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Vince Michael D.

Del Valle November 14, 2019

CWTS – B23 2019102158

Blackboard Activity 1

Chapter 4: Groups

1. Being part of a group, what has been your significant contribution(s)?

Having been part of a group, I could say that my most significant contribution would be the kind
of work I submit. There may be times when the deadline is close and I haven’t finished my part,
this would be because I don’t just put random answers or put whatever just to have an answer
to the problem. I concisely think of the best answer to the question, and it may be slow, but
that’s better than sacrificing the quality of the work I submit.

2. With your significant contribution(s) of being part of a group how did it contribute to your
personal growth and development?
With my significant contribution, it made me grow more since before I was the kind of student
who would put any answer to the question as long as there is something to pass, without even
thinking if its correct or if I could make it better, or if it did in fact answer the question. It also
improved my patience, because coming up with the best answer to the question isn’t something
that happens quickly, it does sometimes but most times it takes a while to come up with the
best answer.

3. How do you show appreciation to the contribution(s) of each member in a group?

When each member contributes to the group, I usually thank them for giving their contribution,
and give words of affirmation to them when they did a great job, but if they didn’t then I would
just give them points on where to improve on, although I ask them about this first before giving
points, since it makes me look like a boastful person and a know-it-all, which I’m not.

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