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ELSEVIER Journal of the Neurological Sciences 140(I 996) I -11

Review article

Hematologic disorders associated with ischemic stroke

Turgut Tatlisumak a3b3
* , Marc Fisher aqc3d
’ Department cf Neurolog.~, The Medical Center of Central Massachusetts-Memorial. I19 Belmont Street, Worcester, MA, USA
h Department of Neurology. Helsinki Unicersir?; Central Hospital, Helsinki, Finland
’ Department of Neurology. University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, MA, USA
’ Department of Radiology. UrGersi of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, MA, USA
Received 26 October 1995;revised 22 January 1996;accepted 17 February 1996


Hematological disorders underlie a small proportion of all ischemic strokes. The association of these coagulation abnormalities with
ischemic stroke is not always clear. The etiology of stroke still remains uncertain in a large number of cases and proper screening for
coagulation abnormalities and the discovery of new coagulation disorders will probably increase the rate of strokes attributable to these
causes. Since large case-control studies with unselected and consecutive stroke patients from different ethnic origins have not yet been
performed to determine the role of coagulation abnormalities in ischemic stroke, our knowledge is dependent on case reports and small
series of mostly younger patients. Extensive hematologic evaluation of unselected stroke patients will likely yield little useful information
and be too expensive. Every stroke patient needs a careful evaluation, and in selected cases, this should include coagulation parameters.
Patients with unexplained strokes after a careful evaluation, previous thrombotic episodes, or a positive family history for thrombosis, are
good candidates for further coagulation studies. As long as the hypercoagulable state persists, both arterial and venous thromboembolic
recurrences can be expected. Many of these patients may benefit from anticoagulants. In patients with hereditary coagulation disorders,
studies should be extended to close relatives. Since some coagulation tests are fairly expensive, provide only equivocal data, and are not
widely available, we advise a step-by-stepapproach starting with the patient and family history.

Keywords: Ischemic stroke; Coagulation: Thrombosis; Anticoagulant; Hypercoagulable state; Heparin; Warfarin; Antiphospholipid

1. Introduction injury) (Virchow, 1856). Hemostusis is the arrest of hem-

orrhage at sites of vascular injury by various means,
In healthy individuals blood flow proceeds in vessels including clot formation and platelet deposition, with sub-
without interruption to deliver essential nutrients to target sequent restoration of perfusion by fibrinolysis (Nathwani
organs. The very delicate balance between the coagulant and Tuddenham, 1992). Blood should clot extremely
and the anticoagulant systems assures the fluidity of circu- rapidly to prevent exsanguination and yet preserve liquid-
lating blood. A healthy person may develop subclinical ity in the circulation. Excessive activity of the coagulation
microclots in response to different kinds of injuries. These system and/or insufficient activity of the fibrinolytic sys-
microclots are rapidly degradated by fibrinolytic activity, tem may cause abnormal coagulation in venous or arterial
thus not causing clinical syndromes. Several conditions, circulations. Patients at increased risk for thrombosis have
however, may disturb this homeostasis and lead to patho- been termed as having a hypercoagulable state (Bick and
logical thrombosis. Pegram, 1994). More precisely, hypercoagulubility is “a
In 1845, Virchow described his famous triad including state in which a clearly identified alteration or alterations
the three major causes of thrombosis: (1) changes in blood of the blood tend to shift the hemostatic balance to inap-
flow (e.g., stasis), (2) changes in the circulating blood propriate or excessive platelet/fibrin deposition and lead
(e.g., excess of coagulants and/or deficiencies of antico- to arterial and/or venous thrombosis in response to vascu-
agulants), and (3) changes in the vessel wall (e.g., vascular lar injury that would not trigger thrombus formation under
normal circumstances” (Joist, 1990). Prothrombotic state
is recognized as being associated with an increased inci-
’ Corresponding author. Fax: + I (508) 793-6695. dence of thrombosis, but the specific mechanisms leading

0022-510X/96/$15.00 Copyright 0 1996 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

PII SOO22-510X(96)00051-2
to thrombosis remain unclear (Schafer. 1985). ‘Thrombo- our expanding knowledge, probably new hematologic dis-
sis-prone’ is an individual having recurrent thrombotic orders underlying stroke will be discovered.
events, yet without recognizable predisposing factors
(Schafer, 1985). These conditions can be hereditary or
acquired, permanent or temporary. 2. Disorders of natural anticoagulants
Blood coagulation is triggered most commonly by a
vascular injury that is followed by excessive adhesion and Natural anticoagulants form a group of four distinct
aggregation of platelets to the injury site and a local molecules (heparin cofactor II, antithrombin III, protein C,
vasospasm to reduce bleeding. The aggregation of platelets and protein S). Their role is to inhibit thrombosis. Defi-
results in a platelet plug providing immediate hemostasis, ciencies of these natural anticoagulants may be hereditary
though this plug is unstable. The coagulation system re- or acquired. Altogether these deficiencies are responsible
sponds to the injury in a complex manner and after a long for approx. 20% of nontraumatic venous thromboem-
cascade of reactions involving several factors, a more bolisms (Tuddenham, 19931, although their role in arterial
stable plug, formed of fibrin filaments, will strengthen the thrombosis remains unclear. Two studies, one retro-
loose platelet thrombus. Thus, the final aim of the coagula- spective, failed to document deficiencies in these natural
tion system is to form a sufficiently large and durable anticoagulant proteins in stroke patients (Mettinger et al.,
fibrin-platelet plug at the site of injury which gives time 1979; Chancellor et al., 1989).
for vascular endothelial repair. The natural anticoagulants The natural anticoagulants can be assayed by both
(antithrombin III, proteins C and S) will oppose uncon- functional and immunologic methods. Functional assays
trolled fibrin formation. and limit the thrombus to the can be performed using clotting or chromogenic methods,
injury site. Later, plasmin, cleaved from its zymogen, and immunologic assays using either enzyme-linked im-
plasminogen, by tissue plasminogen activator (t-PA), will munosorbent assay (ELISA) or Laurel1 rocket assays. In
break the long fibrin molecules into water-soluble fibrin- general, when screening for deficiencies of these natural
degradation products and demolish the plug. The vascular anticoagulant proteins, it is best to use a functional assay
lining helps to maintain the blood circulation by secreting first, so that both true deficiencies and dysproteinemias are
substances such as prostacyclin, von Willebrand factor, detected. Use of immunologic assays alone will fail to
nitric oxide and t-PA. Endothelial cells have a negative detect many dysproteinemias (Kottke-Marchant, 1994).
surface charge that may serve to repel platelets, that are Heparin c&ctor II has probably only a minor role in
also negatively charged. venous thrombosis (Sic et al., 1985; Anderson et al., 1987;
Hematologic disorders account for the etiology of O-89 Bertina et al., 1987). Furthermore, even though the defi-
of all ischemic strokes and are somewhat more common in ciency was first described in a stroke patient (Tran et al.,
younger stroke patients (Hart and Miller, 1983; Adams et l985), convincing data do not exist about its role in arterial
al.. 1986; Bogousslavsky et al.. 1988; Sandercock et al., thrombosis.
1989; Lisovoski and Rousseaux, 1991). More than a dozen Antithrombin III (AT III) is a plasma glycoprotein with
primary hematologic disorders are associated with is- a molecular mass of about 58000 Da, synthesized in
chemic stroke (Hart and Kanter. 1990). Many ischemic hepatocytes and endothelial cells (Lane and Caso, 1989). It
stroke patients with hematologic disorders may also have is a primary physiologic inhibitor of thrombin and other
other etiologic factors, making a cause-and-effect relation- activated serine proteases including factors Xa, XIa, IXa,
ship problematic. and XIIa and kallikrein (Bick and Ucar, 1992; Bick and
In a considerable percentage of ischemic stroke patients Pegram, 1994). The gene for AT III is located on chromo-
the etiology cannot be determined even after extensive some I (Bock et al.. 1985). AT III deficiency may be
ancillary studies. Studies with younger stroke patients congenital or acquired. Congenital AT III deficiency is
demonstrate higher percentages of coagulation abnormali- inherited as an autosomal dominant trait (Lane and Caso.
ties. possibly due to the lack of classic risk factors and 1989). In Type I deficiency. the plasma level is quantita-
atherosclerosis in younger populations. Various authors tively low. on the contrary to Type II deficiency where the
reported strikingly different numbers for stroke of undeter- plasma level is normal, but the molecule is dysfunctional.
mined etiology depending on the selected patient popula- Deficiency of AT III in the general population was esti-
tion (mostly age). diagnostic criteria. and the extensiveness mated as one in 2000 (Rosenberg, 1975) to 5000 (Odegaard
of studies. The rates vary from 4.2% (Bevan et al.. 1990) and Abildgaard, 1978). Thrombotic events have been re-
to 458 (Grindal et al.. 1978). but typically represent about ported in patients with AT III levels as high as 70% of
20% of the total (Synder and Ramirez-Lassepas. 1980: normal (Bick, 1982). An acquired deficiency state can be
Lisovoski and Rousseaux. 199 I; Bogousslavsky, 1992). In caused by severe hepatic failure, the nephrotic syndrome,
all these studies. patients were well-studied, thus all known oral contraceptive use. heparin therapy. disseminated in-
etiologic factors and risk factors were carefully excluded. travascular coagulation (DIG), surgery, aging. malnutri-
Patients with undetermined stroke etiology appear to be tion, diabetes and leukemia (Hathaway, 199 I ). Heparin
good candidates for further hematologic studies and with instantaneously increases AT III activity about 200 times
T. Tutlisumnk, M. Fisher/Journul of the Neurologicd Sciences 140 (19961 I-l I

(Griffith, 1982). Heparin therapy will rapidly decrease AT

III plasma levels and the plasma level will normalize 2-3
days after cessation of heparin (Hart and Kanter, 1990).
Patients with AT III deficiency have a high risk of
developing venous thrombosis that increases with age.
More than 85% of patients will develop thrombosis by age
of 50; thrombosis is recurrent in 60% and clinical signs of
pulmonary embolism occur in 40% of patients (Menache,
199 I>. An initial thrombotic event at an early age (i.e.,
under 40 years old), family history of thromboembolism,
recurrent venous thrombosis, unusual sites like mesenteric
or cerebral veins, thrombosis during pregnancy and resis-
tance to heparin therapy should lead to suspicion of AT-III C&-binding protein
deficiency (Hirsh, 1989).
Several case reports indicated an association between
AT III deficiency and ischemic stroke (Vomberg et al.,
1987; Ben-Tal et al., 1989; Simioni et al., 1992; Martinez
et al., 1993; Barinagarrementeria et al., 1994). AT III
deficiency can also cause cerebral venous thrombosis,
venous infarctions and associated bleeding.
In the treatment of acute thrombotic disease with AT III
deficiency, heparin alone is not sufficient, because it needs
antithrombin to achieve its anticoagulant activity. Long- Fig. I. The protein C anticoagulant pathway. Thrombin converts factors
term treatment with warfarin is indicated following initial VIII and V to their activated forms. Thrombin-thrombomodulin complex
activates protein C. Activated protein C (APC) inactivates FVIIIa and
heparin therapy. It is not known yet if lifelong anti-
FVa. Protein S accelerates this reaction (copied with slight modification
coagulant therapy is indicated, but this approach should be from Bauer (1994) with prior written permission of the author and the
considered, depending on the severity of the condition, publisher).
recurrences, family history and the patient’s overall medi-
cal condition. Replacement therapy with the injection of
AT III concentrates has been encouraging (Menache, 1992) in individuals as a consequence of aging, the use of
and may become a routine therapy, especially when a contraceptives, pregnancy, and smoking (High, 1988).
deficient person is at high risk of thrombosis (e.g., preg- PC synthesis is encoded by a single gene located on
nancy, surgery, delivery, major trauma). chromosome 2 (Miletich, 1990). PC is converted to its
Protein C (PC) is a vitamin K-dependent zymogen of a activated form by thrombin (Stenflo, 1984). The natural
plasma serine protease that inactivates clotting factors Va anticoagulant function of PC is mediated by inactivation of
and VIIIa and enhances fibrinolysis (Clause and Comp, factors Va and VIIIa (Fig. I). PC has profibrinolytic
1983; Bick and Ucar, 1992). PC is synthesized in hepato- functions via antagonism of plasminogen activator in-
cytes and has a molecular weight of about 56000 daltons hibitor-l (PAI- protein (Coull and Clark, 1993). Throm-
(Bick and Ucar, 1992). Hereditary defects of PC are bolytic therapy is associated with generation of activated
inherited in an autosomal dominant fashion. Congenital PC PC (Gruber et al., 1993). Activity of PC is markedly
deficiency may account for up to 6- 10% of patients enhanced by protein S, another vitamin K-dependent natu-
presenting with venous thrombosis or pulmonary embolus. ral anticoagulant (Walker. 1984).
Congenitally deficient heterozygotes with 2S-50% of nor- There are numerous reports of stroke cases associated
mal antigenic levels were found in one of 200-300 unse- with PC deficiency (Israels and Seshia. 1987: Grewal and
lected blood donors (Miletich et al.. 19871. Symptomatic Goldberg, 1990; Haire and Newland. 1990; Kohler et al..
deficiency is far less common. perhaps as low as one in 1990: Camerlingo et al., 1991; Simioni et al., 1992: Dev-
36000 (Gladson et al., 1988). Deficiency of PC can be ilat et al., 1993; Martinez et al., 1993; Barinagarrementeria
recognized by a low concentration of the protein (e.g. et al., 1994). In the acute stage of stroke, low plasma
50%) or by low functional activity (Bertina, 1985). Arte- levels of PC probably reflect acute consumption, because
rial thrombosis has only rarely complicated hereditary PC in acute thrombotic disease both ongoing blood coagula-
deficiency (Coller et al.. 1987). Acquired PC deficiency tion and fibrinolysis cause changes in hemostatic variables.
occurs in patients with extensive thrombosis, severe liver There is not much experience on the management of
disease, the nephrotic syndrome, DIC syndrome, acute patients with PC deficiency and ischemic stroke. Long-term
respiratory distress, in the postoperative period. and in anticoagulant therapy with warfarin seems to be a reason-
patients receiving warfarin (Hart and Kanter, 1990; Bick able approach until more data are available. Alternatively,
and Ucar, 1992). A mild acquired deficiency is also seen long-term low-dose subcutaneous heparin may be used.
Protein C concentrates have recently been developed for 236 cerebral infarction and transient ischemic attack pa-
the treatment of deficiency states. tients younger than 60, the mutation was found in 9 (3.8%)
Protein S (PS) is a vitamin K-dependent plasma glyco- and in only one (1.1%) of 87 controls (Kontula et al.,
protein of about 70000 Da which serves as a cofactor for 1995). Ridker et al. (1995) found this mutation in 4.3% of
activated PC. PS is synthesized primarily in liver and 209 male stroke patients and 6% of healthy subjects. We
encoded on chromosome 3. In plasma, about 60% of PS is studied 99 consecutive non-cardiac ischemic stroke pa-
bound to a C4b binding protein (C4b-BP) and 40% is in tients and observed similar results (Tatlisumak et al., 1995)
free form that is active. The free and bound forms of PS to Ridker et al. (1995). Furthermore, a recent report includ-
are in equilibrium. The prevalence of PS deficiency is one ing 161 elderly stroke patients ended with the same con-
in 1.5000 to 20000 (Broekmans et al., 1986). The inheri- clusion (Press et al., 1996). APC resistance is not likely to
tance is autosomal dominant. Hereditary PS deficiency is be of major importance in the pathogenesis of ischemic
recognized by a low (e.g., 50%) concentration or by low stroke; however, it may be the cause of stroke in rare
functional activity on laboratory assays (Bertina, 1985). individuals (Simioni et al., 1995) or in young patients with
Total PS is very low in the newborn, but free PS, although cryptogenic stroke (Halbmayer et al., 1994; Chimowitz et
lower than in adults, comprises most of the PS present, al., 1996).
because of very low levels of C4b-BP in the newborn Wu$arin-induced skin necrosis is a rare, but serious
(Maim et al., 1986). Women have lower levels of PS than complication of oral anticoagulant therapy more common
men (Boerger et al., 1987). PS deficiency is responsible for among females and in patients with deficits of natural
at least 5% of unexplained venous thrombotic episodes anticoagulants. The pathogenesis is unclear and no therapy
(Gladson et al., 1988). Acquired PS deficiency occurs in has been proven to be beneficial. When indicated, starting
liver disease, DIC, during warfarin treatment, high dose warfarin during heparin therapy and with small doses may
estrogen therapy, type I diabetes mellitus, pregnancy, lower its incidence. The first symptom is usually localized
post-partum period, and in acute phase of thrombosis pain followed by a petechial rash and ecchymosis. The
(Nathwani and Tuddenham, 1992). Low PS levels with final event is widespread full-thickness skin necrosis. If
war-farm treatment, pregnancy, and acute thrombotic events any of these symptoms appear during warfarin therapy, the
should not be interpreted as true PS deficiency, but mea- drug should be immediately discontinued, vitamin K should
surements should be repeated later when the initiating be injected parenterally, and heparin should be initiated or
event is over. continued (Eby, 1993).
Several case reports and small series found an associa-
tion between ischemic stroke and PS deficiency (Israels
and Seshia, 1987; Sie et al., 1989; Davous et al., 1990; 3. Antiphospholipic antibodies
Green et al., 1992; Devilat et al., 1993; Martinez et al.,
1993; Barinagarrementeria et al., 1994). Sacco et al. (1989) Antiphospholipid antibodies (aPL) are a heterogeneous
reported low free protein S levels in 20% of ischemic group of circulating serum polyclonal (IgG, IgM, IgA or
stroke patients, but this probably only reflected an acute mixed) immunoglobulins that bind negatively charged or
phase response to thromboembolic disease. The authors neutral phospholipids. Lupus anticoagulant (LA) and anti-
did not report follow-up or family studies. Their later cardiolipin antibodies (aCL) are the most important mem-
report (Mayer et al., 1993) showed a 20% incidence of low bers of this family leading to both venous and arterial
free PS levels among hospitalized patients for reasons thrombosis. Arterial thrombosis tends to involve primarily
other than stroke, thus the finding is not limited to stroke cerebral vasculature. aPL are present in both young and
patients. Treatment for ischemic stroke due to PS defi- elderly healthy people (El-Roeiy and Gleicher, 1988; Fields
ciency is similar to PC. et al., 1989). Population studies suggest a prevalence of
Acticated protein C (APC) resistance is a recently 2-5% in healthy people (Coull et al., 1992). Systemic
described hypercoagulable state (Dahlblck et al., 1993) lupus erythematosus is strongly associated with aPL (Love
due to a single point mutation of the factor V gene on and Santoro, 1990). In the absence of any autoimmmune
chromosome I (Bertina et al., 1994). This mutation changes disease, the syndrome including the presence of aPL and
the molecular configuration of factor V, so that APC thrombotic events is called primary aPL syndrome.
cannot inactivate it properly (Fig. 1). About 20% of all aPL may lead to a hypercoagulable state by several
venous thrombosis patients carry this mutation (Griffin et distinct mechanisms including antagonism of prostacyclin
al., 1993; Koster et al., 1993; Svensson and Dahlbick, production (Carreras and Veraylan, 1982), inhibition of
1994; Ridker et al., 1995), making this defect alone as protein C anticoagulant pathway (Cariou et al., 19881,
important as the sum of all anticoagulant protein deficien- complement activation (Davis and Brey, I99 1) and per-
cies. In one study, APC resistance was found in 6 out of haps fibrinolytic dysfunction (Tsakiris et al., 1989). aPL
30 young stroke patients (Halbmayer et al., 19941, but antibodies were found in 1% (Montalban et al., 1994) to
another report with 15 patients did not support this finding 46% (Brey et al., 1990) of stroke patients, depending on
(Cushman et al., 1994). In a study from Helsinki, among the design and criteria of studies and the age distribution
T. Tatlisumak, M. Fisher/Journal of the Neurological Sciences 140 (1996) 1-l 1 5

of patients. About 10% is most likely, as indicated in the Also, aPL may appear during the course of some viral
APAS Study (APASS Group, 1993). The aCL syndrome infections. These aPL elevations are often transient, of low
seems to be 5-6 times more common than LA syndrome titer, of the IgM isotype, and not cross-reactive with
(Bick and Baker, 1994). Both small- and large-vessel negatively charged phospholipids. aPL with these charac-
occlusive disease have been associated with aPL, but teristics are usually considered nonpathogenic, although
vasculitis is rare (APASS Group, 1990). The stroke recur- this is still controversial. Low and transient titers of aPL
rence rate is high among these patients, and reports suggest probably do not require aggressive therapy. One unit of
up to a 10% annual risk (Brey et al., 1990; APASS Group aPL is equal to 1 pg/ml and values less than 5 or 10 units
1990). In young people, the risk for stroke recurrence was are considered to be negative, below 20 units low positive,
&fold higher in patients with aPL than those without aPL 21-40 units moderately positive, and over 40 units high
(Brey et al., 1990). Th e risk for thrombosis increases if positive (APASS Group, 1993).
patient has both LA and systemic lupus erythematosus. Several coagulation assays can identify LA, but no
Bleeding complications are extremely rare among LA pa- uniform opinion exists regarding the minimum criteria for
tients, about 1% (Bick and Pegram, 1994). aPL-positive the diagnosis of LA. Activated partial thromboplastin time
patients presenting with venous thrombosis tend to have (APTT) is no longer considered sensitive enough (APASS
venous recurrences; while patients presenting with arterial Group, 1990; Bick and Pegram, 1994) and dilute Russell
thrombosis are more likely to have arterial recurrences viper venom time (dRVVT) is currently considered the
(Rosove and Brewer, 1992; Khamashta et al., 1995). Re- most sensitive test. (Bick and Pegram, 1994). In general,
current stroke and vascular dementia at a relatively young tests with the least amount of phospholipid in the test
age are the most feared complications of aPL syndrome system are the most sensitive for detection of LA. These
(Asherson et al., 1987). There is an association between include the kaolin clotting time, dRVVT, tissue thrombo-
multiple brain infarcts and higher aCL titers (Briley et al., plastin inhibition test and dilute APTT. Probably, using a
1989). combination of these tests may be the most reliable ap-
In 1990, two groups independently demonstrated that proach. The enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)
the true antigen for the antibodies in the ELISA system has been studied and standardized to detect the aCL anti-
was not cardiolipin alone, but a combination of cardiolipin bodies of IgG, IgA and IgM type (Harris, 1992).
and a plasma protein, B,-glycoprotein I (B,.GPI), also Several therapeutic approaches including corticos-
called apolipoprotein H (Galli et al., 1990; McNeil et al., teroids, immunosuppressives, plasma exchange, an-
1990). The discovery of a cofactor for the binding of aCL tiplatelets and anticoagulants have been tried with various
in an ELISA system led to further research to identify a outcomes (Babikian and Levine, 1992). Two studies
cofactor for LA. For LA, two phospholipid binding cofac- demonstrated a clear benefit for high-intensity (intema-
tors, B,-GPI and prothrombin were characterized (Bevers tional normalized ratio 2 3) long-term warfarin therapy as
et al., 1991; Oosting et al., 1992). Recently, protein C and compared to low-intensity warfarin or aspirin among 147
S were also identified as cofactors for the binding of aPL patients with 947 patient-years of follow-up (Khamashta et
to negatively charged phospholipids (Oosting et al., 1993). al., 199.5) and 70 patients with 361 patient-years of follow-
These findings suggest that there are several subpopula- up (Rosove and Brewer, 1992).
tions of aPL having complex reactions with several distinct
plasma proteins and suggest a number of interesting specu-
lations. B,-GPI has a critical role in the recognition of 4. Defects in the fibrinolytic system
cardiolipin by aCL in patients with autoimmune disease,
but not in infected patients (Hughes, 1993). This indicates A reduction of fibrinolytic activity may provoke throm-
that the interaction of autoimmune-type aCL with B,-GPI botic events. Defective librinolysis has been associated
is directly associated with thrombosis. Several findings with stroke (Tengbom et al., 1981). Plasminogen defi-
suggest that B,-GPI may be the key immunogen in the aPL ciency may cause recurrent venous thrombosis (Lottenberg
syndrome (Gharavi et al., 1992). Many patients with the et al., 1985). Case reports of young stroke victims with
aPL syndrome develop a widespread arteriopathy. The plasminogen deficiency exist (Furlan et al., 1985; Dolan et
apolipoprotein H @I,-GPI) structurally resembles the LDL al., 1988). Excessive plasma concentrations of plasmino-
molecule, and LDL is believed to have a central role in the gen activator inhibitor (PAI) was reported in venous
progression of atherosclerosis (Witzum and Steinberg, thrombosis (Jorgensen and Bonnevie-Nielsen, 1987) and in
199 1). The recently demonstrated cross-reaction between myocardial infarction (Hamsten et al., 1985) patients.
aPL and oxidized LDL antibodies (Vaarala et al., 1993) Hereditary dysfibrinogenemia is characterized by aberrant
supports the hypothesis that aPL may play a role in the fibrinogen molecules that are resistant to cleavage by
pathogenesis of atherosclerosis. plasmin. This extremely rare disorder was linked to throm-
aPL may occur during ingestion of various drugs, in- bosis including stroke (Coull and Clark, 1993). PA1 levels
cluding phenytoin, fansidar, quinidine, hydralazine, pro- show a circadian rhythm being lowest in the early morning
cainamide, phenothiazines, alpha-interferon and cocaine. when ischemic strokes are more prevalent. This finding
6 T. Tutlisumak, M. Fisher/ Journal cfthr Neurologicul Sciences 140 (1996) I-11

may suggest a temporal relation between the low fibri- HbSS and the mean age at onset is approx. 15 years (Hart
nolytic activity and high thrombosis risk. The fibrinolytic and Kanter, 1990). Before 15 years of age, 8% of all
system has not yet been fully studied in stroke patients. children with sickle cell disease experience stroke (Bal-
karan et al., 1992). The prevalence of HbSA among
African-Americans is 8.5% and HbSS is 0.03 to 0.2%
5. Erythrocyte disorders (Coull and Clark, 1993). HbSA was found in 3.9% of a
large population-based study in the Mediterranean area of
Polwythemiu vet-u (PV) is a primary myeloproliferative Turkey and it was more prevalent (9.6%) among the
disorder with an increased count of red blood cells and a Arabic-speaking residents (Kocak et al., 1995). Up to 24%
high hematocrit, causing hyperviscosity. Stroke is the most of patients with HbSS may have silent infarcts (Glauser et
serious neurologic manifestation and seen in 4-5% of PV al., 1995); however, the best clinical response to the
patients annually (Hart and Kanter, 1990). Common neuro- discovery of silent brain infarction is unknown (Adams,
logic symptoms such as headache, dizziness, visual blur- 1995). Subarachnoidal and intracerebral hemorrhages in-
ring and confusion among polycythemia vera patients may crease in adults with sickle cell disease due to aneurysm
be due to hyperviscosity-related diminished cerebral blood formation and a moyamoya-like vasculopathy. Surgically
flow. Phlebotomy and aspirin therapy may reduce the risk correctable single or multiple aneurysms are found fre-
of thrombotic events, but this approach may result in a quently (Powars et al., 1978).
substantial risk of bleeding (Tartaglia et al., 1986). Sec- Angiographic studies were not done commonly, be-
ondary polycythemias have also been related to stroke cause of evidence that radiographic dyes may enhance
(Schwartz et al., 1993). Young adults with cyanotic con- intravascular sickling (Cheatham and Brackett, 1965;
genital heart disease and compensatory polycythemia did Richards and Nulsen, 1971). However, Stockman et al.
not have any stroke episodes during 204 patient-years of (1972) demonstrated the occlusion of large cerebral vessels
follow-up (Rosove et al., 1986). In 100 patients with in 6 of 7 patients with neurologic manifestations, using
secondary polycythemia, perioperative risk of thrombotic cerebral angiography without notable adverse effects. All
and hemorrhagic complications did not differ from age-, these patients received aggressive transfusion therapy prior
sex-, operation- and physical status-matched patients to angiography, so that the hemoglobin S comprised less
(Lubarsky et al., 199 1). Patients with pseudopolycythemia than 20% of the total hemoglobin present. Strokes in sickle
are usually hypertensive, obese and smoker, middle-aged cell disease are not only due to small vessel disease, but
men having increased hematocrit values due to diminished consist of both small and large cerebral vessel occlusions
plasma volume, thus, the role of polycythemia on throm- (Powars et al., 1978; Adams et al., 1988).
botic complications is uncertain (Doll and Greenberg, Patients with sickle cell disease should receive aggres-
1985). sive transfusion therapy to keep the HbSS concentration at
Purqvsmal nocturnal hemoglnbinuria is a rare disorder 30% or less (Russell et al., 1984; Pegelow et al., 1995).
in which red cell membranes are sensitive to lysis by There are no convincing data relating thalassemia to stroke.
complement. The clinical syndrome is a chronic hemolytic Moreover, alpha thalassemia associated with sickle cell
anemia. Cortical and sagittal vein thrombosis are common disease may have a protective effect against stroke (Adams
(Ware et al., 1991) while stroke is occasional (Coull and et al., 1994).
Clark, 1993).
Sickle cell anemia patients have a high risk for ischemic
stroke (Powars et al., 1978; Wood, 1978). The exact 6. Platelet disorders
mechanisms of stroke are not clear. but sickle cell crisis
and a moyamoya-like vasculopathy play roles. Up to 17% Essential thrombocythrmia is a myeloproliferative dis-
of these patients will have ischemic strokes (Ohene-Frem- order in which blood platelet counts over I000000/mm’
pong. I99 I) and the recurrence rate may be as high as 67% occur. Thrombocytes are usually large and dysfunctional.
(Powars et al., 1978). The actuarial or predictive risk of an Stroke is a well-recognized complication (Kessler et al..
initial stroke during the first two decades is 0.761 episodes 1982; Schafer, 1984; Murphy et al.. 1986) of this hypervis-
per 100 person years, whereas after age 20, the risk is cosity syndrome. Aspirin prolongs the bleeding time in
0.524 episodes per 100 person years (Powars et al., 1978). these patients and may prevent further thrombotic events,
Sickle cell disease is an important cause of brain infarction but is associated with an increased bleeding tendency.
in black children, adolescents, and young adults (Hess et Hydroxyurea reduces the risk of thrombosis effectively in
al., 1991). The severity of sickle cell disease was not these patients (Cortelazzo et al.. 1995). Secondary throm-
different in patients with or without stroke (Powars et al.. bocytosis is apparently not related to ischemic stroke.
1978), although this is controversial. In one study, 75% of Thrombotic thrombocytopenic put-put-n (TTP) is a
patients with cerebrovascular complications of sickle cell thrombotic disorder rather than a hemorrhagic one. It is
disease were under 15 years of age (Wood, 1978). Cere- characterized by thrombocytopenia, microangiopathic
bral ischemia occurs in 15% of patients homozygous for hemolytic anemia, renal failure, fever and neurological
T. Tatlisumak, M. Fisher/Journal of the Neurological Sciences 140 (19961 1-l 1 7

symptoms. Almost all patients have neurological symp- Trousseau’s syndrome is also well-recognized in cancer
toms and neurological findings may be the primary mani- patients. Chemotherapy for malignity was suspected to
festation in up to 60% of patients (Massey and Riggs, cause stroke in some patients (Feinberg and Swenson,
1989). Stroke is common and brain infarcts are usually 1988).
small. A disorder similar to TTP is hemolytic-uremic Leukemia and paraproteinemias (Massey and Riggs,
syzdmme (HUS) that occurs mainly in children younger 19891, increased levels of fibrinogen (Kannel et al., 1987),
than 5 years old. It is a multisystemic disorder in which the high hematocrit, tissue trauma, bums, pregnancy, postoper-
deposition of fibrin in the microvasculature leads to in- ative period, major surgery, infections, puerperium, oral
travascular thrombosis. The clinical picture and pathology contraceptive use and nephrotic syndrome all may cause a
resemble TTP and the differential diagnosis may be diffi- hypercoagulable state, though the relationships are not
cult. In HUS, brain involvement occurs in 20-52% of always clearly demonstrable.
patients (Rooney et al., 197 1; Bale et al., 1980; Sheth et Coagulation factors circulate in excessive amounts in
al., 1986; Hahn et al., 1989) and indicates a poor prognosis the blood and convert to active forms in response to
(Kelles et al., 1994). lschemic and hemorrhagic stroke are stimuli. Whether factor XII and prekallikrein deficiencies
frequent (Sheth et al., 1986; Trevathan and Dooling, 1987; and excesses of coagulation factors V and VIII are related
Hahn et al., 1989). to thrombosis is controversial. Since the plasma concentra-
Heparin-associated thromboqtopenia is a rare, im- tions of the coagulation factors are normally present in
mune-mediated disorder that leads to thrombotic events excess, increases in the concentration of nonactivated clot-
including stroke (Atkinson et al., 1988). About l-5% of ting factors appear unlikely to contribute to a prethrom-
patients receiving heparin develop thrombocytopenia which botic state (Coull and Goodnight, 1990).
may cause a thrombotic complication after cessation of
heparin. Even though the platelet count may decrease to
20000/mm3, hemorrhagic complications are unusual. The 8. Suggestions for hematologic evaluation of ischemic
outcome of stroke from heparin-associated thrombocytope- stroke patients and relatives
nia is poor (Becker and Miller, 1989).
Most stroke patients do not require an extensive evalua-
tion for an occult disorder of hemostasis. Which patients
7. Unusual hematological disorders should be examined for coagulation abnormalities is partly
a question of resources. A stepwise approach from the
Disseminated intracuscular coagulation (DIG) is char- cheapest to the most expensive, noninvasive to most inva-
acterized by fibrin thrombi in small vessels and hemor- sive, for the most common etiologic factors to the rarest is
rhagic lesions. Cerebral injury alone may precipitate DIC, a logical one. The evaluation should save money, cause the
as the brain contains potent thromboplastin (Massey and least discomfort to patients and answer clinically relevant
Riggs, 1989). Stroke is not rare in DIG, especially if questions.
cancer underlies the syndrome. Acute DIC is grave and The early phase of stroke is not a suitable time for
easily recognized, while chronic DIG is insidious and studying coagulation parameters, because both ongoing
frequently overlooked. Thrombocytopenia and stroke in coagulation and fibrinolysis will lead to false results. Anti-
cancer patients should remind the physician of the possibil- coagulant therapy is another reason for false results. Coag-
ity of DIG. ulation parameters should be measured at least several
Malignancy may cause stroke by several mechanisms. weeks after stroke to obtain reliable results.
Marantic (nonbacterial) endocarditis is a common feature Every stroke patient should undergo a systematic evalu-
in cancer patients and 30% of these patients develop stroke ation including a complete blood count, activated partial
(Hart and Kanter, 1990). In situ thrombosis due to thromboplastin time and protrombin time. A complete

Table I
Degrees of association between hematologic disorders and ischemic stroke
Stroll& Moderate Weak Questionable or negative
Sickle cell anemia Lupus anticoagulant Antithrombin III Heparin cofactor II
Polycythemia vera Anticardiolipin antibodies Protein C Secondary polycythemias
Essential thrombocythemia Heparin associated thrombocytopenia Protein S Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria
DIC APC resistance
Malignity Pardproteinemias Thalassemia
Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura High hematorit Excess of coagulation factors
Oral contraceptive use
Fibrinolytic disorders
8 T. Tutlisumak, M. Fisher/ Journal @the Neurological Sciences I40 (19961 I-II

blood count will screen for polycythemia Vera, thrombocy- (1988) Cerebral infarction in sickle cell anemia: mechanism based on
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Adams, R.J., Kutlar, A., McKie, K., Carl, E., Nichols, F.T., Liu, J.C.,
neously long APTT may indicate the presence of LA,
McKie, K. and Clary, A. (1994) Alpha thalassemia and stroke risk in
although this test is not sensitive enough in high-risk sickle cell anemia. Am. J. Hematol., 45: 279-282.
patients. Patients with a history of miscarriages, throm- Adams, R.J. (1995) Sickle cell anemia and stroke. J. Child Neural., IO:
botic events, collagen disease and thrombocytopenia should 75-76. [Editorial]
be carefully evaluated for aPL. A family history of throm- Anderson, T., Larsen, M. and Abildgaard, U. (1987) Low heparin cofac-
tor II associated with abnormal crossed immunoelectrophoresis pat-
bosis, especially in unusual sites, should suggest deficien-
tern in two Norwegian families. Thromb. Res., 47: 243-248.
cies of natural anticoagulants. In younger blacks and East- APASS (The Antiphospholipid Antibodies in Stroke Study) Group (1990):
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mia. If a systemic disease is suspected, fibrin degradation APASS (The Antiphospholipid Antibodies in Stroke Study) Group (1993):
Anticardiolipin antibodies are an independent risk factor for first
products and serum protein electrophoresis should be done.
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Atkinson, J.L.D., Sundt, T.M., Kazmier, F.J., Bowie, E.J.W. and Whis-
relatives should also be screened even if they have no
nant, J.P. (1988) Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia and thrombosis
history of thrombosis. Individuals with deficiency states in ischemic stroke. Mayo Clin Proc., 63: 353-361.
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