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శశశశ శశశశశశ శశశశశశ శశశశ శశశశశశ శశశశశశశ |

శశశశ శశశశశశ శశశశశ శశశశశశ శశశశశశశ శశశశశ ||

Grief destroys one’s courage. It destroys one’s learning. It destroys one’s everything. There is
no enemy greater than grief. [Context: These are the words of Kausalya. She had spoken harsh
words to Dasratha for sending Rama to the forests. She repents and says that she spoke thus
because of her intense grief on Rama being sent to the forests]

శశశశ శశశశ శశశశశశశశ శశశశ శశశశ శ శశశశశశశ |

శశ శశ శశశశ శ శశశశశశశ శశశశ శశశశశశ శశశశశశ ||

One may have wives and relatives in every country but one cannot have a brother like
Lakshmana in every place. [Context: Rama’s words of sorrow when Lakshmana becomes
unconscious in the battle field struck by the spear of Indrajit.]

శశశశశశశ శశశశశశశశశశ శశశశశశశశశశ శశశశశశశ శశశశ

శశశశశశశ శశశశశశశశశశ | శశశశశశశశ శశశశశ
శశశశశశశశశశ శశశశశశశ శశశశశశశశశశశశశశశ శశశశ
శశశశశశశశ ||

Oh Lord of maha Lakshmi! You are an ocean of mercy. You pervade all universes. You are the
witness to all things happenings and You are aware of everything. You are omnipotent. You are
the ultimate and residual entity of everything. You come to the rescue of those, who call out to
You in their states of utter helplessness. You serve as the boon-granting PaarijAthA tree to
those, who surrender themselves at Your sacred feet.

శశశశశ శశ | శశశశశ శశ | శశశశశశశశ శశశశశశశశశశశశ |

శశశశశశశశ శశశశశశశశశశశశ | శశశశశశశశ
శశశశశశశశశశశశ | శశశశశశ శ శశశశశశశశశశశశ |
శశశశశశశశశశశశశశశశశశశశశ శ శశశశశశశశశశశశ | శశశ
శశశశశశశశశశశశశశశ శ శశశశశశశశశశశశ | శశశశశశశశ శశ |
శశశశశశశశ శశ | శశశశశశశశశ శశ | శశశశశశశశశశ శశ |

Always speak the truth and follow the dharma (righteousness). Hold on to truth and dharma.
Hold on to welfare activities. Acquire wealth legitimately. Hold on to self-study and teaching.
Hold on to the worship and rituals of God, parents and ancestors. Look upon your Mother,
Father, Teacher and Guest as living Gods.

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