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The Decalogue


Octavio Medina Mavi


Foreword 4

Decalogue Development

primary desires of everyone 6

poor and rich countries 7

Seeking the source of wealth and poverty 9

The impression of a traveler from the third world to the rich

industrialized world eleven

Born the Puritans 16

England and Puritans 17

Japan and the Decalogue Development 19

One thing to know and another, practicing what is known twenty

Towards a developed and rich Peru twenty-one

Strategy to follow 2. 3

Epilogue 25

We will be developed! 26


AND l work that we offer you, dear reader, is not a thesis, theory or hypothesis ... it is a historical
analysis, a recognition of facts that constitute the starting point of a long road that led to
the 5 billion people that make up the world's population of the twentieth century in his
ninth decade, the current division in which, because of their economic situation, we have
to rank the nations of the world into rich developed countries and underdeveloped
countries rich or poor. We annotation " rich underdeveloped " because in this condition
are a few countries, such is the case of the Arab communities that have oil in huge
quantities in their territories, have become wealthy, but have not reached development.

The marked division is the expression of a reality made over the past 400 years, whose
cause lies mainly in mental conditioning that try to explain.

This paper precisely wants to reach the same reason for that division. And obtaining
such an explanation of this phenomenon, we reach the paradoxical conclusion that the
task of leaving underdevelopment and enjoy well-being and comfort, ie a better quality of
life and seguirdad that characterizes developed countries is indeed, simple.

However, being simple is very difficult, hence the paradox. It is simple, because it
depends on what we have in insufficient or that of which we lack; such as technology,
capital, equipment and tools. Only it depends on another factor:
the attitudes of our minds imprinted behavior. But
indeed, there is the difficulty: How do you make the necessary prone to developing
attitudes compenetren in our minds and proceed to make people act the way most
people in a developed country? We believe we have found the way to go.

We believe that in the hands of entrepreneurs is the key that will open the way. We also
believe that with the drive, determination and courage of the entrepreneurs, who would
be the initial leaders of this great national crusade for the development, the initial impulse
multiplied with the passing of time will be generated to cover a significant portion of the
people act according to the "Decalogue Development" and that its percentage relative to
total hers -50% when less- tilt the behavior of the country in the right directio

This little booklet, dear reader, will help you change your life. Will make progress. You
will reap greater benefits. Will make you happier.

If you adecuas your life to the Decalogue Development, you will improve spiritual and
material and will overcome you as a person. No matter what social or economic status
enuentres you now. If you decide from today to change what needed to adecuarte as
quickly as possible to the Decalogue Development, if you are wealthy, your wealth will
increase and if you are poor, we are sure that your situation favorably change over a
few years.

And you allow your family also improve in every way.

This is the great national crusade for Peru out of underdevelopment and poverty, starting
with yourself, your family and your busine

Decalogue Development

Primary desires of All Persons S and you can be assured that if they do the following

three questions to a group of people:

You want to earn more?

You want further
progress? You want more

all answer affirmatively. And not only that, but healthy and consciously each of these
people claim that is striving to gain a better position in each of these legitimate

No embaro, we find every day that our country as well as in underdeveloped countries
poor Nonprogressing people do not earn enough and therefore do not have the
opportunity to cover certain material needs that are part of the happiness of a person .

The work presented here, seeks the path which will satisfy these desires in the people
who make a business, large or small in independent workers, professionals, public
employees, etc; in short, seeks to develop the Peru based on Peruvian overcoming eac

Poor countries and countries Rich

whe an underdeveloped and poor country. Meanwhile, we hear of developed and rich


What classification rich and poor is translated or developed and underdeveloped? Let's
start by saying that indicate the characteristics of our poverty, it will repeat something
known by all, because every day this situation suffers most of the people of the country
and who does not live by having a well-off, is yet contacted her in its various
manifestations.In rich countries, highly industrialized food production, goods and services,
reaches a large volume with high production efficiency which makes part of its needs in
all kinds of things are covered and that there is still exportable surpluses, which in turn it
gives the possibilities of importing country what, for some reason, does not produce or
does in insufficient quantity.

Two striking examples allow us to appreciate in all its reality contrasting production
systems of these countries with ours.

In Peru 2'700,000 people aged 16 to 65 years working at 47% of the PEA

(economically active population), amount would rise substantially if we had
those under 16 and over 65. However, we are deficient in field and we have to
import food for 400 million dollars annually to feed 20 million people. In the
United States, working in the field persons 3'500,000 which produce enough
food for its 240 million inhabitants and also exported

40,000 million annually to various countries, and even more, they give poor
countries the different products of the field.

Total industry in Peru, thousands of factories from the largest to the smallest,
300 thousand people work and produce 4,500 million dollars annually in
different productos.Honda Motor Co. Ltd., Japan, with
40,000 workers produce 16,000 million dollars annually.

However, such high production and efficiency have been achieved through refinements of
techniques and production systems for manufacturing various equipment, machinery,
etc., scientific discovery and technological application of knowledge in the whole field,
leading to the increase in production and a longer and fulfilling life health, surrounded by
comfort, with greater possibilities of spiritual evolution.
This great production, and multiple chances of increasing knowledge and preparation,
leading to two final results that come to be characteristic palpable of these rich
countries, and that make the difference abismal us: high remuneration received by each
person for their work and the cost low, production scale of all goods.
This, in other words, it means a great purchasing power.

Thus, for example, with an hour wage of a worker on the assembly line factory cars or refrigerators, it
can acquire a blender. And with the entry of two or three months you can purchase a used car three
years old, and the salary for a year, two or three of the latest model.

Comparing the wealth of these countries with the poverty of ours, automatic arise questions Why are
there rich and poor countries? What is the explanation for these abysmal differences between rich
countries and we, for exa

Seeking the Source of Wealth and Poverty

ome argue that the explanation lies in the old country.

The notion that most people have regarding the development of a country is influenced by
the concept of time. A likeness of the human being who, as the years pass, you will gain
maturity, it is assumed, by analogy, that countries should happen the same.

But as you dig deeper into this concept realizes that is not true. Evidenced by cases
from countries such as India, China, Egypt, which are thousands of years old and are
underdeveloped and poor. Instead Australia and New Zealand, just over 150 years ago
were almost unknown are, however, developed and rich countries today.

Lima was founded in 1535 when already Cuzco -the imperial capital had few years, more
or less, on the same date Bogotá. Also, for the time, Hernán Cortés conquered Mexico
City, which already existed 300 years ago.

Lima was founded in 1535 when already Cuzco -the imperial capital had few years, more
or less, on the same date Bogotá. Also, for the time, Hernan Cortés conquered Mexico
City, which already existed 300 years ago.

In 1551 he founded the University of San Marcos, first in Spanish America; and the
following year the University of Mexico. One hundred years after the founding of Lima in

1635, the Spanish Empire from Mexico to Argentina, had operated many governorships and
viceroys, and its population was made up mainly-European-Spaniards mestizos and Indians.
This whole colonial system sent countless wealth to the motherland, Spain.

Meanwhile, the lands of what is today the United States and Canada, were practically
depopulated, lived in them almost exclusively indigenous Redskins small relative amount with
respect to the size of those territories.

Spaniards, for lack materially from forces had not advanced much over these territories. The first
census showing the United States in its formation, when they could just survive the first settlers
in Virginia and Boston, showed a total population of 4,600 whites (mostly from England). As a
point of comparison, consider that the Banco de Credito has more than 5,000 servers.

How has it been possible then, that being virtually nothing the United States in that year with the
Spanish American Empire, has been developed in suc

Developing Canada to date with 26 million inhabitants, it was after the US, and yet today
Canada is one of the seven richest countries in the world. The age of the people does not
explain the reason for development.

Another way to explain the difference between rich and poor countries is that although Peru, for
example, has great mineral wealth, timber, marine, etc., the minimum export so difficult
geography of the country has prevented its use in big scale. Instead, in rich countries these
riches have been more accessible, and therefore better and faster your people could use them.

Mistake again. If we take Japan as an example, we see that its territory is the third of Peru, and
80% of it is mountainous, and therefore unsuitable for agriculture. Japan only has minerals and
has no oil.
Almost all their production, which has become the second largest economy is based on imports
of natural resources from various parts of the world.

Japan is like a floating factory immense, which arrives endless chain formed by thousands of
ships, all the products you need your industry, and other endless chain, also leave the
thousands of ships worldwide products in this factory produced.

Argentina has such rich lands, you can practically say that agriculture and livestock are
developed alone. However, it is an underdeveloped country. By
Accordingly, this second hypothesis is not valid.

If not antiquity, nor the territory of the country which makes some are rich and others poor,
there remains only one-third and apparently only explanation, and defeatist: the Europeans,
Japanese Americans are smarter than people in poor countries, including us, and therefore
have been able to achieve its current development.

This is not true. I tested many students from poor countries who enter universities in rich
countries, and stand out as top-class students. Approve the vast number of professionals who,
in search of better economic conditions migrate from the poor countries to rich countries, and
reach positions of equal or higher category than their counterparts in those countries.
Evidenced visitors from rich countries to our country as in the case of middle management
executives and high, entrepreneurs, etc., with whom you talk, discuss, and concludes that no
advantage in intelligence and culture on our same level.

However, there remains a question. Why they are developed and rich and we are poor and

Printing a traveler from the

Third World to the industrialized world Rico L as general impressions that remain etched in
memory a person from a poor country, Peru, for example, that first comes to a country rich and
developed, we will focus on the crux of the matter, about the origin of wealth and poverty of
countries. This traveler, as usual, to the return to our country reúnea relatives, neighbors and
friends, to tell their experiences.

The first impact he suffered, tells them went to appreciating technology which knew only
newspapers, magazines and movies. They were in contact with her, and it manifested itself in the
crowded highways of modern cars; in cities with huge skyscrapers; signaling systems functioning
perfectly; on trains traveling at over 200 km. per hour.

But his admiration reached the limit of stupefaction, when he had the opportunity to visit a factory
and see how robots mixed with men produced cars in a continuous stream.

Finally, he saw with his own eyes what he had read, and many other things. Everything has great
detail to those attending the meeting, adding that the second reason for his admiration was the
behavior of people, completely different from ours. It has a number of positive attitudes that will hit
and which are not common either he or the people you meet in our country.

The order reflects everywhere; from the time of landing at the airport when traveling to the hotel; he
admired the gleaming lot of cars circulating in perfect order. When he ran the first city visited also

found an incredible order in the parking of cars and of course, the order appeared in all matters
relating to documentation and archives in offices that need to visit for some formality, he avoided
wasting time. All this denotes a very important attitude: the order,

Another point that struck him immediately was cleaning the streets, hotels, bathrooms, restaurants,
and people dress. In taxis, buses and trains everything is shiny and clean.Undoubtedly, another
flagrant attitude of these people are Cleaning.

On the first trip made by combining the use of rail and bus, our traveler was surprised the
mathematical accuracy of departure times and arrival on these means of transport. And, of course,
on flights that also made from one town to another, he admired the same. It all starts on time,
appointments are met
at the appointed time, the shows start at exactly the scheduled time. This is an attitude of puntuality
No "Peruvian time". On the other hand, the responsibility of people in each of his works, in contrast
to what he knows in Peru, was allowed to go comprising chronic she had read of Japan on one
occasion some years ago.

On the first trip made by combining the use of rail and bus, our traveler was surprised the
mathematical accuracy of departure times and arrival on these means of transport. And, of course,
on flights that also made from one town to another, he admired the same. It all starts on time,
appointments are met
at the appointed time, the shows start at exactly the scheduled time. This is an attitude of puntuality
No "Peruvian time". On the other hand, the responsibility of people in each of his works, in contrast
to what he knows in Peru, was allowed to go comprising chronic she had read of Japan on one
occasion some years ago.

The news reported that in a jungle of Malasis engineers who drew a road found a group of soldiers
from the Japanese army in World War II, who had been charged with their care supreriores certain
positions in the jungle. Subsequently, due to the defeat of this country, Americans, no one told them
they had completed their mission, and they, property responsibility of that race, had stayed there
over 20 years, waiting for the order than ever he arrived, which would leave them. The
responsability It is one of the most important attitudes in those of developed countries.

Another attitude is outstading the desire to excel in these countries is present in most people,
resulting in that most are always trying to learn more, to perfect their occupation of high climb
positions in your organization.

The normal picture on trains, buses and planes is people reading books and magazines, trying to
outdo in every way. Newspapers are flooded with ads offering all kinds of self-improvement courses
and work within the framework of lifelong education. Undoubtedly, this attitude is notorious desire to
excel in those countries. And our traveler customary in our country to deceit and theft, could not
believe what he saw when walking in Tokyo at midnight, found bicycles and motorcycles left without
any security, including some packages. Reportedly, they faced no danger. But his astonishment
knew no bounds when he forgot a chair in a hotel hall in Osaka your camera. When he realized
oblivion, they had passed a few hours, and no hope approached the
management of the hotel to find out about her, because I was there. What a wonderful attitude
honesty in those towns.

Referring to another point, our traveler tells him your guests feel special desperation against the lack
of respect for th rights of others that usually people exhibit all degrees in different fields in our
In contrast, he immediately impressed respect for the person who arrives first to buy something on a
site congested or go to a show, because in these cases automatically and without any vigilante,
people line up in order of arrival, respecting no fail turn. Also in the laws, police and judicial
procedures, respecting fully the right of everyone.

This is another very strong particularity in the actions of the people of these countries, which can be seen immediately when you
visit them: respect for the rights of others.

In Germany, our traveler leaving a nightclub in conjunction with a companion site, boarded a taxi at about one o'clock
in the morning. The taxi on his way found a cruise that, clearly, he saw no vehicles on the road, but the red light was
on in the sense that circulated the taxi, so the driver stopped and did not resume its march until the light turned green.

Details such as those identified above in compliance with traffic regulations, safety spectacles, etc., are a source of
wonder for a visitor accustomed to seeing every day how reglamenteos of all kinds are violated in our country. And
through conversations with different people, in several of these countries could percatar pride that people feel in
compliance with the law, such tax. Paying taxes is a ritual which pride themselves who must pay them.

Respect for the law and regulations raja is done on table with few exceptions which prove the rule.

In each of these countries, the traveler continues his story, different religions are practiced. There are Protestants,
Mormons, Christian, Shinto, Buddhist, etc., but it seems that all national religion practiced a second identical: I love to
work. Records of workers who attended for years without missing a single day or a minute late to reach their places
of work, are very common stories that do not admire anyone in those countries because that the vast majority behave.
The level of economic life that has these people, thanks to his love of work and thanks to the production of these
countries, allowed to earn enough to give a good life. However, all care to save on the extent of its possibilities and
invest those savings in bank deposits, of course, pay interest higher than the inflacción whereby the continuously
capital grows, or, they invest by buying shares in different companies, which yield significantly more than the interests
of banks. As he spoke our traveler with different people in all these countries, people clearly understand that working
capital, will produce interest or dividends which, added to the one that produces the work of the individual, each year
earn you more, and therefore save more and therefore spend more with what the next year the cycle is repeated.
Respect for the law and regulations raja is done on table with few exceptions which prove the rule.

In each of these countries, the traveler continues his story, different religions are practiced. There are Protestants,
Mormons, Christian, Shinto, Buddhist, etc., but it seems that all national religion practiced a second identical: I love to
work. Records of workers who attended for years without missing a single day or a minute late to reach their places of
work, are very common stories that do not admire anyone in those countries because that the vast majority behave. The
level of economic life that has these people, thanks to his love of work and thanks to the production of these countries,
allowed to earn enough to give a good life. However, all care to save on the extent of its possibilities and invest those
savings in bank deposits, of course, pay interest higher than the inflacción whereby the continuously capital grows, or,
they invest by buying shares in different companies, which yield significantly more than the interests of banks. As he
spoke our traveler with different people in all these countries, people clearly understand that working capital, will produce
interest or dividends which, added to the one that produces the work of the individual, each year earn you more, and
therefore save more and therefore spend more with what the next year the cycle is repeated. And like a snowball grows
the capita

each person, so far, even when the performance of that capital is higher than the salary of the person

This mechanism is widely practiced by most people in these countries, resulting in a desire for savings
and investment.

With last this point, our traveler hypothetical tells his guests already noted the most outstanding

attitudes of most of the people in those developed countries, and progunta them what his comment

regarding how to proceed with these people, so different from our behavior. Virtually all as agreeing

respond: "So be we, when we are developed".

And with that answer comments end the trip, and get to deal with other issues. However, all
unwittingly, they have fallen into a new mistake, because the matter is not to be so when we developed,
but that in order to be developed we must first be; and for this reason, the 10 attitudes sketched by the
traveler inadvertently are pointing the very foundations of development and wealth, are as follows:
1. Order
2. Cleaning.
3. Responsibility.
4. desire to excel. Trustworthiness.
5. Respect the rights of others.
6. Respect for the law and regulations.
7. Love to work.
8. Eagerness savings and investment

Octavio Medina Mavila fifteen

These points because of their importance, are designated as Decalogue Development.

It is such a basic point this Decalogue Development, to develop and obtain the wealth that
even if we knew that a magician with an infinite power touch with your magic wand the
Andes of Peru and gold abound in them; touched our jungle rivers and petroleum
empezase them run and touch our seas and fish repletasen, even with all that wealth would
remain underdeveloped. And something else, when that wealth ended because all wealth is
finite, would be poor. But if the magician, instead of creating this wealth, touched with her
magic wand and instantly impregnate them the attitudes of the Decalogue Development
head of 20 million Peruvians, at that moment we would be a developed country, but

poor, since immediately our economic position could not change; But seguirdad all in the
span of 15 to 25 years Peru would be a rich country.

Born the Puritans Ll egados this stage of our research, new questions arise: Why do
people in these countries developed practices Decalogue Development and instead, in
underdeveloped countries, including us, only a minority practice? Does God perhaps chose
and preferred to imbue the Decalogue Development in the minds of Americans, Europeans
and Japanese and not in the villages that could not be developed?

If 250 years ago all people of the earth were still poor, and 500 makes the Decalogue
Development was minoritily practiced worldwide, how is starting to be applied rigorously in the
fifteenth century

Octavio Medina Mavila fifteen

England and Puritans In the early 1500s, in England he began to generalize and
move very strongly the notion that the purpose of sending us God to earth was to explore and enjoy

their wealth, and thus improve personally and help our fellow .

Consequently, the better you perform this task, more security and should act who would win Heaven,
because it was fulfilling the plan of the Creator. Better use of natural resources through hard work,
have as obvious consequence the wealth of the people who intervene in this process, which for them
would be proof that Heaven would have already won in his eternal life. And in an effort to achieve that
wealth multiplied their work and their expenses decreased to deprivation, to save as much as possible
and to invest these savings to generate more wealth. Repeating the cycle of hard work (spending
minimum, maximum savings, more investment) each year were to grow their capital, and increases the
snowball as it rolls down the slope of the hill.

And in practice to produce more, they were realizing that the order and cleanliness increased
production, and the latter, in addition to pride, lifted the spirit of the workers.

And they realized that punctuality is one of the secrets of increased production and started to become
ritually point.

And, of course, they were selecting people more seriously it fulfilled its obligations, since in that
production mostly settled; that is, the concept of responsibility was basic to strongly develop the
business and society. As knowing as they were over and they were perfect in every way, they could
produce more, emerged strongly desire to excel.

The more honest you work, the image of the employer and the worker agigantaba in general, and
particularly to those who could grant loans, which allow increased working capital, which in turn would
improve production. Therefore, honesty was a factor that began to have an enormous weight.

Also respect the rights of others, had to necessarily born to work with maximum harmony-and able to
produce more !.

And we also realized that respect for the law and regulations was the best way to work in order, and
get good results in the race for wealth. People, molded in the crucible, unknowingly created the
Decalogue Development, which led to such improvement as people with property, were baptized with
the name "Puritans".

These Puritans indeed were those who came to the territory of what is now, in early 1600, the United
States and continued to do so later in large quantities.

Thanks to its ethical behavior, based on the Decalogue Development in 300 years managed to build the
most powerful country on earth.

In this frenzy, to continue the creative work of God through work diligently they devoted themselves to the
production of goods and services.

In those years, the need to produce more, was hampered by the lack of greater force generated by the
muscles of the man and the strength of the animals, which were the only sources of energy in those times.

In the search for alternative solutions to this problem they were determined to work different engineers
and inventors, and as a result of this effort, the machine appears -around 1750- steam that quickly
begins to replace so much more efficient, to man muscles and strength in animal production. Steam
engines begin to drive water pumps, mills, looms, etc., beginning in England the era of industrialization
in humanity, based on which, the country became the world power at the beginning of the century XIX,
deplazando of this position to COLONIAL SPAIN.


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