health.

Doing this will increase your self-esteem and resilience, meaning you’ll grow mentally stronger
and will be able to handle high stress better if you have an attitude of gratitude. People who
focus on what they are thankful for have sustained feelings of happiness and fewer aggressive
feelings. They show more sensitivity and empathy toward others.

3. Learn one new word.

By the time we are in middle school, we are equipped with a sizable vocabulary and the rate at
which we pick up new words begins to decline significantly. As adults, if we don't make
deliberate efforts to increase our language skills, our vocabularies will essentially become

But having a robust vocabulary isn’t just a nice way to look smart to other people; it helps you
more clearly express yourself. A larger vocabulary gives you a greater understanding and
appreciation of language, and allows you to be more precise when choosing your words and
expressing yourself.

4. Become a speed reader.

We all know that reading is an important way to gain knowledge. And many of us spend a big
chunk of our day reading whether it’s slogging through reports, scanning slideshows or
skimming through emails. Though we have to wade through so much reading material every day,
most people only read at an average of 200–250 words per minute. That’s roughly two minutes
per page, so it takes us over three hours to read a 100-page book.

5. Take a catnap.
Longer naps can leave you groggy right after you wake up, but a 10-minute nap will perk you up
without any negatives. If you’re worried that taking a nap might affect getting a good night’s
sleep, try taking a snooze mid- to late morning or in early afternoon.

6. Work on learning a new language.

What if you took 10 minutes every day and studied a new language -- how fluent could you
become in six months? In a year? With some diligence and focus, 10 minutes a day can help you
gain conversational skills in another language, thanks to microlearning, or consuming new
information in short, focused bursts.

7. Take a coffee break with a friend.

Researchers have found that engaging in just 10 minutes of conversation boosted people’s
performance on common cognitive tasks. So taking a quick coffee break with a friend can give
you a competitive edge when you go back to work.

8. Go outside.

A walk can ease depression, improve bone health, reduce stress and promote a healthy heart.
Spending just 10 minutes a day outside may also be key to helping your body absorb the
necessary amount of vitamin D it needs. It turns out that vitamin D can be hard for our bodies to
absorb just from eating well. We actually get 80 to 90 percent of our vitamin D from the sun.

9. Set yourself up to be successful tomorrow.

Do a quick brain dump write down all the things that are clogging up your mind; all the nitty-
gritty details you want to remember for things you’re working on. Use that brain dump organize
and prioritize tomorrow’s to-do list.

10. Write in your journal.

Get yourself in the right frame of mind for sleep by spending the last 10 minutes before bed
writing in your journal. Simply report to yourself what you did that day. If your handwriting is
hard to read, try keeping a journal on your computer.


Patricia Mae Benitez

AB-Sociology 1

1. Say stop to your inner critic.

A good place to start with raising your self-esteem is by learning how to handle and to replace
the voice of your own inner critic.

2. Use healthier motivation habits.

To make the inner critic less useful for yourself and that voice weaker and at the same time
motivate yourself to take action and raise your self-esteem it is certainly helps to have healthy
motivation habits.

3. Take a 2 minute self-appreciation break.

This is a very simple and fun habit. And if you spend just two minutes on it every day for a
month then it can make huge difference.

4. Write down 3 things in the evening that you can appreciate about yourself.

This is a variation of the habit above and combining the two of them can be extra powerful for
two boosts in self-esteem a day.

5. Do the right thing.

When you do what you deep down think is the right thing to do then you raise and strengthen
your self-esteem.

6. Replace the perfectionism.

Few thought habits can be so destructive in daily life as perfectionism.

7. Handle mistakes and failures in a more positive way.

If you go outside of your comfort zone, if you try to accomplish anything that is truly meaningful
then you will stumble and fall along the way.

8. Be kinder towards other people.

When you are kinder towards others you tend to treat and think of yourself in a kinder way too.
And the way you treat other people is how they tend to treat you in the long run.

9. Try something new.

When you try something new, when you challenge yourself in a small or bigger way and go
outside of your comfort zone then your opinion of yourself goes up.

10. Stop falling into the comparison trap.

When you compare your life, yourself and what you have to other people’s lives and what they
have then you have destructive habit on your hands.


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