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Klarence V.


A12-07 October 27, 2017


The film “Swiss Army Man” which starred Daniel Radcliffe and Paul Dano and was
directed by Daniel Kwan and Daniel Scheinert was confusing and was very uncomfortable
to watch but it was clever, creative and really leaves an impression to the viewers. Dano
and Radcliffe’s characters


There was a lot of scenes in the movie that used casual/informal speech style one
of these scenes is when Manny (Daniel Radcliffe) was trying to remember what home
was with the help of Hank (Paul Dano), in this scene Hank was explaining, casually talking
about what home felt and looks like. Hank even took the effort to make a role play about
what home is for Manny. Another scene was when Hank and Manny were talking about
Sarah, the girl that Hank has took interest on. They were talking about ways on how Hank
should talk to Sarah if ever he has the chance and this became their motivation to really
find their way back to their home. During the whole movie, the speech style that was
frequently used was casual because the whole movie just revolved between the blooming
friendship of Hank and Manny and their journey on the way to finding their home.


There were a few scenes where the movie used intimate style of speech. One of
the scenes that used intimate speech style is when Manny was crying because he found
out that Hank was hiding his fart from him and he thought that if Hank could hide that from
him then Hank can still hide a lot of things from him. Another scene was when they were
talking about how Hank feels about Sarah and what he feels whenever he would see her
in the bus he rides. Lastly, there was a scene near the ending where Hank was trying to
wake Hank up from being dead because he felt like he was the only person who could
truly understand him and he doesn’t want Manny to be stuck in a morgue. He told Manny
that he would bring him back to the sea so he could be free and he thanked him for helping
him and doing his purpose on the way home which was bringing out the best out of him.

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