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1. Penanggung o Internal Rumah Sakit (KFT/IFRS)
jawab/pelaksana DUE o Peneliti dari luar (universitas)
o Kolaborasi
o Lembaga lain

2 Selection of agents o High-volume medicine use

o Medicines with a low therapeutic index
o Medicines with a high incidence of ADRs
o Expensive medicines
o Medicines that are critically important, including those in the
following categories: cardiovascular, emergency, toxicology,
oncology, intravenous medicines, and narcotic analgesics
o Antimicrobial medicines, both prophylactic and therapeutic
o Injections
o Medicines undergoing evaluation for addition to the formulary
o Medicines used for off-label indications
o Medicines used for high-risk patients
3 & 4. Indikator, kriteria dan Indikator proses
nilai ambang batas o Indications ………………………………………………………..
evaluasi o Dose ……………………………………………………………….
o Quantity dispensed…………………………………………….
o Preparation……………………………………………………………….
(buat dalam bentuk o Monitoring…………………………………………………………………..
table seperti dalam o Contraindications………………………………………………….
contoh materi kuliah) o Drug interactions…………………………………………………….
o Administration……………………………………………………..
o Patient education………………………………………………………

Indikator outcome (TD, KGD, EFIKASI, dll)


Indikator administrative farmasi:

o Correct cost to patient
o Accurate billing records
o Accurate dispensing records
o Appropriate use of generic medicines or therapeutic
o Appropriate use of formulary medicines
o Appropriate quantity dispensed

5 Pengambilan data Prospektif/retrospektif

Jenis data
Jumlah pasien/resep
Periode pengambilan data
Pengolahan data

6 Penyajian hasil evaluasi o Grafik

o Diagram
o Narasi
o Lain-lain

7 Rekomendasi hasil o Appropriate/inappropriate

evaluasi o Acceptable/unacceptable
o Other drug use problem

8 Intervensi o In-service/continuing education programs

o Written guidelines for drug use
o Development of special drug order forms
o Changes in hospital policies and procedures
o Formulary additions and deletions
o Prescribing restrictions
o Formal and informal counseling

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