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Name : Muhammad Iffan Aufa

NIM : 1803046050
Class : PBI 3-B

Why Social Media Are Bad For Children?

Social media is not another new thing for children, Because all of the
children a few years ago already knew him. Many things that can children know
about social media like youtube, facebook, instagram, twitter and others. Many
things have also been done by children in Social Media like chat with friends,
video call with her parents, share opinion in social media, and get more
information about daily life and something new in day. Social has many
advantages when the children used it properly. However, social media which is
now has bad impact for children such as: spend too much time, apathetic,
endangerous ourselves, share hoax news, and a place for sara,racism, and
blasphemy either to one another or to the head of state.

Many children are misuse social media. They can’t control self when using
social media. They can’t control time when using a social media so they cant’t
interact and socialize with friend in their villlages and cities. Daily life the
children just about social media social media and social media. If all of the
children already addicted with the social media maybe negative effect from the
social media more and more.

Next, social media being children far become a closer, But social media
also make children closer become far. The consequence is the children can share
the hoax news, and make social media a place to sara.racism, and blasphemy
either, because children be a closer people and they ignores the consequence of
their actions. The parents have difficulty controlling because they become a
closed person.
Therefore, children must be use social media wisely. I believe that when
the children use the social media is very wisely, they will be easier to set and
more wise inside share news. And the last always include the source when share

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