The Dont Read Me File

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_ __ _ _ _ _ _

| |/ / ___ (_) | \ | | ___ | |_ | |_

| ' / / _ \ | | | \| | / _ \ | __| | __|
| . \ | __/ | | | |\ | | __/ | |_ | |_
|_|\_\ \___| |_| |_| \_| \___| \__| \__|

Step 1:
Copy the launcher to your desktop

Step 2:
Double click the launcher

Step 3:
You will be prompted to select an install directory
if you click cancel it will create a default directory
for you.

or you can choose to install to a different location

please make sure you have created an empty folder to
select as the install directory

Step 4: Have Fun

Note: Please do not turn your computer off during these

steps, or serious & possibly fatal injuries may occur....

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