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An Analysis of Psychology in the Novel

“Ayat-Ayat Cinta”
Sigmund Freud Theory

Name : Eltrima Sitio

NPM : 15111484

Faculty of Art and Education

Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia
An Analysis of Psychology in the Novel
“Ayat-Ayat Cinta”
Sigmund Freud Theory

Sigmund Freud was considered the originator of literary psychology, he created the
theory of psychoanalysis which opened the discourse of literary psychology research

according to Freud personality has three important elements, namely ID, EGO, SUPEREGO

On this occasion I will analyze the novel "Ayat-Ayat Cinta" by using the theory of Sigmund
"Ayat-Ayat Cinta" tells the story of the life of a young Indonesian Muslim man in Egypt with
various problems faced. Among them were the hot air that tested him to keep learning, the
temptation of the beautiful woman who tested him, the slander that almost plunged him into the
head. From this description it can be seen that as a human being he has primitive impulses, but
with a strong foundation of faith he can survive.
The ID experienced by the character in this novel includes when he has to hold the heat of the
desert air when he is going to study. Although the heat of the sun hit the city of Cairo, Fahri
determined to go to Shaykh Uthman.

1. ID
Fahri's ID is that he feels uncomfortable with hot weather, another ID is feeling lazy. This
can be seen in the following quote :
“Awal-awal Agustus memang puncak musim panas. Dalam kondisi sangat tidak nyaman seperti
ini, aku sendiri sebenarnya sangat malas keluar. Rmalan cuaca mengumumkan: empat puluh
satu derajat celcius! Dengan tekad bulat, setelah mengusir segala rasa aras-arasen aku bersiap
untuk keluar. Tepat pukul dua siang aku harus sudah berada di masjid Abu Bakar Ash-Shidiq
yang terletak di Shubra El-Khaima….” (16)

Fahri's ID in this section was that he was stubborn to go home, even though the weather at
that time was very hot and had been reminded by Shaykh Ahmad not to go home
“Masya Allah, semoga Allah menyertai langkahmu.”
“Amin”, sahutku pelan sambil melirik jam dinding diatas mihrab.
“Syaikh, saya pamit dulu”. ………” (32)

The ID contained in this section was Fahri's friend, who he had just known on the metro,
namely Ashraf was not happy with the presence of three Caucasians entering the metro.
“Ashraf menoleh ke kanan dan memandang tiga bule itu dengan raut tidak senang.” (38)
2. SuperEgo
Fahri's super ego is not afraid of weather that does not support
“semestinya memang begitu Syaikh. Tapi saya harus komitmen dengan jadwal….” (31)

The super ego that Fahri has is deeply regretting the actions of his new friend. a Muslim
should not be worthy of saying a word of abuse against a fellow human being despite
different beliefs
“Untungnya ketiga orang Amerika itu tidak bisa bahasa Arab. Mereka kelihatannya tidak
terpengaruh sama sekali……” (40)

The super ego that Fahri has is that he is willing to go back and forth to get Maria's role.
Fahri is willing to return to the metro to his place just to get the order of his best
Fahri's super ego is that Fahri feels sorry for and cannot bear the fate of the woman. so
Fahri invited Maria to help the woman
“Apa kau tidak kasihan padanya?”
“sangat kasihan”
“………” (75)

3. Ego
The ego contained in this section is Fahri's belief that it was lost on a very hot day not
looking for an empty chair
“Aku yakin sekali akan dapat tempat duduk……” (33-34)
The ego contained in this section is Fahri trying to calm the chaos carried out by the
people of Egypt who did not accept the bag of the presence of three tourists and their
disapproval of the kindness given by veiled women to one of the tourists
“Lelaki setengah baya itu tampak berkata-kata…..” (51)
The ego contained in this section is Fahri's dream of who will be his companion between
Nurul, Maria and Aishah. (143).

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