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INFAMOUS- notorious
VENOMOUS- poisonous
ENTRANCED- charmed

1. She was one of the Gorgon’s; a terrible winged monster that lived alone on an island.
2. He could play his lyre so sweetly that he charmed all thing’s on earth.
3. A maiden who became famous throughout Greece of her extraordinary skill in spinning fleecy wool
into a fine, soft thread and weave it into cloth.
4. He was skilled worker who made artificial wings for himself and his son .
5. It refers to any unwanted ,repeated, aggressive behavior among school aged children that involve
directing verbal,physical and social act or contact to another student that caused harm or damage
to the latter.

6. He had undertaken a perilous adventure of slaying Medusa and fulfilled the dreadful Oracle of
7. He succeeded in killing the minotour and escaped Crete with Ariadne.
8. She stepped on a poisonous snke and died.
9. She was one of the 9 goddesses called Muses. She was the goddess of music,dance and songs
and she became the inspiration of poets and musician.
10. The maze where Minotour was imprisoned.
11. It is ancient story vreated to explain natural events.
12. It refer to any student who commits acts of bullying as defined it the RA No. 10627.
13. He had gon to such a cruel lengths to avoid the fate which the gods had ordained but to no
excuse,the dreadful oracle was strangely fulfilled.
14. It is a manner , a feeling or atmosphere the author has meant to set on the story ,or towards a
15. It is feeling or atmosphere perceived by the reader. It is the reader feel while reading.

The author of the story “ARACHNE”

Pronouns used as objects which refer back to the subject.
Any act that causes damage to a victim’s psyche and/or emotional being.
The manner in which information is passed from one generation to the next in the absence of
writing or a recording medium.
The unequal treatment provided to one or more parties on the basis of a mutual accord or some
other logical or illogical reasons.
The turning point in the story.
The set of events that bring the story to a close.
It follows the exposition and buils suspense all the way up to the climax.
The author of the story, “Orpheus “.
The author of the story, “Gorgon’s head”


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