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A Comparative Analysis of Homemade coffee and Instant coffee

Caadlawon, Jomari D.

Madera, Joan V.

Padillo, Jonelle V.

Riño, Louwell A.

St. Augustine School of Nursing

Grade 12 (Tech-vocational Home Economics)

March, 2018
Chapter I


Through the years, the invention of beverages was exposed to every country

around the world. Coffee is one of this brilliant invented beverages and it is second most

popular drink in the world. As time passed, the recreation of coffee was enhancing from

homemade to instant coffee. From the traditional making of coffee, there are also

machines that allow everyone to make it instantly.

This research provides farther topic on how to differentiate coffees from one

another. This topic argues on what is best and healthy to intake. In this research the

researcher introduces the comparative analysis of homemade coffee and instant coffee.

The researchers want to provide a comparative analysis research about the coffee,

to show the comparison of these coffee, to create an experiment to prove which is

beneficial to everyone and to determine the benefits and effects of these coffees. They

want to know the essential of coffee to human’s life. Besides from being a traditional

coffee drink, it can also be used as a flavour in other desserts and food products

throughout the century.

Based from the Gryphon Hall blog Philippines 2015 they stated “I never really

found out the origins of rice coffee. Some accounts say it was invented during World War

II, the same time that banana ketchup was actually developed. Some say it was during

World War I. Others say it was during Spanish times. Someone out there knows the truth,

but I don’t think I ever will.”

Background of the Study

Through this research the researchers will promote new information regarding the

nature and essentiality of instant coffee and homemade coffee to humans. In this way

there is further explanation using booklets to express the researcher’s idea on this topic. It

will be tackle the essence of having coffee and its effect to our body system. This will

determine the most preferable coffee by the people. It will explain in detail the numerous

brands and determine the difference between homemade coffee and instant coffee.

Indulge in a little for maximum benefits. To provide identification in both coffee and the

exact explanation why there are two classification of coffee today.

The promotion of brochure within reach can provide the main idea of having

extent information about the usage of coffee, the referred coffee without bias information

regarding two methods of making it. The aspect of knowing the main effect of two

different coffee and in regards of its individual ingredients, also it is indicated the

misconceptions of people about the benefits and disadvantage of coffee. In addition, the

promotion of awareness of the diseases that someone can develop for in taking instant

and homemade coffee. It is said that both coffee can also cure diseases in multiple ways.

The comparative analysis of instant coffee and homemade coffee. By the use of certain

hand prints the researchers visualize the main orientation of information about the

comparative analysis of homemade coffee and instant coffee.

Objective of the Study

Homemade coffee and instant coffee became part of our everyday life. In this

research the researchers are aiming to accomplish the following:

1. To identify which is the most preferable between homemade coffee

and instant coffee.

2. To determine the essentials of coffee to human life.

3. To develop an informative brochure about the comparative analysis of

homemade coffee and instant coffee.

Significance of the Study

The aim of this research is to develop and improve your knowledge about

comparative analysis of homemade coffee and instant coffee. The researchers conduct

this research for worker, student, elders and the future researchers.

The worker, to inform them the benefits and effects of the coffee.

The student, to acknowledge them about the difference of homemade coffee and instant


To elders, to show this is essential to drink and to give safety precaution.

The future researchers, to provide and establish further knowledge about the

comparative analysis of homemade coffee and instant coffee.

Scope and Limitation

The scope area of the study is the comparative analysis of homemade coffee and

instant coffee. The general budget for producing brochures will be depending on the

materials that will be used in paper printing production.

The study is limited only to the extraction of actual coffee production. Its

limitations are those events, things, etc. that are outside of the scope of this study.

The period of the study started on the school year 2016-2017 of the Grade 11

TVL- Home Economics researchers starting with the research of information, idea and

reviews that can highly support the comparative analysis of homemade coffee and instant

coffee. Together with the citation and statements of known people in the industry to

greatly especially the statement of locals in the Philippines to support the research. The

collection of data will be held on the time of the year 2018 with a maximum of 100

respondents at the areas of Lucena City. The research will be effective until this month of

March school year 2018 together with the completion of the brochure about the

homemade coffee and instant coffee..

The four (4) target locations within Lucena City are the following: Enverga Blvd.

Ibabang Dupay Lucena City, Brgy. Kanlurang Mayao, Purok Dulong Calmar Phase 3

Pipit Street, Brgy. Ibabang Dupay, Lucena City, Purok Sariling Atin Red-V Lucena City

and St. Augustine School of Nursing Carlos Drug Store corner Tag Arao Street, Lucena

City. It will depend on each researcher’s capability to participate in more familiar

Definition of Terms

The following definitions were produced by the researcher. Terms are

operationally defined for better understanding of the readers.

Brochure is the small magazine of in formations about comparative analysis of

homemade coffee and instant coffee.

Comparative analysis is the identification of homemade coffee and instant coffee in

nature, methods of production, effect and essentiality to peoples.

Essentials of coffee is the importance of homemade coffee and instant coffee to people in

their everyday life.

Homemade coffee is the method of making coffee starting from the early centuries

which is manually laboured at home by the maidens.

Instant coffee is the method of making coffee in the modern day which is automatically

produced by coffee production companies.

Chapter II


This chapter discusses the relevant literature and study about homemade coffee

and instant coffee.

Homemade Coffee

Based from the Gourmet Coffee Lovers of 2009; the developed homemade coffee

is from the mid-14th century. It is from the first coffee cultivation in Yemen. Sultan

Suleiman, coffee was introduced by Ottoman Governor of Yemen of Istanbul. As time

passed, the Ottoman palace created a method of drinking coffee. The beans were roasted

over a fire, finely ground and then slowly cooked with water on the ashes of a charcoal

fire. With its brewing method and aroma, coffee’s renowned soon spread even further

afield. One of the homemade coffee in the Philippines is called “Pinoy Rice Coffee” it is

made from ground rice grains. It is still traditionally followed by the locals in barrios.

According to the Paleohacks blog about the benefits of homemade coffee or

brewed coffee to people coffee can benefit either drinking it or applying it to skin. It

reduces the risk of developing Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease by up to 65 percent,

reducing risk of heart disease, stroke, colorectal and liver cancer, and even our risk of

developing type 2 diabetes. Not to mention the fact that daily coffee consumption is

associated with an overall lowered risk of mortality, with a 20-30 percent lower risk of

premature death. Coffee is great for another part of the body: our skin. These claims stem
from the fact that coffee has a high antioxidant capacity and that the caffeine content can

help improve circulation. Natural skin benefits of coffee are the following: It reduces skin

inflammation. Its caffeine content, coupled with potent antioxidant substances like

polyphenols and hydrocinnamic acids, may be responsible for this effect. It gently

exfoliates, it is makes an excellent exfoliator. These granules help slough away dead skin

cell and removes toxins in the skin. This reduces cellulite. Caffeine in coffee has been

tied to a lipolytic effect on fat cells meaning it essentially breaks down fat. The

antioxidant in coffee brightens skin and it can also revive dull, tired skin by ushering

needed nutrients into the pores. However, there are disadvantages in drinking too much

coffee. Coffee can cause insomnia and restlessness because of excessive caffeine. For

elders who have high cholesterol, coffee beans contain cafestol and kahweol, two

ingredients that appear to raise LDL cholesterol levels. Coffee for kids age ranges 5-7

years old may increase bedwetting or will cause bedwetting because of caffeine. In

pregnant woman, studies on coffee's effect on a fetus have been controversial, as they

intake coffee caffeine will also reach the fetus, and babies are highly sensitive to caffeine.

Instant Coffee

It is also known as “soluble coffee” and “coffee powder”, is a drink derived from

brewed coffee beans. It is manufactured by either freeze-drying or spray drying methods,

after which rehydrated before use. These methods are applied because that way you get

coffee that is prepared faster, has lower shipping weight and volume than beans or

ground coffee for the same amount of prepared drink and longer shelf life if kept dry. The

first instant coffee is made in Britain in 1771. It was called a “coffee compound”. Then
American instant coffee was created in 1851. It was used during the Civil War and

experimental “cakes” of instant coffee were shared in rations to soldiers. David Strang of

Invercargill, New Zealand invented and patented instant or soluble coffee in 1890. For its

manufacturing it used something called "Dry Hot-Air" process. The first successful

method of creating a stable soluble coffee powder was invented by Japanese-American

chemist Satori Kato of Chicago in 1901. It was patented in 1903. George Constant Louis

Washington, American inventor of Belgian descent developed his own instant coffee

process after Kato and made a first commercial brand of it in 1910. During the First

World War, instant coffee becomes very popular because U.S. Instant coffees have

different types light, medium and dark roast coffee. Light coffee has more creamers and

less caffeine more accurate for children, sweetness is more dominant in light coffee and

has no hint of bitter caffeine. Medium coffee is equal in creamer and caffeine which

balance the sweetness and bitterness of coffee. While dark coffee is pure caffeine without

sweet substances added, usual coffee of workers who needs energy at work.

According to Warrior Coffee Blog of 2016, coffees boost your physical

performance, 11-12%. Caffeine increases adrenaline levels in your blood. Adrenaline is

your body’s “fight or flight” hormone which helps you to prepare for physical exertion.

Instant coffee is more effective in helping people to lose weight. The extra chemical and

vitamins can be added in the soluble coffee without the change of its original taste. It

contains magnesium and potassium, which helps the human body use insulin, regulating

blood sugar levels and reducing your craving for sugary treats and snacks. Instant coffee

may can burn fats by the used of caffeine fat cells breakdown easily. It helps you focus

and stay alert. The moderate caffeine intake, 1-6 cups a day, helps you focus and
improves your mental alertness. Coffee lowers risk of death. Studies have shown that

coffee drinker’s overall risk of premature death is 25% lower than of those who don’t

drink coffee. Coffee reduces risk of cancers. One study has shown that coffee

may decrease the risk of developing prostate cancer in men by 20 %, and endometrial

cancer in women by 25 %. People in the test group drank four cups of coffee a day.

Caffeine may also prevent developing of basal cell carcinoma, the most common type of

skin cancer. Coffee reduces risk of stroke. Reasonable consumption of coffee (2–4 cups a

day) is associated with lower risk of stroke. Coffee protects your body. Coffee contains a

lot of antioxidants that work as little warriors fighting and protecting against free radicals

within your body. Caffeine decreases your insulin sensitivity and impairs glucose

tolerance, therefore reduces your risk of type 2 diabetes.

Coffee brightens your mood, helps fight depression and lowers risk of

suicide. Caffeine stimulates the central nervous system and boosts production of

neurotransmitters like serotonin, dopamine, and noradrenalin, which elevate your mood.

Two cups of coffee a day prevents risk of suicide by 50 %. But too much consumption of

instant coffee have disadvantages to our health. It might toxic people. Over consumption

can lead to sudden headache, vomiting and sickness because of the chemical compounds

that is called preservatives in the coffee. It may also be due to the misprocess of defective

samples of coffee or excessive ingredients in the content of soluble coffee. Coffee can

kill you. Yes, if you drink 80-100 cups (23 liters) in a short session. These doses were

lethal and will amount in 10-13 grams of caffeine within your body.
Conceptual Framework

People usually intake coffee and it became their life style knowing that the coffee

its benefits to the body. The health impact of coffee has long been a controversial topic,

with advocates touting its antioxidant activity and brain-boosting ability, and detractors

detailing downsides such as insomnia, indigestion and an increased heart rate and blood

pressure. Researchers focus on developing and improving your knowledge about the

comparative analysis of homemade coffee and instant coffee. According to the Health

line blog, several observational studies show that coffee drinkers have a much lower risk

of getting type II diabetes, a serious disease that currently afflicts about 300 million

people worldwide and to think that there are students who are taking coffee. It appears to

lower the risk of developing depression and may dramatically reduce the risk of suicide.

Homemade coffee is healthier than instant coffee. Most homemade coffee didn’t use any

artificial sweeteners and creamers. Some people take instant coffee that may even

account for more than 50% of total coffee consumption in some countries. Instant coffee

is full of powerful antioxidants. It contains the same antioxidants and nutrients as regular

coffee it should have most of the same health effects. Instant coffee is quick, easy and

doesn't require a coffee maker. It also has a very long shelf life and is cheaper than

regular coffee. For most people, coffee can be a healthy part of the diet and there is no

reason to not enjoy a couple cups a day unless you can’t control your consumption. A

meta-review of over 200 studies concluded that “coffee consumption seems generally

safe and more likely to benefit health than harm”. (British Medical Journal 2017).
Research Paradigm


• Researching through books and internet

• Reading useful post/blogs.
• Planning.


• Comparing and analyzing homemade and

instant coffee.
• Conducting a survey through checklist and
collecting all gathered data/information.
• Developing and making of brochure.


• The brochure is about the comparative

analysis of homemade coffee and instant
coffee. It provides informations of the
individual advantage and disadvantage of
both coffee and their similar effects.

Figure1. Shows the Input, Process and Output of Comparative Analysis of

the Coffee on how the researchers conduct the research.
In this research paradigm the Input shows that the researchers used books and

internet reference for researching. The researchers read useful post/ blogs that effectively

help the researchers. Planning was conducted to attain the objective of the research in

every possible way.

The researchers started comparing and analysing the homemade coffee and instant

coffee. The conducting of survey through checklist helps the collection and gathering of

data/information for the process. Developing and making of brochures is the plan of the

researchers to greatly support the research.

The brochure is about homemade coffee and instant coffee. With the used of

brochures it will serve as the output to provide in formations of the individual advantage

and disadvantage of both coffee and their similar effects. This will effectively discuss the

explanation of the positive and negative side of both coffee in human body and its

process of making.

According to the Warrior Coffee Blog about the 12 Benefits and 6 Disadvantages

of Coffee, coffee has been both praised and mocked for centuries. It has been blamed to

cause impotence and madness, other times a cure for laziness or “gift from heaven’’. Its

beneficial effects on the human body have been researched quite well, but coffee as a

whole is a complex beverage with a thousand different substances. Some studies argue

that decaf and caffeinated coffee may have the same health effects and suggest that it’s

not the caffeine that is responsible for most of coffee's health benefits.


coffee-smashing-it 2016).
Chapter III


This chapter will be dedicated to the description of the methods and procedures

done in order to obtain the data, how they will be analyzed, interpreted and how the

conclusion will be met. This section is to justify the means in which the study was

obtained and will help in giving it purpose and strength as it will then be truthful and

analytical. All these will help in the processing of the data and the formulation of

conclusions. The credibility of findings and conclusions extensively depend on the

quality of the research design, data collection, data management, and data analysis.

Research Locale

This research will be conducted in four (4) different locations in Lucena City,

Quezon Province. Participants are selected because they have particular characteristics

that are of interest to the purpose of the research and it was also depends on each

researcher’s capability to participate in a more familiar surroundings. The four (4) target

locations are Enverga Blvd. Ibabang Dupay Lucena City, Brgy. Kanlurang Mayao, Purok

Dulong Calmar Phase 3 Pipit Street, Brgy. Ibabang Dupay, Lucena City, Purok Sariling

Atin Red-V Lucena City and St. Augustine School of Nursing Carlos Drug Store corner

Tag Arao Street, Lucena City.

In this research the researcher focuses only on a certain participants who are the

students, elders and workers.


In this study, the researcher used the Purposive sampling also known as

Judgement Sampling the process focus on particular characteristics of a population that

are of interest. A total of 100 respondents will be purposively selected. The survey-

questionnaire method will be the research instrument used for data-gathering.

Participants are selected because they have particular characteristics that are of

interest to the purpose of the research. They have the experience in which the researchers

are interested, or there are certain aspects of their lives in which the researchers are

interested. Purposive sampling may be the only appropriate method available if there are

only limited numbers of primary data sources who can contribute to the study.

Research Design

The focus of the assessment is the researcher’s provided research information

about the comparative analysis of homemade coffee and instant coffee whether the

information was knowledgably helpful to the respondents. In order to gather the

necessary data, the researchers utilized the descriptive method, using both qualitative and

quantitative approaches.


The process will use self-made checklist about the homemade coffee and instant

coffee. Self-made checklist will help the assessment in gathering data on the comparative
analysis of homemade coffee and instant coffee. The researchers choose this type of test

because it can give more accurate and honest answer from the respondent. Self-made

checklist can be easily coach the thought of the respondents about how essential the

coffee is to their daily routine. Checklist is less susceptible to guessing than true/false

questions, making them a reliable means of assessment. It also increases the validity of

the assessment.

The credibility of findings and conclusions extensively depend on the validity of

the instrument, data collection, data management, and data analysis. The exact

questionnaire will also provide facts about the essentials of coffee to human life where

respondents can extend and contribute further knowledge for the research. The result of

the survey will then be processed by computing the weighted mean of each survey item.

Relevant information will also be used to support the findings.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers will make a letter of approval to conduct the study at the four (4)

chosen areas in Lucena City. The study will be conducted for maximum of two (2) weeks

with 100 respondents. Each researcher will divide the questionnaire equally as they

proceed to the areas they selected to openly conduct the research. The familiarity of the

surroundings will help the researcher’s capability to finish the research more efficiently.

The local respondents will be assisted by the researchers especially in the

translation of the English content in the questionnaire to provide accurate response.

After collecting all data the researchers with the help of the thesis adviser will

tabulate and tally the survey. The result would hopefully be the basis for the enhancement

of the validity of the research.

Statistical Treatment

The regression or calculating of mean to data was carefully analyzed by the

researchers. The researchers have chosen the right treatment to get the expected end

result of the collected data. The researchers will use the Weighted Mean Formula as for

the frequency will stand for the number of times the data value occurred. Number of

cases refers to the total number of the respondents who participated in the survey.

Weighted mean is the result of the data analysis of the researcher.


WM = 4f+ 3f+ 2f+ 1f



WM = Weighted Mean

f = frequency

n = number of cases
Scale of the self-made checklist:

Table I: How Essential Coffee is in Your Daily Basis.

Score Corresponding Remark

4 Always

3 Frequent

2 Sometimes

1 Never

Table II: Homemade Coffee vs. Instant Coffee

Homemade Coffee/ Instant Coffee

Score Corresponding Remark

4 More Preferable

3 Preferable

2 Less Preferable

1 Not Preferable

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