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2,4-D- and Dicamba-tolerant Crops

— Some Facts to Consider
William G. Johnson Introduction publication shares the perspective of some
Steven G. Hallett Purdue University scientists on the subject
The impending approval and use of soybean of managing weeds in crops, explains why
Travis R. Legleiter varieties that are tolerant of the herbicides 2,4-D- and dicamba-tolerant crops were
Fred Whitford 2,4-D and dicamba has been generating developed, and discusses some of the
some conversation and debate.
Purdue Botany and concerns surrounding the short- and
Plant Pathology Many groups and individuals — including long-term effects of this technology.
weed scientists, agronomic crop growers,
Stephen C. Weller and specialty crop growers — are concerned
about 2,4-D- and dicamba-resistant crops. Background on Weed
Bruce P. Bordelon
They say such crops are unnecessary, Management and
B. Rosie Lerner
Purdue Horticulture
will make farmers more dependent on Current Problems
the intellectual property held by large
and Landscape corporations, will injure nontarget crops Since they were introduced by Monsanto
in 1996, genetically engineered Roundup
Architecture sensitive to 2,4-D and dicamba, and will
Ready® (RR) crops revolutionized weed
accelerate the evolution of herbicide
resistance in weeds. management and no-till practices in
agronomic cropping systems. RR crops
Others argue that 2,4-D and dicamba have were resistant to the herbicide glyphosate,
been used on millions of acres since the which meant that producers could apply this
1960s and has not resulted in widespread one herbicide postemergence during the
Purdue Botany and damage, so using them on tolerant crops crop season and achieve excellent, broad-
Plant Pathology should not concern growers of high-value spectrum weed control. RR soybean was horticulture crops. introduced in the United States in 1996
It is important to note that there is no followed shortly thereafter by RR cotton and
Purdue Horticulture RR corn. Additional crops (including canola
unified opinion on this topic among weed
and Landscape scientists or agronomic crop growers. This and sugar beet) have also been released.
ID-453-W • 2,4-D- and Dicamba-tolerant Crops — Some Facts to Consider

Weed management in RR crops has been excellent Companies are searching for new active ingredients,
and has given agricultural producers simpler, less but the cost of developing them and the limited
expensive weed control with glyphosate-based potential for economic return have made it difficult
herbicides. However, after countless glyphosate to bring new products to market. Part of this is
applications over many years and many millions of due to the fact that glyphosate has dominated the
acres, there has been the widespread development of herbicide market since the introduction of RR crops
weed populations that are resistant to glyphosate. in 1996. Furthermore, with no new herbicide modes
of action on the horizon and herbicide-resistant
The first problem weed known to develop
weed populations on the rise in every state that
glyphosate resistance since the introduction of RR
grows corn and soybeans, there are few tools left to
technology was marestail (horseweed). Today, there
protect crop yields from weed infestations on large
are 22 weeds worldwide reported to be resistant to
glyphosate. In Indiana, marestail, giant ragweed,
and waterhemp are three problem weeds that have The same technology that allowed glyphosate to
documented glyphosate resistance. Several other be used on crops provides the ability to introduce
weeds are suspected to have developed resistance. herbicide tolerance traits into crops, thereby
allowing existing herbicides to be used in that
The Purdue Extension Glyphosate, Weeds, and Crops
new crop. So, companies have taken advantage
publication series (available from the Education
of this technology to provide a solution to weed
Store, documents
control problems. This provides “unique” tools for
several glyphosate-resistant weeds and recommends
managing our current list of herbicide-resistant
management practices.
The existence of glyphosate-resistant weeds
Companies decided to introduce 2,4-D and dicamba
requires producers to use additional herbicide tools
resistance into crops for fairly straightforward
and cultural practices to effectively manage the
reasons. First, these herbicide chemistries have
weeds. These additional practices add cost to the
shown excellent resilience and few herbicide-
production system. Often, there are no effective
resistant weeds have occurred after more than
herbicides that are easily available for some crops, or
50 years of use. Second, these herbicides provide
it is not desirable or possible to use more intensive
excellent control of glyphosate-resistant broadleaf
tillage on large acreages. The presence of glyphosate-
weeds such as marestail, giant ragweed, common
resistant weeds imperils the long-term sustainability
waterhemp, and other broadleaf weeds.
of the RR system unless producers practice more
integrated weed management that relies less on the
sole use of glyphosate. Developments in
Herbicide-resistant Crops
New Weed Management Approaches Two major companies have developed cropping
In response to the evolution of glyphosate-resistant systems with 2,4-D and dicamba herbicide
weeds, agricultural chemical companies have resistance: Dow AgroSciences and Monsanto
been investigating new methods of weed control. Company. Dow AgroSciences and Monsanto have
They have been developing new herbicides or taken proactive steps to address concerns of off-
(more commonly) using genetic engineering target movement by developing new formulations
to obtain crop plants that are resistant to other that, according to product labels and technical
herbicides. Developing new herbicides is difficult. use guidelines for seed products, will require new
To our knowledge, no university in the country application methods. If used, these methods can
is evaluating any new herbicide active ingredient. minimize, if not eliminate, off-target movement. The
In fact, the crop protection industry has not following are brief summaries of each system.
commercialized an herbicide with a new mode of
action in at least 10 years.


ID-453-W • 2,4-D- and Dicamba-tolerant Crops — Some Facts to Consider

Dow AgroSciences Technology Monsanto and BASF are developing application

programs, enhancing dicamba formulations, and
Dow AgroSciences calls their 2,4-D-resistant creating product stewardship programs that aim to
technology the Enlist™ Weed Control System in minimize the risk of off-target movement. Using
corn, soybean, and cotton. This technology became nonapproved dicamba formulations with higher
possible when the company inserted genes into volatility characteristics will not be allowed or
high-acreage agronomic crops that allow the recommended by Monsanto.
plants to metabolize 2,4-D. Dow AgroSciences also
developed a new Enlist Duo™ herbicide that contains Monsanto has communicated several required
glyphosate and a new formulation of 2,4-D: choline. parts of the anticipated stewardship program to
The herbicide features what Dow AgroSciences calls be included on the EPA label of new dicamba
Colex-D™ Technology. The new choline formulation formulations. Proposed application requirements
provides ultra-low volatility, minimized potential for include:
drift, lower odor, and better handling characteristics • Using application technologies that produce very
than commercially available 2,4-D amine or ester coarse to ultra coarse droplets (and eliminate fine
formulations. spray particles).
The drift potential of any 2,4-D formulation • Applying herbicides only when wind speeds are
depends on using nozzles that reduce driftable less than 10 MPH.
fines (droplets less than 200 microns). Proprietary
components in the Colex-DTM formulation will • Warning against applications when conditions are
reduce the amount of driftable fines. favorable for temperature inversions.

All EnlistTM crops will have traits that make them • Requiring buffers between application sites and
tolerant to 2,4-D as well as glyphosate. EnlistTM sensitive species.
corn will also have tolerance to the “-fop” grass Final application requirements and buffer zones are
herbicides that contain quizalofop (such as Targa® not finalized and will be determined with the aid of
and Assure®). EnlistTM soybean, cotton, and corn valid research results and input from the appropriate
will also be resistant to glufosinate. regulatory authorities.
Depending on regulatory approval, these crops are
being targeted for commercial sale in 2013 for corn,
2014 for soybean, and 2015 for cotton.

Monsanto Technology
Monsanto is developing crops after discovering a
gene that allows plants to metabolize dicamba. Their
Roundup Ready Plus Xtend System® will allow
applicators to spray glyphosate and dicamba over
tolerant crops.
Monsanto is collaborating with BASF to address
dicamba’s potential to injure off-target vegetation
through drift or volatilization. The danger for
drift is an ever-present concern for any herbicide
application and a major concern for all crops. There
have been many cases of dicamba drift over the past
20 years, and many people have worried that the The plants in this soybean field have been injured by a growth regulator
widespread use of dicamba-resistant corn, soybean, herbicide.
and cotton could increase off-target movement of


ID-453-W • 2,4-D- and Dicamba-tolerant Crops — Some Facts to Consider

Monsanto is performing extensive work to develop The main concern about these technologies is that
dicamba-resistant soybean, corn, and cotton. off-site movement via particle drift or volatility
Cotton will be tolerant to glyphosate, dicamba, and will damage sensitive crops (including agronomic
glufosinate. The target dates for dicamba-resistant crops that are not resistant to 2,4-D or dicamba),
crops depends on regulatory approval, but the most specialty crops (such as tomato, grape, and melons),
current estimates say they will be available for 2015. and nursery plantings. There is also concern that
these technologies will injure home gardens and
Logic for this Technology
Another major concern is that once these crops
The logic for these technologies is that traits for become commercialized, the acreage sprayed with
crop resistance to 2,4-D or dicamba, when stacked 2,4-D and dicamba would increase to encompass
with other herbicide resistance traits will reduce the the majority of agronomic acres in the United States.
risk of crop injury often associated with pre-plant Since much of this acreage could be sprayed two or
2,4-D or dicamba applications. They’ll also improve three times each growing season, some argue that it
control of difficult and resistant weeds in no-till greatly increases the potential for off-site movement
and conventional systems any time from preplant — even if most applications occur under the best of
into the growing season. The technologies will offer conditions — and for weeds to develop resistance to
growers flexibility to control weeds, allow them to 2,4-D or dicamba.
continue using reduced tillage practices, and will
help reduce the risk of selecting for glyphosate- The authors definitely appreciate these concerns,
resistant weeds. so the rest of this publication addresses issues that
affect off-site movement.
Both technologies will include the use of
preemergence soil residual herbicides and
postemergence herbicides. The goal is to effectively Factors Affecting Off-site Movement
limit the potential for weeds to develop herbicide
Understanding off-site movement potential involves
resistance, which would make the new herbicide-
specific knowledge of the herbicide’s chemical
tolerant crop technologies more sustainable.
and physical properties that can influence off-site
movement. It is important to know the differences
Concerns About Off-site Movement between drift and volatility.

Concerns exist because the most common drift

complaint in the spring consists of preplant Drift
burndown herbicides used for no-till corn and Drift is the physical movement of spray particles
soybeans that have injured ornamental plants. The by wind after the particles leave the sprayer and
herbicides involved in these complaints almost before they reach the intended target. Drift occurs
always include one or more of the following: 2,4- when spray applications occur in unfavorable
D, glyphosate, atrazine, acetochlor, or paraquat. weather conditions, but most commonly happens
Growers of crops or plants that are sensitive to these when windy conditions are combined with poor
herbicides, rural homeowners, and those concerned application techniques. One of these poor application
about maintaining wild habitats for pollinators techniques is using spray nozzles that produce
are concerned that widespread use of 2,4-D and small droplets (less than 200 microns). These small
dicamba will have detrimental effects on sensitive droplets are light and easily carried by wind.
plants. These concerns exist despite the fact that
both herbicides have been used postemergence for Drift is a major concern with all chemicals but in
more than 40 years (dicamba) and 60 years (2,4-D) reality, application technology and restrictions about
in many different crops and are still widely used applying herbicides during adverse environmental
today. conditions, when properly followed, greatly reduce
this problem.


ID-453-W • 2,4-D- and Dicamba-tolerant Crops — Some Facts to Consider

Volatility Herbicides like Treflan® (which are still popular)

have a fairly high vapor pressure so they must be
Volatility is much different than drift. Volatility is
incorporated in the soil to trap the herbicide in the
the movement of the gaseous form of the herbicide
soil matrix. Command® was somewhat infamous
after it has been deposited on its intended target as a
for off-site movement in the late 1980s because
liquid. After deposition, the herbicide changes from
of its high vapor pressure, but refinements in its
a liquid to a gaseous form, and the gaseous form
formulation eliminated this concern. It is important
moves off the target with wind currents.
to note that most herbicides introduced today have
Volatilization involves a phase change in which a lower volatility formulations that have reduced off-
liquid or solid phase may be transformed into vapor site movement concerns.
by rising temperatures or drops in external pressure.
The big concern with 2,4-D and dicamba is that
The tendency of an organic substance to volatilize
volatility and drift problems still exist. The known
is expressed by its vapor pressure — more volatile
volatility problems of certain 2,4-D and dicamba
compounds have higher vapor pressure values.
formulations are also well documented and are
An herbicide’s volatility is influenced by many being addressed by both companies through the
factors, including its vapor pressure, concentration, development of newer, lower volatility formulations.
and rate of transport to the surface of the leaf or However, a concern is that low-cost, generic
soil. Other factors influence volatility including formulations of both 2,4-D and dicamba are still
the temperature of the air, leaf, or soil; the water readily available and growers may turn to these
content of leaf or soil surface; and the velocity options if economics favor a lower application cost.
of air movement above the surface of the leaf or
soil. Reducing the water content on the leaf or soil
surface can reduce volatility by increasing sites for
adsorption. Conversely, water can assist volatility
through “wicking,” which is an upward movement
effect in which compounds are transported to the
soil surface as water moves upward in the soil profile
due to water evaporating at the soil surface.
The distribution of a chemical between water and
air is an expression of Henry’s Law. Without going
into confusing detail, Henry’s Law accounts for
the concentration of the pesticide in water and air
along with the influence of temperature, herbicide
solubility, molecular weight, and (most importantly)
its vapor pressure. If an herbicide has a vapor
pressure that allows a greater proportion of it to be
present in air, that chemical more readily goes from
a liquid to a gas and can move away from its target
to a nontarget plant. This is a situation to avoid,
and the herbicide industry has developed newer
chemistries that have vapor pressures that are not
conducive to volatilization.


ID-453-W • 2,4-D- and Dicamba-tolerant Crops — Some Facts to Consider

Methods of Minimizing pesticide applicators about locations where spray

drift may be a concern. We feel that more programs
Off-site Movement
like Driftwatch will become common as more
As mentioned above, volatility and drift are information becomes available about how best to
different factors that affect the off-site movement of use these herbicide-resistant crops while avoiding
herbicides. Spray operators can control drift, and potential damage from herbicide use.
manufacturers have made substantial improvements
The next few years will be interesting as herbicide-
to spray nozzle technology in recent years. A recent
tolerant crop technology is developed, approved for
paper presented at the Weed Science Society of
release, labeled, and used. Everyone will be watching
America (WSSA) meeting showed that driftable
how herbicides are used and applied and how the
spray droplets can be reduced from 30 percent
issues related to off-site movement are addressed.
down to 2 percent by simply upgrading the nozzle
There is much work that still needs to be done to
technology in current spray setups. This type of
ensure that when these herbicide-tolerant crop
information will be important for all spray operators
systems are commercially available they are effective
to consider as they spray near sensitive vegetation.
and economical, manage weeds, and do not damage
However, the most important thing operators can nontarget plants.
do to minimize drift is to spray only when winds are
not blowing toward sensitive vegetation.
On the other hand, operators cannot control
volatility except by choosing nonvolatile or low- • We recognize the need to manage glyphosate-
volatile formulations. Volatility occurs after spray resistant weeds for the sustainability of Roundup
is deposited on the target, when the herbicide Ready® agronomic cropping systems, which
turns into a vapor and moves away from the target. provide economical means to protect crop yields.
Operators can control volatility only if they do not • The introduction of 2,4-D- and dicamba-resistant
spray formulations that have high vapor pressures. crops represents a new technology that can help
Both Dow AgroSciences and Monsanto are maintain near-term productivity in our efficient,
developing application techniques that aim to simplified monoculture systems of commodity
minimize these concerns. They are taking measures crops. However, we must not become overly reliant
that include developing herbicide formulations on this technology as the only solution to manage
that are less volatile and have improved handling weeds and maintain high crop productivity. A
characteristics, creating better spray nozzle diversified approach to weed management must
technology, and improving overall application not be lost. The most durable and productive weed
requirements. management system must integrate many tools,
including genetic, cultural, nonchemical, and
When the new cropping technologies become chemical methods.
commercially available, it will be important for
users to apply the new herbicide formulations • We recognize the potential risks that the increased
responsibly and in ways that minimize volatility use of growth regulator herbicides (2,4-D and
concerns and physical drift. Purdue weed scientists dicamba) can have near sensitive crops, organic
believe operators can minimize drift by using farms, and rural home gardens and landscapes.
proper sprayer technology. Purdue weed scientists • We also note that it is not only 2,4-D- and
will need to educate applicators about the factors dicamba-sensitive crops (such as vegetables,
(both human and environmental) that increase the trees, and ornamentals) that are threatened, but
potential for off-site herbicide movement. that 2,4-D-resistant crops may be vulnerable to
Another tool is the Purdue-based Driftwatch dicamba, and dicamba-resistant crops may be
program (, a voluntary sensitive vulnerable to 2,4-D.
crop reporting system that notifies farmers and


ID-453-W • 2,4-D- and Dicamba-tolerant Crops — Some Facts to Consider

• We recognize the potential risk that growth • We encourage more stringent label restrictions on
regulator herbicides (2,4-D and dicamba) may allowable wind application conditions, (currently
have if they are applied later in the growing season at 15 mph) and to restrict any application when
than they are currently. winds are blowing toward sensitive crops or
homes. Wind restrictions should be much
• Dow AgroSciences is developing a low-volatile
lower (10 mph), and labels should specify that
choline formulation of 2,4-D, drift management
applications should also be avoided under
solutions, and product stewardship programs as
temperature inversion conditions.
part of their Colex-D™ Technology. Monsanto
and BASF are developing application programs, Reference in this publication to any specific
enhanced/improved dicamba formulations, commercial product, process, or service, or
and product stewardship programs intended the use of any trade, firm, or corporation
to minimize the risk of off-target movement. name is for general informational purposes
However, concern remains that some older, more only and does not constitute an endorsement,
volatile formulations are slated to receive “label recommendation, or certification of any kind
support,” not just the newly developed formula by Purdue University. Individuals using such
products assume responsibility for their use
• We encourage all growers of sensitive crops
in accordance with current directions of the
and cropping areas to register their fields with
Driftwatch ( so that pesticide
applicators will be aware of potential problems.
However, we do not believe the onus should
be solely on these growers. The manufacturers
of herbicide-resistant crop technologies must
carefully monitor the situation after they release
these crops, and they should document any and all
drift cases.
• We strongly recommend that the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency restrict, by
label, the use of higher volatile formulations on
any Roundup Ready® crops and that record-
keeping requirements (similar to those in place
for restricted use (RUP) products) makes sense to
help in any investigation of off-target movement.
• It is critical that registering companies develop
marketing plans that tie technology purchases to
the use of the newly developed formulations to
reduce the economic risk of generic formulation
use that would lead to unacceptable risk of
These tomato plants have been injured by a growth regulator herbicide.
potential volatility exposures.

Nov. 2012

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