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1. Have you tried ...?

2. I (would) (strongly) suggest/advise that ...

3. If I was/were you, I'd ...

4. In my experience, ... works really well.

5. It's generally best/a good idea to...

6. One idea is to ...

7. One thing you could/should/have to do is ...


1. Have you tried to did not take dinner at night?

2. If I was you, I'd go to the gym every morning at 5 am before go

to the work.

3. In my experience, play sports 3 times per week, works really


4. It's generally best to drink water every morning before the


5. One idea is to eat full proteins, such as fruits and cookies after
breakfast, lunch and dinner, it would give you energy to all the day.

6. One thing you should to do is prepare your own menu for your
lunch(fish with a little piece of rice)

7. The most important thing to do is to do exercises and eat healthy


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