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Assalammualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,

Alhamdulillah, for all the countless Grace God has given me, I am grateful to be given an
opportunity to finally complete this task.

The highest blessing and salutation I address for our prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
May we get all the blessing later in the Judgement Day.

I am Adrian Wahyudi, first semester of Islamic Economics major.

Here I’d like to tell a little about Islamic Economic which I love dearly. For me, Islamic
Economics gives justice for all parties or people who are involved in a certain business.

Islamic Economics has similar discussion to the conventional Economics subject. It also talks
about selling and buying, accounts payable, invest, cooperation, and other economical
transactions. What distinguishes it from the conventional one is they are reviewed based on 3
main points: Al-Qur’an, Hadiths, and individual interpretation of Islamic scholars.

Islamic Economics leads us to be a better person as well. To be a right –not misguided,

trustworthy –not mendacious, preachy –not concealed, and clever –not dull.

Islamic Economics also teaches us to trust God even more and be careful in taking action
especially in doing Economical activity in which we know that every single thing we do in this
world will be held to account in the Judgement Day.

My most favorite Islamic Economics figure is Ustman bin Affan. In brief, he was a friend of
Prophet Muhammad and a person who became Khalifa after the death of Prophet Muhammad.
He was once the wealthiest person in Medina and Mecca at his time. Some sources even claimed
he is still the wealthiest person in the cities and in the world. The claim is based on the fact that
there are still many assets of Ustman bin Affan that continue to provide income even though he
himself died.

However, even Ustman bin Affan has got every worldly things, it was said that he was one of the
person who was really closed to Allah. One of practices he did, as what was said in some
histories, included frequent night prayer and Khatm Al-Qur’an, donating the most number of
money, committing to cover his body –which makes the Angels feel ashamed, and many others
that I cannot compile completely in this writing. Thus, by all the dignity he had, he became one
of prophet Muhammad’s friend who was guaranteed the Heaven. MasyaAllah

I also respect others Economical figure who have got the worldly pleasure but still committed to
worship Allah.

I hope every Moslem can participate in economical matters especially Islamic economics
because it is one of the factor which affects the Moslem progression.

Perhaps, that would be all the things I can say. All mistakes are purely mine and to God I beg for
forgiveness. Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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