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Erin Martin

Professor Lacey

English 111

2 October 2019

Britannica, T. E. of E. (2008, July 14). Hamburger.

Retrieved September 26, 2019, from

In this short article, it talks about the regulations in the United States with the Department

of Agriculture known as USDA standards of beef. Beef is a type of meat that comes from an

animal it explains. By inferencing the importance of standards made. Since beef is the main

source to make the All-American hamburger. It explains the main differences in meat production

including beef in the different centuries until now. With talking about how hamburger meat can

be either ground beef or chopped. It goes along describing the different fat content that is use for

hamburger has due food laws. With the variety of fat content differs between if its regular

hamburger or lean. The author illustrates the content by repeating and making the audience

aware of the differences in meat today. This article source is trying to explain the many different

health laws by the USDA by informing anyone about the main facts about beef when that’s the

source of a hamburger. This source isn’t a lengthy, hard article to read. It includes facts

throughout the article with no bias opinions. Overall, it’s an appealing informal article about beef

that is used by many Americans with other countries.

@bryanrwalsh, B. W. (2013, December 16). The Triple Whopper Environmental Impact of

Global Meat Production. Retrieved September 27, 2019, from


The magazine article published by Times, tribute in discussing the agriculture system but

focuses on the livestock production in America. Livestock includes meat, milk and eggs. He

compares the differences in livestock production in the different regions, the results showed a

significant differ ration. An average American eats 270 pounds of meat in a year. Livestock deals

with the farming factories in the industry. Over the years, public health attitudes changed. It’s

because farmers are over using hormones, antibiotics, other unknown chemicals and putting bad

chemicals in the air to make pollution rise. Farmers in this industry can’t keep up with the

livestock in producing the measures needed to be met. The author goes into depth about the what

livestock is and how it is affecting Americans. This article from the magazine is informal but yet

highly effective for audiences. It’s an eye-opener by consumers who not only eat meat but have

milk and eggs in their diet to understand the danger. Some readers could incorporate, the article

being misleading or bias towards of the issue. Reading this piece of information, advises and

notifies the audience of the dense information in what’s been happening and what is still

happening today.

Catholics make mince meat out of the humble hamburger. (2000, November 10). Express, The

(London, England). Available from NewsBank: Access World News: https://0-infoweb-


In this news article report, by an Italian journalist, compares that Catholics believe

hamburgers are atheist towards one another. It leads that the American burger by stating that
America’s fast-food culture is horrific. It’s by comparing the views of the culture in Italy to

America. With notifying us that he believes it’s destroying American tradition’s and the social

exchange it provides to each other. Which leads him going into touchy topics and views to

explain the information. He demonstrates the meaning of a burger in a negative way. With

including the fact, he talks about fast-food places as well. This news article report is extremely

bias and all personal opinions. Meaning anyone can say a certain food shouldn’t be eaten. He

brings most of all his information in by using religious people with the catholic theologian. This

would be more towards someone who agrees with his views rather than disagreeing. The viewers

of this news report will be from Italy. This news report did get published since the Roman

Catholic Church announced that hamburgers shouldn’t be allowed. Some areas where he states

quotes are facts, but it is not interesting overall. This report is on theories of one certain religion.

Larsen, L. (2019, June 26). The Classic All-American Burger is Delicious, Juicy, and Perfectly

Cooked. Retrieved September 27, 2019, from


In this recipe for the old-fashion regular hamburger explains everything you will need.

For starters, it describes the American hamburger while incorporating that you can include any

toppings for your taste satisfaction. Meaning different people like a variety of different toppings

to put extra on their hamburger. It gives a few tricks expressing that adding milk, water or

Worcestershire sauce can make the burgers have extra flavoring. Nevertheless, it can make your

burger extra saturated and moist instead of having a dry hamburger, if you overcook it. It

presents the step by step directions with preparation time. Cooking more than one burger at a

time, it involves a trick to keep all the burgers the same. Simply you would make a small indent

or deviant in the middle of each burger before cooking. This recipe is not formal but gives
important knowledge for anyone that wants to consider using this recipe for cooking their

hamburger. I don’t believe any of this information is bias. The audience could be for anyone that

likes to try new recipes. It is very helpful with the adding pictures and showing step by step

instructions. That would help the reader with understanding the recipe better.

Mitchell, P. B. (2002, November 2). Burger Business. Retrieved October 9, 2019, from

In this personal story article, it portrays a burger and the surprised she had. Mitchell lived

in a rural area down South. She describes her life experience about when she was a little kid. She

recalls that the access of getting a burger was trouble. During her teenage years, is when burgers

started becoming common in the everyday world. However, milkshakes, drinks and French Fries

were becoming very popular as well. In a short, few paragraphs, she describes her life when she

had a family. She never knew how rapidly more burger places were opening. She expresses all

the places she visited such as, New Orleans, Mississippi and Ocean Springs and how each burger

was different but perfectly amazing. She emphasizes on the story of the beginning’s burger until

present time. She was surprised how the all-American favorite fast food chains, turned into a

classic. This article is a personal story that readers can connect well with. While she is talking

between different times in life, she adds emotions from being sad, mad and shocked. With her

adding emotions to her story, it will have readers interested in her experience. This article is

informal but effective to whom may read this.

Ozersky, J. (2008). The Hamburger: A History. New Haven [Conn.]: Yale University Press.

Retrieved from

In the novel, “The Hamburger”, it symbolizes that the American burger has vast amounts

of background history in America. How it’s not a simple, basic burger, its meaningful. Most

people have a myth or story of the hamburger. Hearing the many stories about the wide range of

countries creating a new level of a hamburger exploded. The chapter, Hamburg-American Line

describes the significant all-around American burger. Which means a ground beef patty on a

white bun. This rich meaning is how America was able to define this concept. The chapter

enriches the overall content with going from past to current times. Giving the timeline of major

events in America including what the American burger was during that time period. This novel

wouldn’t be something anyone would read unless it’s a requirement since its lengthy and boring.

It’s a formal novel including the deep true meaning of the history and how powerful the symbol

is. The author makes its clear in what he wanting to say. As a result, during certain times of the

chapter includes some bias information. While there are no pictures or illustrations, the dense

novel is more difficult to incorporate. Which leads this reading to be intense.

The great American hamburger debate. (2004). National Provisioner, 218, 12.

Retrieved from


In “The great American hamburger debate”, tells about the knowledge of the simple

hamburger. There is no true background since multiple claims are on who first invented the

burger. However, the immigrants from Germany, had an unknown recipe called, Hamburg Steak

which came to America eventually. The explanation varies in the different types of hamburgers

between the 1930s and 1990s. How magnificently popular burgers were, the company Weber in

1952, invented the first grill for families. It justifies that the hamburger debate will never have a

clear understanding with the claims made. During the 1990’s, as the country was expanding
vastly, cities, automobiles, and the basic hamburger was the prefect food creation. It illustrates

readers the knowledge of Americanized this popular famous dish is while educating the audience

with facts through history. Readers will interpret the importance of this sandwich and how

Americans went crazy over it during the 19th century. Since it is a magazine news article, it’s

mostly all factual but not boring. However, they did make it interesting by including pictures

with a timeline to help understand the important dates. It doesn’t tend to have many or at all bias

concepts in this source of magazine article.

Press, A. (2016, November 4). USDA Suspends Rural Oregon Slaughterhouses.

Retrieved October 1, 2019, from


The USDA suspends rural Oregon Slaughterhouses due to animal cruelty. It announces

that the slaughterhouses in Oregon benefits multiple states in America. Oregon hasn’t been the

only state put on suspension, but it was the largest takedown that has happen by the USDA. The

shutdown was for inhumane practices towards the animals. With our meat demand already being

at such a high demand, this shutdown wasn’t helping. In the Federal Meat Inspection Act

explains when illegal practices and inhumane occurs, an intense operational search and

suspension will take place immediately. Now the FSIS will strictly start enforcing better

inspections. The Federal Meat and Poultry Inspections Acts has to require theses shutdowns

along with monitoring and recording the findings. Since slaughterhouses aren’t doing their job, it

affects the rest of us. This article will inform all readers about the slaughterhouse illegal practices

being done across the world. Since only a few states been put on suspension, the largest take

down was in Oregon. It is a factual understanding of the USDA and why they shutdown

slaughterhouses. It affects our meats especially where beef comes from. Most audiences will find
this reading educational and will learn the issues happening to the animals, where we get our

meat from.

Schroeter, J., & Azzam, A. (1990). Measuring market power in multi-product oligopolies: the

US meat industry.

Applied Economics, 22(10), 1365–1376. doi: 10.1080/00036849000000107

This article journal enhances on the economic system in agriculture in the United States

meat industry. Over the past decades, the demand of beef has grown tremulous. The major effects

with our high demand in meat, is causing farmers to be in trouble. He describes that our farmers

across the nation, been running into trouble. Which has been leading to bad choices. With these

bad choices being made, it has been affecting humans slowly over time. We all know that

everything we eat affects us; farmers been putting hormones in the animals to meet the demand.

The authors state how farmers can’t keep up, which leads artificial meats being consumed more.

The authors are discussing the issues by enchaining on the agriculture system today. It lets the

readers be informed by educating them on the economic demands in meat especially beef. Since

there is an abstract to this journal, you can easily determine that research and facts are put into

this article. It’s not only educational knowledge but it’s what most Americans eat in any meal. In

the world today, this journal should be for anyone especially people in the farming industry along

with health sciences to understand the issues.

Shah, K. (2015, April 17). The Average Price of a Burger Across American Cities. Retrieved

October 9, 2019, from


In this article, it expresses what an average American will pay for a hamburger in a

restaurant. This article did a report on major tourist cities across America. The results varied
from city to city. However, the highest burger price was $9.52 while the lowest was $6.24. These

prices came a variety of different restaurants. Burgers are one of the most popular foods all over

the world especially in the US. Since the standard of living is different in America, in certain

regions the prices vary tremendously between food and nonfood items. The price for a burger in

major cities such as New York City, Atlanta, Seattle and Chicago along with others, prices were

high. This annual report article of what the cost of a Burger will be across America. This will be

an interesting reading for the audience, since it’s not bias nor informal. It shows different

illustration’s along with graphs to show the different areas where a burger will cost more. This

will give a reader the insight of major cities and how much the cost of food will be. I think this

will be helpful for travelers in knowing the different prices and what to expect.

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