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vocabulary worksheet 3.128

All the words for this activity come from the podcast
Fear of flying

1 Look through the transcript and find the words which have these meanings.
These words are in the order they appear.

a changing direction suddenly and _____________________

violently (adj)

b frightened of something or afraid that _____________________

something bad might happen (adj)

c to give somebody food or drink (verb) _____________________

d (especially of liquid) to flow over the _____________________

edge of a container by accident (verb)

e to make somebody or something become _____________________

quiet and more relaxed, especially after
strong emotion or excitement (verb)

f the kitchen on a ship or plane (n) _____________________

g what you do, say or think as a result of

something that has happened (n)

h done carefully and with a lot of attention _____________________

to detail (adj)

i to make a claim against somebody in _____________________

court about something that they have said
or done to harm you (verb)

j being over careful about what you say or _____________________

do, especially to avoid danger or mistakes;
not taking any risks at all (adj)

k to say or do something that makes _____________________

somebody less frightened or worried (verb)

l to teach a person or an animal the skills _____________________

for a particular job or activity (verb)

2 Write some sentences with any of the words that are new to you.

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answers 3.128

1 a turbulent
b scared
c serve
d to spill (spilling)
e to calm down (calmed down)
f galley
g reaction
h rigorous
i to sue (suing)
j overcautious
k to reassure
l to train (trained)


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