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Problem No: 1
Date Identified: May 17, 2010
Problem Identified: Hyperthermia

Subjective: “Init, sakit akong ulo”
 V/S
a. T – 38.480C
b. R – 32
 Diaphoresis
 Flushed skin
 Warm to touch
 Facial grimace noted
 Irritability

Nursing Diagnosis:

Hyperthermia related to undelying disease condition

Objectives / Evaluation Criteria:

Within 4 hours of nursing interventions, the patient will be able to maintain body temperature
within normal range (36.5 – 37.50C)


1) Assess vital signs Serves as baseline data
2) Obtain age and weight Extreme of age and weight increases the risk for
inability to control body temperature
3) Measure I & O To monitor for fluid and electrolytes imbalance
4) Note presence / absence of sweating as body Evaporation is decreased by environmental factors
attempts to increase heat loss by evaporation, of high humidity and a high ambient temperature,
conduction and diffusion as well as body factors producing loss of ability to
sweat or sweat gland dysfunction
5) Remove excessive clothing & covers To allow ventilation and to reduce heat by
evaporationa and convection
6) Cool with tepid sponge bath or immersion To allow heat loss by evaporation and conduction
7) Local ice packs, especially in groin and axillae Loss of heat by conduction is effective in areas of
high blood flow
8)Provide ample fluid If patient is dehydrated or diaphoretic, fluid loss
contributed to fever
9) Maintain bed rest To reduce metabolic demands / oxygen
10) Administer medication, as indicated To lower down body temperature and/or treat
underlying cause of hyperthermia
11) administer replacement of fluid & electrolytes To support circulating volume and tisue perfusion


Goal met. After 4 hours of nursing interventions the patient’s temperature is 37.46 0C

Date Evaluated:

May 18, 2010


Problem No: 2
Date Identified: May 18, 2010
Problem Identified: Risk for impaired skin integrity

 Diaphoresis
 Left sided weakness of the body
 Always lying on bed
 Needs assistance in moving
 Capillary refill of 3 seconds
 Dry skin
 Skin recoil after 1 second

Nursing Diagnosis:

Risk for impaired skin integrity r/t physical immobility socondary to left sided weakness

Objectives / Evaluation Criteria:

Within 4 hours of nursing interventions, the patient & his significalt others will be able to
demonstrate behavior changes / technique to prevent skin breakdown as evidenced by turning to sides
and drying moisten areas of the body.


1) Assess vital signs Serves as baseline data
2) Determine age Elderly patient’s skin is leass elastic & has less
moisture, making for higher risk of skin
3) Assess patient’s ability to move Immobility is the major risk factor in skin
4)Assess for environmental moisture May contribute to skin breakdown
5) Implement and maintain repositioning the To allow distribution of pressure to the body
6) Maintain meticulous skin hygeine by cleaning, Moisten skin is prone to breakdown
drying thoroughly the skin especially over bony
7) Support bony prominences using pillow or To increase circulation and limit/ eliminate
rolled cloth excessive tissue perfusion
8)keep bedclothes dry and wrinkle-free To keep skin dry and to prevent friction or shear
9) Provide safety meaures as indicated by Giving space for movement is important since it
individual situation as clearing the bed to provide decreases physical immobility by allowing the
adequate space for movement patient to move in the given space
10) Encourage ambulation if patient is able To allow muscle & joint movement & increase the
blood circulation in the different areas of the body
11) Emphasize importance of adequate nutrional / Hydrated skin is less prone to breakedown
fluid intake To maintain general good health and skin turgor
12) Encourage range of motion exercises To enhace circulation


Goal met. After 4 hours of nursing interventions, the patient was able to turn to sides

Date Evaluated:

May 18, 2010


Problem No: 3
Date Identified: May 20, 2010
Problem Identified: Activity intolerance

 Perspiring
 Left sided weakness of the body
 Always lying on bed
 Needs assistance in moving

Nursing Diagnosis:

Activity intolerance related to left sided body weakness

Objectives / Evaluation Criteria:

Within 4 hours of nursing iterventions, the patient will be able to report increase in activity
tolerance as evidenced by turning to sides when tolerated


1) Assess vital signs Serves as baseline data
2) Assess patient’s level of mobility Aids in defining what patient is capable of, which is
necessary prior to setting realistic goals
3) Plan care to carefully balaced rest periods with To reduce fatigue
4) Plan for maximal activity within the client’s Promotes the idea of need for / normalcy of
ability progressring in this area
5) Assist with ADL as indicated but avoid doing for To reduce energy expenditures & increases
patient what he can do for himself patient’s self-esteem
6) Encouraged ROM exercises To maintain muscle strength and joint range of motion
7) Teach energy conservation techniques They reduces oxygen consumption, allowing more
(Changing position frequently & sitting to do task) prolonged activity
8)increase exercise / activity gradually To prevetn overexerting the heart and to promote
attainment of short-range goals
9)refrain from performing nonessential procedures To promote rest
10)encouraged adequate rest periods especially To reduces cardiac workload
before ambulation, diagnostic procedures, & meal
11) promote comfort measures & provide for relief To enhance ability to participate in activity
of pain
12) Provide positive atmosphere, while Helps to minimize frustration and rechannel
acknowledging difficulty of the situation energy
13) provide emotional support while increasing the To increase patient’s ability
activity & promote positive attitude


After 1 hour of nursing interventions, the patient was able to turn to his side on his own.

Date Evaluated:

May 20, 2010

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