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Compositions for the Organ, ALEX. GUILMAN CAMILLE SAINT-SAENS, (ome or aoe Cx, Pia) oe (Ome or rat Mase, Pam) EDITED, REVISED, AND RECISTRATION INDICATED WITH REFEKENCE TO THE NOMENCLATURE OF ENGLISH AND AMERICAN ORGANS, SAMUEL P. WARREN, ‘Organist of Grace Church, Now-York, ALEX. ou ILMANT, = ADORATION... seen mma} : = {SRE ees $M enone ies 2 apa cot oro HEERPRIPAS TEE MENS, San owe SE THE PRACTICAL @RGANIST. a hael ie FuNbaae ena ERRABIIQUE f° ‘A Galeton of Pieces of Medium Didialty, for Organ Pada ad ‘itua) or Harmoniem, by A Oulimaat. 9 SONATA, Nos 1D einor, Op i= 2 mi] ELEVATION, F major.) 7 sap ane = Staci ori 3c Bani “ts 1B ir SAEs ete ap MON [P| a Mo axis ie owe ss musoeero Soe Joone | | SPREE acai Ee iS orrmetonr oalres (a egicers | ae ar ad maj.) pcnaterniied F PRELODE em oe se EBEABREA mn rit ety te Ee) | et BRCM ie ds, SelPRELUDE or INTERLVDE. oP mee) tome | oma sana finer seDrraTios. : me snocnsowt Mac Secon steorraTiog Euevarion enrice sit oe aise 2 concen piece sce} moons romiuoe ead heme, Variations, and Finale) o oe STROPHE ("Is sormne want 2 imo “a et faa mae) es 1 ora 2 imme — Ione CAMILLE_SAINT-SAENS. G major} $1. TS RMAPSODIE, No. x in E major Baa major (B50. case at major Yasar we aioe. . ELEVATION OR COMMUNION, mE majo. Im ordering, please be particular to epecity “mock” or “umber.” NEW-YORK: G. SCHIRMER. FIRST SONATA. FOR THE ORGAN. ALEX, GUILMANT. 0p.42. Full, excepting 16ft. and Mixtures. f= Foundation Stops, excepting 164%. g¢— Full Org, (all Manuals coupled) Soft stops of @ and 4ft. p =16 & Bit. Foundation Stops. f= Full with reeds, Great coupler. REGISTRATION INTRODUCTION, Largo © macstoso. dase) MANUAL, PEDAL. Allegro. (d= 08) 10 Ped.ff Ped. & Gt. 12 Tempo. \ \ Pit animato. rr PASTORALE. (SWELL: Hautboy=Bassoon (with St. Dia., Flute or other Bf. tone ad li.) CHOIR : Harmonic Flute (or Melodia) 8ft. and Clarionet. GREAT : Stopped Diapason and Gamba (Swell coupler.) PEDAL: Bourdons 16 and @ft. and Violoncello aft. And’? quast Allegreio, (dm 9e) REGISTRATION. MANUAL ea PEDAL. (oft clartonet ch.) 16 Gt. off sw: coupten| “aT Hautboy Se: draw] Vox Humana, St Dia, and Tremulant. 17 tt (Ch. ctarfonet) mh. (Flute, FINALE. SWELL: Full @ and 4ft. with Reeds. \GREAT: —_p — Foundation Stops 16, 8. and 4ft. REGISTRATION. Jf =Trumpet 8 and Clarion ft. (without Mixtures) coupled to Sw. and Ch. CHOIR: 16, 8 and 4ft. Foundation Stops. PEDAL: — p-(32) 46, 8, and Aft. gf-Reeds, coupled to Great. AMlegro assai. (J = 128) EtteE es? F at MANUAL, PEDAL. 1875 22 (oft Reeds, ad lib, 24 $875 ae This F may he tukenty the Teft hand on the Manual, an octave lower than writen. se78 (Open Sw. Pea. fF and i771 7m Tit. (Gt. Reeds.) aL I? Tempo.

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