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Red flags for Parkinson’s Disease

Criteria Yes No
Limited or no dopaminergic response
Early postural instability/falls
Rapid progression (Wheelchair sign)
Lower body parkinsonism
Supranuclear gaze palsy/saccade abnormalities
Early or severe autonomic features
Cerebellar signs
Early prominent dysphagia/dysarthria
Lower motor neuron/pyramidal signs
Ideomotor apraxia, aphasia, or sensory neglect
Early hallucination unrelated to treatment
Early cortical or severe frontal dementia
Dementia with Lewy Bodies IV criteria

Dementia (executive function/attention, visuospatial)

Criteria Yes No
Core Features
Visual hallucinations/delusions
REM behavior disorder
Indicative biomarkers
+REM by polysomnogram
McKeith et al., Neurology 2017

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